Useful and harmful properties of potato juice

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Not everyone knows about the magical properties of potatoes, considering it a very common product intended solely for eating. However, potato juice is also a useful medicine, an effective cosmetic and prophylactic agent. Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties and contraindications of potato juice.

Useful and harmful properties of potato juice

Useful and harmful properties of potato juice


The beneficial properties of potato juice are based on the characteristics of its composition, which is rich in vitamins and trace elements we need. Potatoes contain a large supply of vitamin C, which is necessary for the effective functioning of the immune and circulatory systems. This vegetable is an excellent source of vitamin B6, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and nervous system.

The product also contains vitamins A, E, PP. All these substances help fight the negative effects of free radicals, preventing cancer and slowing down the aging of the body. Of the mineral elements, this product contains: potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, manganese, sodium and others. Useful substances nourish our body, help build proteins, improve metabolism, remove toxins and excess fluid.

Juice benefits

Why is potato juice useful in comparison to dishes made from potatoes? No one will eat this vegetable raw, and not all vitamins and nutrients are preserved during heat treatment. In addition, some vitamins are completely soluble in water when potatoes are boiled.

A useful feature of potato juice is that you can drink it fresh - if not as a tasty drink, but at least as a necessary medicine. In addition, the taste of the juice can be improved by mixing it with other healthy juices (for example, carrot, pumpkin or beetroot).

However, it should be remembered that the properties of potato juice do not persist for a long time due to oxidation, so it should be drunk freshly squeezed, after waiting only a couple of minutes for the donkey to starch.

For internal use

Helps the stomach and intestines

Helps the stomach and intestines

Potato juice is beneficial in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines, in particular - ulcers, heartburn, gastritis. Its use helps to reduce acidity and significantly reduce soreness. Potato juice helps cleanse the body and removes excess fluid, which is good for both health and weight loss. At the same time, the liver is well relieved and edema is removed (which is especially important for women during pregnancy).

Freshly squeezed potato juice is recommended to lower blood pressure and treat gallbladder diseases. It is advised to take it to women who have uterine fibroids. It is believed that the cleansing and protective properties of potato juice help significantly improve the well-being of patients with radiation sickness. In addition, this remedy is also recommended to be taken by healthy people - to prevent diseases and increase immunity.

For external use

First of all, the external use of this agent is indicated for burns, wounds, dermatological rashes. Freshly squeezed juice cleanses the damaged area, prevents inflammation and promotes early healing. Traditional medicine recommends using this remedy for rinsing the mouth for inflammation of the gums, toothache, caries. In addition, for colds and for the prevention of such, you can gargle with potato juice.

What is the use of this product for beauty and cosmetology? First of all, it should be noted the beneficial effect of potato juice on the structure and appearance of our skin. Masks, compresses and rubdowns help soften and cleanse the skin, prevent and eliminate wrinkles, restore elasticity and smoothness. With this tool, you can effectively whiten the skin and get rid of dark spots under the eyes. In addition, potato juice is successfully used in the manufacture of hair and nail masks.


Can fresh potatoes harm our body? First of all, this happens when green or sprouted potatoes, which contain an increased level of solanine, are used to prepare the medicine. (Particularly severe contraindications to this substance apply to pregnant women and young children.)

You should not use potatoes that are stored for a long time in a warm and lighted place - wrinkled peel, green areas, sprouts and "eyes" will become indicators of unsuitability.

As a last resort, trim the skin and green areas of the tuber very thickly.

Contraindications to the use of this remedy refer to diseases such as gastritis with low acidity and diabetes mellitus. Overuse of potato medicine can harm the body, especially the stomach. In case of any diseases, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the prescribed dose and before starting treatment, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

How to cook

Healing fresh must be prepared from pink-red potatoes, which contain the greatest amount of nutrients. This kind of treatment makes sense only in the period from July to February (or better - until September), until the potatoes become too old and germinated. Tubers with smooth skin and without the slightest hint of sprouts can not be peeled, but only washed well.

You can cook fresh juice using a juicer or a regular grater and cheesecloth folded several times (rub the potatoes, and then squeeze the juice through the cheesecloth). Pour freshly squeezed juice into a glass and leave for one or two minutes, and then drink. If you leave fresh potato for a long time without use, it loses its beneficial qualities and can harm the body (up to indigestion and poisoning).


  1. This remedy is advised to be taken with gastritis (provided that the acidity is increased), as well as with stomach ulcers. You need to drink it on an empty stomach, half an hour before eating. It is recommended to start with a small portion - one tablespoon, gradually increasing the amount of the medicine to half a glass. With gastritis, you need to drink it for at least ten days, and then take a break for ten days (in total, it may take up to four courses). With a stomach ulcer, take the medicine for twenty days in a row, and then take a break for ten days and repeat the course.
  2. With migraines and constipation, potato fresh is drunk once - in the morning on an empty stomach, in a portion of two hundred grams. With increased pressure, it is recommended to drink on an empty stomach a two-hundred-gram portion of a potato-pumpkin cocktail. With uterine myoma, it is advised to drink a potato remedy for six months - one hundred grams every morning.
  3. In case of stress, insomnia and nervous tension, it is recommended to consume a cocktail of potato, carrot and celery juices, mixed in equal proportions.
  4. It should be remembered that during the period of treatment with potato juice, it is better to refrain from meat, fish and other protein foods. A vegetarian lifestyle will greatly increase your chances of recovery.
  5. It is better to drink potato juice through a straw, like a real cocktail. In this case, its effect on tooth enamel will be minimal.
  6. It is advisable to prepare for the course of treatment with this remedy in advance. Alcoholic and carbonated drinks, strong coffee, meat, fish and semi-finished products should be excluded from the diet. Eat plenty of cereals, vegetables and dairy products.
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