Description of tomato Wonder of the World

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Most gardeners believe that growing crops is an important part of life. They make a lot of effort to ensure that their harvest makes others envy. There are certain varieties of tomatoes that can produce amazing quality and yield results. These include the Wonder of the World tomato.

Description of tomato Wonder of the World

Description of tomato Wonder of the World

Variety characteristic

This wonder of the world was launched on the territory of the Russian Federation. In 2002, this tomato variety was entered into the National Register of the country. From that moment on, many gardeners began to note the commercial qualities of the species and its high yield level.

These tomatoes are ideal for growing anywhere in the country. They can also be grown outdoors or planted in glass greenhouses.

Description of the plant

Characteristics and descriptions indicate that this variety matures in an average amount of time. Its growing season is up to 100 days. The bush is indeterminate and rather tall. The height of the bush can reach up to 2 meters. Leaves of a dark green hue, with slight corrugation at the edges. Also, this species has a standard flowering type.

It should be remembered that it is important to form this bush into 3 stems. Each stem should have about 4 brushes. It should be taken care that about 20 fruits were formed on each hand.

Description of the fetus

The characteristic and description of the variety suggests that ripe fruits are characterized by yellow tints. Their shape is slightly elongated and somewhat reminiscent of a lemon. At some points at the end of the fruit, the color may be slightly lighter than the main part.

The size of one fruit is rather small. Its weight is about 100 g. The length of a single ripe fruit is about 6 cm. The pulp is rather fleshy, with a little water. Inside you can see compartments, in the amount of 3-4 pieces. The dry matter content reaches 5-6%. These tomatoes are ideal for preparing salads or fresh. These tomatoes also show unique flavor characteristics when canned or salted.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we consider the description of this type of tomato, then a number of the following positive qualities can be distinguished:

  • versatility in application;
  • high yield rates: farmers harvest about 10 kg of high-quality tomatoes from 1 bush;
  • resistance to most common diseases;
  • good preservation rates;
  • resistance to long-term transportation;
  • good taste and unique commercial qualities.

No particular flaws were found in this variety. Each farmer can highlight for himself those qualities of the variety that do not satisfy him.

Growing rules

Keep a distance when planting

Keep a distance when planting

In the case of a greenhouse, you can plant tomato seeds at any convenient time. There are only some nuances regarding planting in open ground.First, it is important to pay attention to the fact that you should wait until the soil for planting warms up. Its temperature should not be lower than 15-18 ° С. Secondly, before planting, you should feed the soil with organic fertilizers. Animal droppings or humus are ideal for this.

Planting is carried out according to the following system. A distance of 40-50 cm should be observed between the rows. But between the holes, a distance of 40 cm should be adhered to. This will allow the bushes not to intersect with each other and will greatly simplify the harvest.


The Wonder of the World tomato variety does not require any special care principles. It is recommended to care for it like most other types of tomatoes. The main thing is to follow the correct settings and recommendations. First, regular and correct watering is important. It is best to put it in the evening, so that moisture does not evaporate and can penetrate into the root system. Secondly, it is important to regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds. Also note that excess objects (stones, wires and other objects) should be removed from the ground.

Thorough feeding is important. For these purposes, fertilizers are used that contain a high concentration of phosphorus and potassium. This will allow the bush to form faster and grow faster. Do not forget about tying a bush. The reason for this is the large amount of fruit on the branch. If you ignore these instructions, the branches will break and the yield will decrease. If planting is carried out in a greenhouse, then it is also important to ventilate it so that the plant receives a sufficient amount of oxygen. Also, the bushes must be pinned so that the bush does not grow too much and does not intersect with a neighboring bush.

Pests and diseases

If you do not take into account the fact that this type of tomato has a high immunity to diseases, it can still be influenced by tobacco mosaic and leaf spot. It will take a lot of strength to deal with the mosaic. First, you should initially remove all areas that are damaged by the disease. Secondly, the bush should be treated with a special solution made from manganese and water.

In the fight against spotting, a drug such as Zaslon is used. After that, watering should be controlled so that it is not plentiful. You should also do so that more oxygen enters the root system. In the fight against whitefly, it is recommended to use a drug such as Confidor. If the planting was carried out in the open field, then you will have to deal with the bear. To do this, carefully loosen the soil and process the roots with water and pepper.


If you adhere to all of the above rules, that potential crop will surprise you with its quality and quantity. It is important that all recommendations are followed unquestioningly. Only then will you be able to enjoy quality tomatoes.

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