Vegetable growing

Characteristics of the Japanese Dwarf tomato variety
The Japanese Dwarf tomato is an early high-yielding variety. This nightshade is unpretentious to growing conditions and practically does not require special care.
Characteristics of Chudo tomatoes
What are the features of tomatoes of the varietal variety Miracle, what you need to know about the rules for caring for this type of plant in order to get a high yield?
When to plant cucumber seedlings for the greenhouse
When and how to plant cucumber seedlings for a greenhouse, what you need to know about caring for seedlings, how to water and how to feed young shoots?
Characteristics of the variety of tomatoes Miracle Walford
What is the peculiarity of the Miracle Walford tomato variety, how to properly care for such a plant and what you need to know about it in order to get a generous harvest.
Description of the flowering of female and male cucumbers
How does the flowering of cucumbers occur in male and female cultures? How does it differ and what similarities are characteristic for it?
Characteristics of tomatoes of the South Zagar variety
Tomato variety Yuzhny Zagar belongs to the category of indeterminate species of nightshade. The highest yields are observed when grown in greenhouses.

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