Planting rules for cucumbers in 2018

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The lunar calendar is a great help when growing plants. Knowing about the influence of the phases of the satellite of the Earth at different stages of the development of vegetables, you can easily get a bountiful harvest from the very budget variety. How is cucumber planting carried out in 2018? Consider favorable and unfavorable days for agricultural work.

Planting rules for cucumbers in 2018

Planting rules for cucumbers in 2018

Influence of the calendar

People have long noticed the influence of the moon on the development of plants, so they tried to adapt to certain phases. During the enlargement period, the disk resembles an inverted C, gradually “filling in” from the right side. At this time, the movement of juices in the tissues of crops is activated, which has a positive effect on the future harvest.

Growing in size, the Moon, like a magnet, attracts water molecules. Hence the accumulation of plant sap in the aerial part.

In the decreasing phase, the month gradually loses its fullness from the left side. An aging satellite makes the root system vulnerable, therefore any manipulations with underground parts are prohibited. You can fight pests or pinch the whips, but sowing and planting at this time is not recommended. Plants react poorly to intervention, after which they get sick for a long time.

In addition to the lunar phases, the sign of the zodiac is important, through which the night star passes. The most "prolific" are the elements of Water (Pisces, Cancer) and Earth (Capricorn, Taurus). During the period of the influence of Fire (Aries, Sagittarius) and Air (Libra, Aquarius), the 2018 cucumber planting calendar does not advise you to engage in agricultural work. Eclipse, new moon and full moon are also not suitable for growing plants. Better to wait a couple of days and then get to work.

Weather influence

In addition to the moon, one must pay attention to the climatic features of the region. For example, in the southern regions, you can plant seedlings in open ground without fear in mid-April. In the Middle Lane, it is better to postpone the dates until the first half of May, although return frosts are still possible.

For Siberia and the Urals, there are no fixed landing dates: everything depends on the specific region, therefore, attention is paid to the weather in previous years. It is important to choose a period when the temperature will not drop below 5 ° C. Cucumber is very thermophilic and does not withstand frost.

Sowing seedlings

At least 25-30 days should pass from pecking from seeds to the appearance of the first fruits. Climatic conditions in Russia are not always suitable for an early harvest. To save time, farmers prefer to grow the plant using the seedling method.

Auspicious days

When to plant cucumbers in 2018? Early sowing and long cultivation in a small amount of soil will negatively affect the immunity of the bushes. It all depends on where the vegetable will grow and develop.

  • In a heated greenhouse. Indoors create ideal conditions for growing early varieties. Planting seedlings is best done in February (21, 22, 25 and 26).
  • In the greenhouse. The design is less adapted to frost, therefore sowing is performed in March (2, 3, 20, 21, from 24 to 26).
  • In the southern regions. In warm areas, there is no need to be afraid of frost at the end of the month.
  • In the open field of the Middle Lane. In order for the plants to develop on time, seeds are buried in planting cassettes in April (18, 21, 22, 27 and 28).
  • In Siberia or the Urals. If the soil warms up for a long time in the regions, the seedlings are sown at the end of May (18, 19).

In order for the seeds to germinate, it is necessary to create optimal conditions. They are planted in separate containers or special seedling cassettes, which are covered with foil. If the humidity and temperature are maintained between 21 ° C and 25 ° C, the seeds germinate within 5 days.

Bad days

Avoid bad days

Avoid bad days

Planting cucumbers according to the lunar calendar 2018 allows you to determine the undesirable period for agricultural work. The seedlings grow weak and painful, which negatively affects the future harvest. Planting at this time, it is difficult to achieve friendly shoots:

  • in February 1, 2, 9, 10 and 23;
  • in March 8, 9, from 13 to 17;
  • in April from 4 to 6, from 14 to 16;
  • in May 2, 3, 7-9.

What if you can't do sowing at a favorable time? It is better to choose neutral periods when the Moon is not so dangerous for crops. Any contact with the roots (transplanting or loosening) is prohibited. Cucumbers do not adapt well to the environment and are painfully stressed.

Planting seedlings

Young plants are transferred to a permanent place of growth 30 days after the seeds are hatched. It is difficult to grow adult bushes in planting cassettes: the specimens obtained have an unhealthy appearance and take a long time to get used to new conditions.

Auspicious days

The lunar calendar for planting cucumbers in 2018 indicates convenient dates for agricultural work. The younger the culture, the faster it adapts. By coordinating your free time with astrology, you can easily determine the optimal period.

  • Heated greenhouse. Indoors, it is allowed to plant cucumbers at the end of March (20, 21, 25 and 26).
  • Greenhouse. The design will not save you from frost, so it is better to start activities in April (18, 21, 22).
  • Open ground. In the Middle Lane, landing is allowed to be carried out in the second half of May (18, 19). In the northern regions, the earth warms up no earlier than the first month of summer, therefore, it is better to transfer seedlings to the ground at the end of June (23, 24).

Bad days

In order to grow a decent harvest in the 2018 season, it is necessary to correctly determine the date of planting in open ground or a greenhouse. When choosing an auspicious day, one should take into account the climatic features of the region. It is better not to engage in agricultural work:

  • in March 8, 9, 13-17;
  • in April 4-6, 14-16;
  • in May 2, 3, from 7 to 9;
  • in June 3, 4, from 8 to 13.

Summer residents move the planting of seedlings on weekends and holidays. This year, May will not please with an abundance of favorable periods at the beginning, so work will have to be postponed to a more suitable time. You cannot plant cucumbers in July, otherwise the vegetable will not have time to ripen and will be destroyed by the first autumn frosts.

How to care

Plants need proper care

Plants need proper care

A bountiful harvest is the merit of an attentive farmer. In order for the culture to grow and develop normally, it is necessary not only to look at the sowing calendar, but also to provide the bushes with proper care. Let's take a look at the important aspects that are consistent with the phases of the moon.


For sprouting, favorable humidity is required. After sowing seeds in the ground, you need to provide a certain microclimate. So that the soil in the containers does not dry out, the pots are covered with foil.

After the emergence of seedlings, watering is carried out as the soil dries out. Astrologers advise to perform manipulations during the period of the signs of Water and Earth. Favorable elements will protect plants from care flaws and will not allow the roots to rot. Cucumbers have very sensitive underground parts, so don't experiment with endurance.

To irrigate young seedlings, they take warm water, otherwise the culture will get sick. It is advised to put a container of liquid at the heating devices at night.By the morning, the moisture will acquire a comfortable temperature (at least 20 ° C), after which you can water without fear.

Top dressing

If you decide to sow cucumbers in 2018, you must not forget about fertilizing. When growing seedlings in limited containers, nutrients are quickly "washed out" from the ground. Vegetables are a very voracious crop, so you need to water them regularly at the root or spray on the leaves.

The first procedure is carried out on the tenth day after pecking the seeds. Early application is dangerous for the sprouts. The best phase for events is the waning moon. An unformed root system cannot absorb chemistry or organic matter, which negatively affects the health of the seedlings.

The next procedure is carried out after 2 weeks. After planting in a permanent place of growth, the seedlings are fertilized every 14 days. It is better to alternate root and foliar applications. Cucumbers according to the lunar calendar are fed:

  • in April - 29-30;
  • in May - 4-6, 18, 19, 27 and 28;
  • in June - 11, 14, 15, 23 and 24;
  • in July - 3, 4, from 20 to 22, 30 and 31.

The excess fertilizer is deposited in the fruit in the form of nitrates. Do not exceed the recommended drug concentration. It is better to alternate between mineral and organic products.

When to deal with ailments

Cucumbers are a demanding crop, therefore, if the rules for caring for it are violated, diseases can intensify. If you ignore the preventive measures for disinfecting the seed and the site, you will have to expect fungal and viral diseases. Better to worry about the harvest in advance and get stable hybrids.

In the 2018 planting calendar, preventive and therapeutic actions are carried out on the full moon. The night star weakens bacteria - they die faster when exposed to chemicals. During this period, the culture experiences stress less sensitively, so regeneration is painless.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked in the Maxim Dachnik fungicide. The drug is diluted according to the instructions, after which the raw materials are placed in it. The product protects plants from fungus for 3 months. If there is a suspicion of a disease, it is advised to water the seedlings with a solution. Open ground in spring is best treated with copper sulfate.

It is best to plant cucumbers according to the lunar calendar in 2018, then a rich harvest awaits the gardener.

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