Rules for soaking cucumber seeds

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Cucumbers are a vegetable crop that requires some care. Before planting in open ground or a greenhouse, you need to carry out a soaking procedure so that they germinate better and increase yields. In the article, we will tell you more about how to properly soak cucumber seeds.

Rules for soaking cucumber seeds

Rules for soaking cucumber seeds

Why you need to soak

Before planting, cucumber seeds must be soaked for the following reasons:

  • so cucumbers will show a higher yield;
  • to increase germination rates;
  • so that the seeds do not die in open ground conditions.
  • so that the planted material is not eaten by ground parasites.

Preparation for soaking

It is important to draw your attention to the fact that the seeds of cucumbers should be soaked correctly only after carrying out disinfecting measures and only before planting in the soil.

For the procedure, certain components should be prepared:

  1. A vessel into which the solution will be poured. You will need a wide plate or saucer with wide edges. Such vessels are necessary so that water or drug solution does not pour out of the dishes.
  2. Water. It is best to use melt water or spring water. If it is not possible to purchase such water, then it is allowed to use non-carbonated mineral water from the store.
  3. You need to prepare a gauze or rag.
  4. And, of course, planting material.

Rules of conduct

Follow the recommendations

Follow the recommendations

It is necessary to take into account the recommendations in order to properly soak the cucumber seeds:

  1. Place your planting material on a cloth surface (gauze or rag). Please note that the fabric should already be soaked in a little moisture.
  2. After that, the planting material must be covered with a top layer of fabric. Now the resulting lump should be poured with water. The water must be at least 30 ° C. When the brown color of the water appears, it should change until it turns out to be transparent.
  3. Now the container with water and planting material must be placed in a place where a small amount of sunlight penetrates. This is done in order for the grains to germinate better. The temperature of such a room should fluctuate in the range of 23-25 ​​° C. It is in this temperature range that the germination process takes place better.

Do not worry that the planting material does not receive the required amount of oxygen - this is optional. Gauze with planting material can be placed in a polyethylene bag to create a greenhouse effect in this way. It is believed that this way the sprouts will appear faster. But it is not recommended to keep the planting material in this position for more than 20 hours. This can lead to their death.

Use of biological solutions

To improve the germination and yield indicators, before planting, cucumber seeds should be soaked in a biological solution. They accelerate seedling growth and promote early harvests.Experts note that it is advisable to use the following drugs:

  • Epin substance: this plant component allows you to accelerate the growth of planting material, it is this component that allows the planting material to quickly pass the acclimatization of the environment and more effectively withstand sudden temperature changes;
  • a drug called Zircon is used to improve the development of the root system;
  • the substance Humate is used for the effective growth of seedlings.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase specialized substances, you can create a solution yourself at home. For these purposes, pharmacy chamomile, valerian, humus or aloe can be used. A solution is prepared from them with water, in a ratio of 1: 2.


Now you know how to soak cucumber seeds. If you carry out all the manipulations with the seeds correctly, this will allow you to disinfect the planting material and better prepare it for various environmental factors. For all your efforts in preparing the planting material, cucumbers will reward you with an excellent, high-quality harvest.

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