Cucumber seeds for 2018

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Breeders are constantly developing new varieties of zelents. Therefore, gardeners are interested in which cucumber seeds for 2018 will be the most popular.

Cucumber seeds

Cucumber seeds

Yield level, crop resistance to diseases, taste characteristics should be considered when choosing new products on the seed market.

Balcony miracle F1

This is a hybrid variety. It is parthenocarpic. Early ripe - the first fruits can be harvested 1.5 months after the first shoots appear. Grown on glazed balconies, loggias with heating, in shelters protected with a film.

The bush is small, does not take up much space. The stem is thin, the leaves are narrow. Has a powerful root system. The internodes are short. The formation of many ovaries is characteristic - up to 30 pieces.

Fruits are small, gherkin type. Their length is about 8 cm, weight is on average 70 g. The skin is rich green. The shape is cylindrical. They have small tubercles. Taste quality is high - crispy, sweetish, without bitterness. The aroma is pleasant. Eaten fresh and processed - suitable for salads and salting.

Advantages of the variety:

  • high yield - with proper care, one bush can bring 9-10 kg of fruit;
  • tolerates droughts, can grow in the shade;
  • has resistance to diseases such as powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic;
  • self-pollination.

General's F1

An early ripe hybrid. It is self-pollinated (parthenocarpic). Superbeam type - tends to form many ovaries (10-12 pieces). Cultivated in open and protected ground.

The bush branches well. The plant itself regulates this process - with a high load of fruits of the main stem, the lateral shoots grow slowly. When the cucumbers are harvested, shoot development begins. The culture is vigorous. The flowers are female.

The fruits are small gherkins. Reaches 10-12 cm in length. The shape is oblong. The color is bright green, the skin is shiny, smooth. They have large tubercles with an average frequency of placement. The taste is sweetish, dense and crunchy inside. They are salted and consumed fresh in salads.

Positive characteristics of the hybrid:

  1. High yield due to super-bunching.
  2. Adapts to any environmental conditions. It is cold-resistant, therefore it bears fruit for a long time (until late autumn).
  3. Shade tolerant.
  4. Has genetic resistance to almost all diseases.
  5. Does not require pinching due to self-regulation of branching.

Everyone is the envy of F1

One of the best new products on the market. Grown in open areas and greenhouses. Can also be cultivated on the balcony. Self-pollinated, early maturing variety.

The plant is characterized by rapid growth of the main and lateral stems. 3-6 ovaries are formed in the bunch, maybe more. The period of vegetative development is 45-48 days.

Cucumbers of the correct cylindrical shape, neat. Length is about 9-12 cm, weight - 80-100 g. Bright green color. They have large white thorns. The pulp is juicy, dense, there is no bitterness. Crispy greens are great for preservation.

The advantages of the variety:

  • high-yielding - with good care, the hybrid is capable of producing from 10 to 40 kg of cucumbers per 1 sq. m;
  • practically not exposed to such diseases as olive spot, cucumber mosaic, root rot, powdery mildew;
  • presentation of fruits, excellent transportability;
  • the duration of fruiting - from July to October;
  • cost-effective in low light conditions.

It is important to consider when choosing this variety that the hybrid requires harvesting every 1-2 days.

Connie F1

We grow cucumbers

We grow cucumbers

One of the most recent hybrids on the market. Refers to early fruitful varieties. The fruits ripen in 47-50 days after full germination. Grown both in greenhouses and outdoors. Does not require insect pollination.

The stem is indeterminate (unlimited growth). It is thick and dense. Leaves are wrinkled, medium in size, regular in shape, crenate edge.

The fruits are cylindrical in shape. They have a small white fluff and frequent tubercles. Length - from 7 to 9 cm, weight - no more than 80 g. Crispy, juicy, aromatic cucumbers. They are consumed fresh, they make various kinds of preservation.

Advantages of the variety:

  1. If the harvest is late, the fruits do not outgrow and do not lose their presentable appearance.
  2. Easily tolerates drought, temperature changes.
  3. Unpretentious care.
  4. It is resistant to powdery mildew and root rot.
  5. Long fruiting period.

Mels F1

The new variety is distinguished by its very fast ripening. Already on the 36th day after the mass germination, you can taste ripe cucumbers. It is parthenocarpic. Grown in open and protected areas by seedling or sowing.

Many fruits are formed on cucumber lashes - each individual knot forms up to 8 ovaries. The fruits grow up to 10 cm in length, the skin is bright green with white thorns. The fruits are lumpy, have frequent white pubescence. Gherkins are characterized by a pleasant taste without bitterness. No voids are formed inside, dense, crunchy. Good for pickling.

Positive characteristics of the variety:

  • high yield - up to 400 cucumbers are harvested from one bush during the fruiting period;
  • insensitive to temperature changes;
  • resistant to various diseases;
  • It does not require special care;
  • high taste.

Courage F1

Early ripe hybrid - fruits ripen 38-44 days after germination. Self-pollinating - does not require bee pollination. Grown in greenhouses and hotbeds.

The plant is medium-sized, grows up to 3-3.5 m. Medium-branched stems, well leafy. On the main stem, up to 4 fruits are formed, on the lateral ones - up to 8. Leaves are green, smooth. Their size is average. The flowers are female.

Cucumbers are cylindrical, slightly ribbed. The maximum length is 18 cm, but it is necessary to harvest the fruits when their size reaches 10-11 cm. Weight 100-140 g. The color is dark green with white stripes up to two-thirds of the surface of the greenery. The tuberosity is frequent, the thorns are white. The inside is juicy and crispy. Cucumbers are preserved and eaten neat.

Advantages of the Kurazh F1 variety:

  • early ripening;
  • high-yielding (16-18 kg);
  • has resistance to diseases;
  • good taste characteristics;
  • presentable look.

Beam splendor F1

New variety of gherkin type. Begins to bear fruit quickly, especially if good lighting is provided. Does not require bee pollination. Grown in open areas of land, in greenhouses, greenhouses.

The stems of the plant are medium-branchy. The leaves are small. Has flowers of the female type. 7-8 fruits are formed in one ovary.

Cylindrical cucumbers with rounded edges. Length up to 11 cm. Coloring is bright green with light longitudinal stripes. White thorns. The inside is sweetish, juicy. Vegetables have a crunch that is not lost when preserved.

Advantages of the variety:

  • excellent yield - up to 400 fruits per season from one bush, in cold summer it is also profitable;
  • endurance - cucumbers tolerate sudden jumps in temperature, even a strong decrease in performance;
  • bears fruit for a long time;
  • has resistance to such diseases: powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic, brown spot.


When choosing a novelty, you need to familiarize yourself with the description of the variety. The choice should be made depending on the gardener's requirements for growing crops.

There are a lot of new varieties and hybrids. And over time, their number only increases. Breeders provide species with excellent properties.

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