Soil acidity for cucumbers

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The acidity of the soil for cucumbers plays an important role in the formation of plants. Only a healthy seedling will give the maximum yield of the highest quality. Failure to meet the requirements for the cultivation of this vegetable plant, an imbalance in the mineral composition and an excess of the value of the soil acidity index will certainly affect the final result. Consider which land is best for growing cucumbers.

Soil acidity for cucumbers

Soil acidity for cucumbers

How to determine the acidity of the soil

There are several ways to determine the acidity of the soil. To determine the quality indicator of pH at home, the following indicators are most often used:

  1. Litmus paper, which is an indicator for alkalis and acids. The principle of obtaining the results lies in the fact that a piece of paper with a reagent applied to it is immersed in water with soil for 3 seconds, and then the result is assessed according to the appropriate scale.
  2. Table vinegar. This substance can be poured over dry soil taken from the garden. If no reaction occurs, it means that the material is acidified. If weak bubbles appear on the surface, then this indicates that the earth is slightly acidic. Alkaline soil will show itself as a standard neutralization reaction.

You can also estimate the pH level using:

  1. Klychnikov's method, which is an analysis of the behavior of soil when interacting with ordinary chalk. This method makes it possible, without complicated manipulations, to make sure that the earth has a low pH value, that is, it is acidic or slightly acidic.
  2. Alamovsky's method. To carry out the analysis, the gardener will need to acquire an electronic device that can determine the desired indicator in a short time. The analysis can also be performed in a laboratory specializing in agricultural research. The procedure lasts only a minute, after which the result will appear on the scoreboard with a minimum error.

In the event that it is not possible to use the services of specialists, to purchase a dosimeter device or to carry out other studies with the help of improvised and chemical means, you can resort to the observation method.

Cucumbers will feel great where they grow:

  • bindweed;
  • cornflowers;
  • ferns;
  • wheatgrass;
  • burdocks.

In wet beds in early spring, you can also see coltsfoot and bird highlander. Beets are a good indicator of slightly acidic soil on the site. In this case, the tops of the root crop will be green with clear red veins.

If the soil is acidic, then it will produce excellent quality sorrel, and the tops of growing beets will be painted in a deep burgundy color. Lush bushes of plantain, cinquefoil and horsetail can also be seen on such land. The soil, the acidity index of which exceeds the mark of 4 units, has a rusty tint, and also crumbles in the hands.

Soil requirements

Cucumbers should be grown in areas with moderately acidic soil.Before sowing cucumber seeds, be sure to check the quality of the soil. Good quality soil should be lightweight and absorb water quickly and well. Also, the soil should not have silvery blotches or grains. The acidity of the soil most suitable for growing cucumbers should be in the range of 4.5-5 pH.

In high pH (alkaline) beds, cucumbers will not yield.

Decrease in acidity

The soil should be prepared for planting

The soil should be prepared for planting

Acidic soil, whether neutral or alkaline, is unsuitable for the cultivation of cucumbers. In order for the plant to be able to obtain proper development, and subsequently give the expected harvest, it should be introduced into the ground before the autumn digging:

  • a piece of chalk;
  • gypsum;
  • cement dust;
  • eggshell
  • dolomite flour.

Care must be taken to ensure that cow dung or humus is not introduced at the time of adding all of the above agents to the soil or shortly before that. If this requirement is violated, none of the substances will be beneficial.

During the autumn preparation of the beds, slaked lime or limestone can be added to reduce the acidity of the soil. The consumption rate of the neutralizing agent is 200-300 g per 1 sq. m. area. This operation can be performed after a year. Good results will also be obtained by adding wood or peat ash to the soil. These substances need to be laid in the beds in the fall. It should be remembered that the deoxidation of the earth takes a long time.

If for some reason, at the time of the autumn preparation of the site, this process was not carried out, then in the spring it is impossible to use dry lime and other substances containing calcium. In such a situation, you need to use liquid nitrogen fertilizers infusion of fresh cow dung, and lime at the end of the season.

The easiest and cheapest way to deacidify the site is to sow phacelia. This plant grows very quickly, so after 15 days it will be possible to dig up the ground along with the plants and sow the land again.

Increased acidity

In order to increase the acidity of the soil, you can use the method of planting useful predecessors. Capable of acidifying the soil:

  • potatoes;
  • cruciferous: mustard and rapeseed;
  • legumes: clover, alfalfa;
  • cereals: rye and barley.

The simplest green manure is sown before winter, and dug up in the spring. Such an action will not only help return the necessary qualities to the land, but also fertilize the site.

You can also increase the acidity of the soil with oxalic or citric acid. For 10 liters of liquid, you will need to add 60 g of the substance. The consumption rate of means for fighting a neutral or alkaline environment on the site is 10 liters per 1 sq. M.

You can also acidify the soil with a mixture of sulfur and peat. In order to process a square of soil, you will need 1.5 kg of peat and 100 g of sulfur. The best time to apply the product is late autumn. If there is no sulfur, then you can use pure peat, but then its amount should be increased to 3 kg.

Another natural component that allows you to raise the acidity of the earth is needles. It is brought in only after overheating. You can quickly increase the acidity of the soil with the help of rotted manure or the introduction of complex mineral fertilizers:

  • superphosphate;
  • magnesium sulfate;
  • ammonium sulfate or copper.

Also, gardeners often use pharmaceutical substances for acidification, aspirin and potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), as well as hydrochloric acid.


Cucumbers are a plant that needs constant care and fertile soil. The plant must be protected from the harmful effects of atmospheric phenomena and diseases, as well as often water and regularly feed with complex mineral fertilizers.

But all this work will be in vain if the earth is too acidic or alkaline. Knowing the peculiarities of the composition of the land, you can grow a healthy and high-quality crop.

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