Vegetable growing

Potato planters for the Neva walk-behind tractor
What is a potato planter for the Neva walk-behind tractor? What is the principle of its work and where did it find its application today?
Potato hilling methods
To improve crop yields, you need to use proven agricultural technologies. Learn what potato hilling is and what methods are there.
How to choose green manure for potatoes
What are green fertilizers, how to choose green manures for potatoes and the peculiarities of their sowing, planting potatoes when using green manures.
Characteristics of Lorkh potatoes
Lorkh potatoes belong to the category of medium late tuberous. Its unique taste and versatility make it popular in all regions.
Description of early potato varieties
Characteristics of the most common early potato varieties of local and foreign selection, their advantages and disadvantages.
Growing cucumbers in the Moscow region
Features of growing cucumbers in the open field in the Moscow region? When to plant, which varieties are best to choose and how to care for the planting?

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