Rules for planting potatoes under a shovel

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Planting potatoes under a shovel is not used in the industrial field, but for the gardener's own purposes. Most often, this method is used to properly plant a vegetable in a personal plot. This method is fast and simple. It is believed to be the basic method of disembarkation. It is used in all countries of the world. But, what will be the scheme and how to do everything right?

Rules for planting potatoes under a shovel

Rules for planting potatoes under a shovel

The principle of planting potatoes

Planting root vegetables is quite simple. This does not require special knowledge. First of all, you should prepare the soil from autumn time. It should be plowed and planted in the spring.

Quite often the question is how to plant potatoes under a shovel. If you are going to plant root vegetables by hand, then there are some must-know rules. Without their implementation, it is impossible to achieve a good yield. It is important to pay attention to the distance between the rows and the processing of the tubers.

Site preparation

First of all, you should pay attention to the condition of the soil. It should be ideal for growing vegetables on it. First of all, the area should be small. The bottom line is that when planting potatoes in the "shovel" way, you will need good physical preparation, and a lot of time.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the site should be well illuminated by the sun's rays. Also choose areas where there is no groundwater, because they will contribute to stagnant water and a decrease in yield. Do not forget about fertilizing the soil. Fertilizers are used only from organic materials. Chicken humus or manure with the addition of wood ash, which has been quail, is best suited. If you need to improve the result, then you can use compost.

There are several methods of soil preparation.

  1. In this case, the soil is dug up manually using a bayonet shovel. At the same time, you need to pick all the weeds from the ground. Organic fertilizers should also be applied. It is recommended to add no more than 30 g of potassium phosphate to 5 kg of manure. In the spring, potatoes are planted under a shovel.
  2. In the fall, green manure crops should be planted throughout the site. After that, in the spring everything is mowed down and buried by hand into the ground. As soon as the crops start to rot, they will fertilize the soil, which will allow you to plant roots with a shovel in 2 weeks.

Seed treatment scheme

Many inexperienced gardeners are wondering how to plant potatoes under a shovel? First of all, you should know that it is important to process the planting materials correctly. Several basic methods are used for this.

This method consists in processing with "Gibberelin". As soon as you decide to plant potatoes, 3 days before that, you need to process each root crop with this solution. It is prepared correctly as follows: 10 ml of the chemical should be poured into 2 liters of water. It is believed that after that your yield will increase by 3 times.

Ferric chloride should be sprayed on seeds to protect against scab.If such actions are not taken, then you can reduce the harvest, and its shelf life. Succinic acid improves taste. Wood ash can increase starch levels and nourish the roots.

Before you go to the garden, which is intended for planting potatoes under a shovel, you need to carefully consider each fruit. Care should be taken to ensure that there is no damage or disease. Experienced gardeners are convinced that large seeds should not be planted. It is allowed to cut them into two parts, after which they need to be germinated so that small sprouts appear.

Types of shovel landing

There are several ways to plant

There are several ways to plant

There are options for planting potatoes in various ways:

  • under a shovel;
  • special mechanisms.

Most people have such small garden plots that it is very difficult for a car to drive there. Therefore, they decide to plant crops on their own, with their own hands. Several methods are used for this:

  • absolute fit;
  • landing on the beds;
  • landing on the ridges.

Continuous landing has its own disadvantages. They consist in the fact that further processing becomes difficult. The tops of the potatoes begin to overlap with each other, which entails difficulties in care. Cultivating is not a good idea if your soil is fairly dense, so you should keep the correct row spacing. It must be at least 80 cm.

It is important to remember that planting on beds or ridges should only be carried out from the southern part of your garden. Care should be taken to ensure that the entire earth is loose and moist enough. This is necessary so that she can warm up under the sun's rays in the spring.

There is nothing complicated in this landing. First of all, you should outline straight stripes so that all the beds are even. There should be a distance of 70 cm between the rows, and a distance of 40 cm should be adhered to between the holes. But the marking of the rows should be carried out from the north side to the south.

Remember that we only plant potatoes together. More people are possible, but not less. 1 person should walk with a shovel and dig holes. The rest must throw processed seeds at them. Also, special organic fertilizers and pest protection must be added to each hole. As soon as you dig the second hole, you need to cover the previous one with soil.

Actions after landing

In order to get a high-quality and clean crop that will not affect your health, you should use only pure organic fertilizers. It is recommended to use only wood ash or manure. But, you must remember that it is important to control the amount of chemicals, because an excess of them can harm the tops.

Cultivation should include several stages. The first is hilling, and the second is loosening. The first stage should be carried out after 2 weeks. Small holes should be made between the rows so that it is better to water the roots. But, pay attention to the fact that the distance between the rows should be at least 40 cm.And the second is carried out after the tops reach a height of 40 cm.

Watering should be done only a few times. The first watering should be done when the first shoots are just beginning to show. The second watering should be set at the moment when the buds are just beginning to show. But the third - after flowering.

Colorado beetles are recommended to be cleaned by yourself, with your own hands. But pests need to be removed with special folk remedies. Harvesting should only be done during dry weather. Moreover, it is important to wait until the tops are dry and completely lean against the ground.

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