Characteristics of the potato variety Vector

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Potatoes are one of the most commonly used vegetables, without which it is impossible to imagine a normal diet. Amateur gardeners and large agricultural producers are looking for varieties for cultivation that would have good commercial and taste characteristics, as well as high-yielding. These include the Vector potato variety. This variety is a table variety, has good consumer qualities. Suitable for cooking whole potatoes, as they have a low digestibility. Growing potatoes Vector will not be difficult, since it quickly adapts to weather conditions and soil, and is drought-resistant.

Characteristics of the potato variety Vector

Characteristics of the potato variety Vector

Features of the variety

Potatoes Vector - medium late, the period from the moment of planting to the formation of root crops averages 110 days. The yield varies within 250-540 kg / ha.

Under favorable weather conditions, it can reach 670 c / ha. The level of marketability is very high - an average of 95%. During storage, the volume of waste is usually less than 5%.


The bushes of this variety are straight, low, but at the same time they do not tolerate excessive density. The leaves are small, dark green in color.

The flowers are large, purple in color. One bush usually grows from 10 to 15 inflorescences.


Root crops are medium in size, and round or oval in shape, with small eyes. The average weight of one potato is 120 g. The peel of the tubers is dense, brown in color with a red tint.

The pulp is firm, but juicy, light yellow in color. One root vegetable contains up to 20% starch. During heat treatment, the pulp does not darken. Absorbs nitrates in very small doses.

Advantages and disadvantages

The description of the Vector potato variety is similar to other varieties of this culture, but this type is loved by many farmers because of its merits. These include:

  • good taste;
  • high productivity;
  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions;
  • quick adaptability to environmental conditions;
  • storage duration;
  • rapid appearance of the crop in the first half of the growing season.

Another advantage of the variety is its resistance to common diseases of nightshade crops. Such diseases include: potato nematode, ditylenkhoz, alternaria, late blight. It also does not respond to viruses that infect roots and tubers.

It is also important that this variety is ideal for industrial processing. Chips are made from it, starch and alcohol are produced, and also used as feed for livestock and poultry. There were no drawbacks in the general characteristics of the Vector potato variety.

Planting potatoes

Tubers must be germinated before planting

Tubers must be germinated before planting

The plant should be planted in early May. At the time of planting, the ground should be warmed up to 10 cm deep. The optimum soil temperature is 10ºC.Before planting, the tubers should be treated and the soil prepared in accordance with all agrotechnical conditions.

Future yield largely depends on the selected planting material. It is better to select root crops for planting in the fall after harvest. Experts advise taking large and healthy tubers, weighing an average of 80 g. The selected material must be stored in a bright place so that it turns green. This will help keep it longer.

At the end of winter, the seed must be checked. The formed sprouts must be cut off. Place the tubers in a well-lit area 30-40 days before planting, where the temperature will not exceed 15 ºC. When sprouts appear on the potato 1 cm in length, then it can be planted in the ground. If the sprouts have grown ahead of time, then just hide them for a while in a dark place.

Soil preparation

The most suitable for planting root crops will be a light area. The acidity level of the soil should not be overstated, the hydrogen content at 5 pH will be ideal. Also, the soil should be light, since tubers grow poorly in heavy soil due to poor air penetration. Particular attention should be paid to humidity, since with an increased rate, the planting material begins to rot.

The soil for planting is also prepared in the fall. It must be carefully dug up so that the bottom layer of soil is on the surface. The depth should reach about 30 cm. Weeds should be removed and the soil should be fertilized. For this, humus and wood ash are used. For each m2, add 3 kg of the first and 100 g of the second substance. The most suitable are loamy and sandy soils, as well as black soil.

Planting rules

Before planting, the soil must be moistened. The depth of the hole varies depending on the type and composition of the soil.

If the soil is clay, then it is enough to dig a hole up to 5 cm deep. If the soil mainly consists of sand, then the size of the hole should be at least 10 cm. There are 2 planting methods: in the holes and the ridge method. The first method is used with light soil, and the second - with dense soil.

If you grow potatoes in holes, then before placing the planting material, you need to throw some wood ash there. The distance between the pits should be approximately 30 cm. The rows should be at least 70 cm apart. If a ridge planting is carried out, then with the help of a cultivator, ridges are cut, which should be 10 cm in height and 60 cm in width. You need to immerse the tubers to a depth of 6 to 10 cm.

Care features

The plant must be loosened regularly.

The plant must be loosened regularly.

Despite the fact that the Vector potato variety is unpretentious to growing conditions, it is necessary to adhere to some rules for caring for this variety in order to get a high-quality harvest. You need to start caring for the plant from the moment of planting. It is important that the tubers are provided with air. To do this, you need to periodically loosen the ground and remove weeds.

For the first time after planting, a rake can be used to loosen the soil. But after the sprouts appear, the beds should be loosened after moistening the soil. Do not allow the top layer of the earth to harden. Other important aspects of crop care are watering, weeding, fertilizing the soil, treating insects and preventing disease.


Until buds begin to form on the bushes, the plant does not need to be watered. But after their appearance, the potatoes need constant moisture. It is important to know that this culture cannot be constantly flooded with water. It is only necessary to moisten the ground when it dries out to about 7 cm.

The best time to water is in the evening. Each bush needs 2.5 liters of water. In summer, during the hot period, the potatoes need to be watered on average 4 times during the growing season. After this procedure, it is recommended to loosen the soil.


Manure or chicken droppings are usually used as fertilizers.

If the bushes do not grow well, then you can feed them with minerals. It is very important that a nutrient balance is maintained in the soil. Therefore, before applying any fertilizers, you need to calculate the amount of nutrients already available in the soil and those that you applied before planting.

If the amount of fertilizer exceeds the norm, then additional feeding is not required. Over-saturation of potatoes with fertilizers will lead to a deterioration in their quality. If, in the presence of the necessary organic substances, the bushes still develop poorly, then the problem may be associated with diseases or pests.

Pest control

The Vector variety is resistant to many diseases, but it can suffer from insect pests.

The most common pest is the Colorado potato beetle. There are several ways to deal with it, both with the help of special preparations and with the help of alternative methods.

Specialist gardeners advise cultivating the land with wood ash, which drives away insects. Another good option is to grow calendula, beans, or beans between the potatoes. Some owners plant individual roots in a few weeks before the mass planting of tubers. And when early shoots appear, and beetles fly to them, the bushes are simply removed along with the pests.


The Vector potato variety has many advantages that attract farmers and mass producers. It will not be difficult to grow it, and as a result, high and high-quality yields are obtained. The fruits have excellent taste, so they can be used for the preparation of any dishes, as well as used in the food industry.

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