Description of cucumber Mix

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Among the many varieties of vegetables, it is difficult to find one that will meet all expectations. Cucumbers Mix (Natasha f1) is a variety that does not require any special efforts to grow and has a good yield and resistance to diseases.

Description of cucumber Mix

Description of cucumber Mix

Variety characteristic

Natasha Mix F1 belongs to early maturing hybrids, has a predominantly female type of flowering, pollinated with the help of bees. Cucumbers have a pleasant taste and aroma, do not taste bitter.

Description of the fetus

Cucumbers Mix have an attractive presentation, green fruits with light stripes, cylindrical shape, sparsely knobby surface, excellent density and medium length (about 10-12 cm). The mass of the ripe fruit is 100-120 g.

Description of the bush

The bush has light green leaves. They are of different sizes, from small to medium. The bush has a well-developed root system.

The plant is vigorous and medium-growing (the number of side shoots is average, therefore it is also suitable for greenhouse cultivation).

It is recommended to plant no more than 2 bushes per 1 sq. m.


To begin with, the seeds are soaked and germinated (about a month before planting on the site). Cucumbers are planted when the soil warms up to 13-15 ° C. This is done to a depth of about 2 cm.

The optimum air temperature for growing cucumbers is 20-30 ° C. Freezing temperatures have a detrimental effect on this culture.

  • It is grown outdoors or in film greenhouses.
  • The variety is bee-pollinated, therefore, when grown under a film, they make sure that the bees can get to the cucumbers.
  • The culture in the open field is grown horizontally or vertically.
  • Cucumbers love warmth, so they choose a sunny, warm and calm place for landing.


Cucumbers are cared for properly to get a good harvest.

Plants need good care

Plants need good care

Watering should be regular and abundant. The water is slightly lukewarm. Poor watering affects the taste of cucumbers. Overflow leads to rot and various diseases (0.5 liters per bush is considered the norm).

Loosening is a mandatory procedure that is carried out after watering or rain. Depth - about 4-7 cm. Loosening prevents water evaporation and crust formation on the soil.

A procedure such as hilling, by creating an additional root system, increases resistance to strong winds.

In care, protection against diseases and pests plays an important role. By far the most effective method is the use of pesticides. They must be used carefully and according to the cultivation technology.

Disease resistance

Diseases can significantly spoil the crop, so you need to know the weak points of the variety chosen for planting.

Mix cucumbers are resistant to diseases such as olive spot, downy mildew, powdery mildew, common mosaic. This is the decisive factor when buying seeds.

But there are diseases to which this variety of cucumbers is susceptible - this is a fungus. Because of it, gardeners lose up to 50% of the harvest. Examples are fungal diseases such as:

  • white rot;
  • root and root rot;
  • gray rot;
  • rhizoctonia;
  • peronosporosis.

In most cases, diseases occur due to increased soil moisture. To avoid problems, it is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature in the greenhouse (20-25 ° C), air and ground humidity.


Growing cucumbers is a painstaking task that requires some knowledge of gardening, but if you put in enough effort, the fruit will be juicy, crunchy and fragrant.

An excellent option for planting seedlings is the Natasha Mix f1 cucumber, as it has excellent taste, appetizing appearance and resistance to diseases. These cucumbers will decorate any table.

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