Description of potato Triumph

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If you are a true connoisseur of potatoes, then you will be delighted to appreciate Triumph potatoes. This potato does not require any special care, so it is quite easy to grow it. But, at the same time, it gives a great harvest. This potato variety ripens early and has a unique flavor. It is for this reason that all gardeners and gardeners appreciate it. You will be satisfied with the yield of this root crop, regardless of the region of your residence.

Description of potato Triumph

Description of potato Triumph

Characteristics of the variety

The triumph was brought out by breeders in Russia. Despite the fact that this potato showed good results during the tests, it has not been entered into the country's register until today.

During trials, it has been proven that yields will be higher if the soil is light and fertile. This potato variety perfectly tolerates temperature changes and can produce crops even during short-term droughts.

If you grow Triumph in areas with warm climatic conditions, then you can harvest 2 times a year. It can be used not only for industrial purposes, but also for your own use. Due to its commercial qualities, it is perfect for sale and will bring big profits.

It is believed that Triumph is a table root vegetable. It ripens quite quickly, and its vegetation period is only 2 months. The yield of this potato is striking in its high level. It has been proven that 500 kg of fruit can be harvested from 1 hectare. It can be stored for a long time, during which it will not lose its taste and appearance. Perfectly transfers transportation over long distances.

Description of the plant

The description of the plant is noteworthy. The bush does not spread much over the site, which makes harvesting easier. Green tops are present in moderation. White flowers form on the corolla, but the berries may not appear at all.

The root system of the Triumph variety is large. One bush can contain up to 30 fruits. If you follow all the rules of care, then the tubers can be more than 40.

Description of the fetus

Potatoes do not have pronounced external flaws. Root crops with an ugly appearance are very rare. The only problem is that you cannot harvest seeds from this potato. You will have to buy seed again.

This potato variety tastes good and does not contain a lot of water. The pulp has a creamy appearance that does not lose its hue when cooked or peeled. It is also ideal to make potato chips from the harvested root vegetables. It can be used to make soups or to fry it. If you make mashed potatoes from it, then it will turn out to be a pleasant yellow hue.

Advantages and disadvantages

Large yield with careful watering

Large yield with careful watering

The characteristics of this species show that it has the following advantages:

  • has high taste;
  • can be used in all spheres of human life;
  • every year gives a high level of yield;
  • It does not require special care;
  • subject to long-term storage, in which it does not lose its positive commercial qualities;
  • this variety is not affected by any parasites or diseases.

The only drawback is that these potatoes need a lot of water to keep the soil moist at all times.

Growing rules

Before planting roots, they should be processed. First you need to select the necessary materials and pickle with special chemicals. After that, they should be germinated at a certain temperature, which should be no more than 12 ° C. Once the sprouts reach the 3 cm mark, they can be planted in the ground.

If you need to propagate potatoes with seeds, then it is best to use special containers. Seeds should be soaked in advance and treated with growth enhancers. You do not need to dive seedlings. The soil should be chosen sandy. It should be light and carry oxygen well. First, you need to loosen it, and select all the weeds that can cause the growth of bacteria, and become a source of insect pests.

In order to increase the yield, organic fertilizers should be added to the soil. It can be either old humus or wood ash. It is recommended to plant seedlings or root crops at the moment when the soil reaches the optimal temperature regime, which is 10 ° C. A distance of 25-35 cm should be adhered to between the bushes. But between the rows there should be a distance of 50 cm. Since this type of potato depends on the level of moisture in the ground, it is necessary to install drip irrigation. If this is not possible, then ordinary watering can be used. The main thing is that it saturates the soil to a depth of 60 cm. In principle, root crops can tolerate drought. But in order to increase the amount of the crop, such extreme conditions should be avoided.

Do not forget that constant hilling of rows is required. Top dressing consists of two stages. The first is root feeding, and the second is foliar feeding. To do this, you can use special ready-made mixtures, or dilute bird droppings in water. You should not use nitrogen fertilizers often, as they will contribute to the formation of nitrates. Before you start harvesting, you should remove all the tops. This will facilitate harvesting and saturate the tubers. Before sending the crop for storage, it should be dried. This will reduce the likelihood of rapid decay.

Diseases and parasites

All negative factors such as insects and pests cannot affect this type of plant. He is resistant to all negative manifestations from the outside. Due to the fact that it ripens quickly, late blight does not have time to manifest itself. In order to reduce the risk of illness during a major epidemic, substances containing copper should be used.

This type of potato is not affected by Colorado beetles. But, he may well be exposed to the wireworm. Therefore, experts recommend changing the planting field every year. It is best if cabbage, beans or field medicinal herbs grew on this soil before. Also, do not forget that soil treatment with disinfectants is required before planting.


Triumph has been gaining popularity over the years among a large number of horticultural or horticultural professionals. If you provide him with high-quality and proper care, he will amaze you with the amount of the harvested crop, and the taste - this is evidenced by the description of the variety.

There has never been such a person who would remain indifferent to this root crop. An important advantage of this variety over others is that it can be planted in several ways. You can plant it as tubers or use ordinary seeds.

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