Vegetable growing

Characteristics of the Hercules pepper variety
What features distinguish the sweet bell pepper variety Hercules, what you need to know about planting and the rules for caring for such a plant?
Description of Indian pippali pepper
What are the characteristics of Indian Pippali pepper? How finicky is this culture and how to grow it yourself?
Planting peppers by the method of Julia Minyaeva
How should peppers be planted? Yulia Minyaeva offers her own method, which, according to her, is quite simple and effective.
Characteristics of the Siberian Trump tomato variety
The tomato of the Siberian Trump variety belongs to the category of hybrid. If you follow the rules for caring for the plant, a generous harvest is ensured.
Growing tomatoes on the balcony
How to grow tomatoes on the balcony, how to choose the right variety of tomatoes for the loggia, especially the cultivation and care.
Description of Kibo tomato
What are the characteristics of the Kibo tomato variety? How productive is this hybrid and how to prepare the crop for planting?

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