Vegetable growing

Interesting Melon Pumpkin Facts
How interesting is the Melon pumpkin for gardeners? How to plant this species correctly and what you need to know about care?
Which pumpkin is recognized as the largest in the world
How much does the largest pumpkin in the world weigh? Who is its creator? Other records for growing vegetables. Is it ok to eat giant pumpkins?
Pumpkin in the diet during pregnancy
Can you eat pumpkin during pregnancy? Rules for the use of vegetables. Contraindications for use. Can you eat seeds?
Growing Pumpkin Spaghetti
Useful properties of Spaghetti pumpkin. Vegetable growing rules. Diseases and pests that the variety is susceptible to. Reviews of gardeners.
Useful properties of pumpkin flour
Pumpkin flour has a rich composition and useful properties. What is the cooking method? How to apply?
Rules for growing zucchini seedlings
Zucchini seedlings require special care and growing conditions. Preparation and germination of seeds, planting in a garden, care. Difficulty growing.

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