How to germinate potatoes before planting

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There are many proven methods to get a bountiful harvest. Preparatory procedures for root crops are often ignored by domestic farmers, which affects the final result. How to properly sprout potatoes at home before planting? Let's take a look at the common methods.

Sprouting potatoes before planting

Sprout potatoes before planting

Why is it needed

In order to fully unleash the potential of the plant, it is important to comply with all crop cultivation technologies. Before burying in open ground, experienced farmers prefer to follow the time-tested recommendations. Such subtleties will not only help to increase the amount of the crop, but will also save you from many problems.

Why sprout potatoes before planting? Under the influence of all factors of the procedure, the process of accumulation of nutrients is activated, which ensures the appearance of roots and green shoots. Seed material grown according to one of the methods is two weeks ahead of unprepared tubers in development. This feature makes it possible to more efficiently assimilate fertilizers in the ground and make better use of spring moisture.

In addition, potatoes that have passed the stages of germination gain visible resistance to many species of diseases. Additionally, during the procedure, it is possible to detect specimens affected by ailments. Culling early will protect against contamination of crops on the site.

By the way, when sprouting potatoes before planting, it turns out to achieve a quick harvest from mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties. They ripen at the level of early varieties, while they have all their advantages. The maximum return often reaches 200 kg per one hundred square meters.

Preparing for the procedure

When choosing seed material, many farmers often use poor-quality residues. You can not plant tubers that are affected by scab, rot and other potato diseases. During germination, certain conditions arise that provoke the activation of ailments. Such specimens will become a source of spreading diseases to healthy seeds.

Experienced farmers know that potatoes weighing less than 30 g should not be planted outdoors. There are too few nutrients in root crops, so the result of the harvest will not please. The best option would be medium nodules, without irregularities. Any changes in shape will not have a positive effect on fertility.

Sorted potatoes are cleaned of soil residues; in advanced cases, it is allowed to wash in water. The fact is that many microorganisms remain viable in the ground, which are activated when the light increases and the temperature rises. In farms where "hygiene rules" are ignored, such specimens become the reason for the destruction of all sowing material.

Before sprouting potatoes, all workpieces must be disinfected. The most economical way is treatment with boric acid solution.Experienced farmers use more serious means, giving preference to professional treaters.

"Additional processing of potato tubers with 0.01% solution of copper sulfate, manganese, boron stimulates development and growth, significantly increases the starch content in mature tubers."

After processing, the tubers are thoroughly dried in the dark. Three days before the start of the procedure, all the potatoes are heated at a temperature of 25 degrees. After finishing the preparation, you can start germination.

In the light

Very long branches are not needed

Very long branches are not needed

The time-tested method is very popular among both experienced farmers and homeowners. Work is carried out in any well-lit room. It is important to maintain optimal climatic conditions, otherwise the sprouts will weakly adhere to the surface and break off during transportation.

Sprouting potatoes in the light is allowed to be carried out both with natural sources and with incandescent lamps. Seed material is laid out in one layer in a specially prepared place. The procedure has its own characteristics.

  1. Activation. Potatoes should be abundantly treated with a nutrient solution of water, manganese and ash. The substances wake up the tubers, forcing them to build up roots and shoots.
  2. Temperature. In the first 10 days, the heat is maintained in the room from 18 to 20 degrees. By day 11, it is advised to reduce the intensity to 14.
  3. Hardening. 72 hours before planting in the ground, all potatoes are covered with a dark opaque rag. The heat is reduced to 12. This stage accelerates germination in the garden.

How long does the procedure take? On average, events take from 30 to 40 days. It is important to stop heating after the shoots have reached 2 cm in length. By the way, at a temperature of 5, root development slows down, and at 20 and above, the tubers dry out and become covered with a hard crust.

When should you start sprouting potatoes to get an early harvest? To plant seed in the second half of May, it is necessary to start preparatory work at the end of March or in the first days of April. Lighting lasts at least 8 hours a day.

In the substrate

Need to get your seeds ready for planting quickly? A mixture of sawdust and peat will become a nutrient medium in which tubers will develop. The accelerated method is less energy-consuming than the method in the light, however, all preparatory procedures must be carefully carried out.

For wet germination of potatoes, take rigid boxes or boxes, the bottom of which is covered with a film. To prevent the liquid from stagnating, you do not need to perfectly seal all the holes. The substrate should not turn into a swamp, and excess water should drain off.

Potato seeds are laid out in two layers, sprinkling each tier with a mixture, the containers are protected with polyethylene. After the top is completely covered with earth, sprouts begin to form after twenty days. The main condition for activation is maintaining constant heat (from 12 to 20), fresh air and a damp ball.

By the way, if there is no suitable room for sprouting potatoes, then the method allows you to create manure heating. A layer of warm manure is spread on the ground, sprinkled with a mixture of earth. On this pile, nodules are placed in two layers, which are covered with peat, straw (at least 10 cm). In such conditions, the material is formed up to 15 days, after which you can start planting.

In polyethylene

Root vegetables can be prepared in small transparent T-shirt bags. Holes are made in the bags, which will provide natural ventilation of the seeds. Put up to 12 tubers inside, tie and hang in a bright place.

Potatoes, sprouting for planting which takes place in such a structure, wake up due to the greenhouse effect. Remember that a humid climate and high temperatures can provoke an intensification of diseases, so do not forget to treat with chemicals.Carefully monitor ventilation and lighting, avoiding direct sunlight. For even development, we recommend turning the tubers every day.

This method is convenient for transporting seed. Remember that it is necessary to carry out transportation and take out of the package very carefully. The germs of culture have an unpleasant tendency to break off from awkward movement.

With dressings

How to sprout potatoes quickly? There is an original method, a bit like preparing in the light. Special additives are included in the seed boxes, which accelerate the formation of shoots.

The material is placed in containers, evenly covered with a substrate of humus, peat and sawdust. Experienced farmers can lay up to 6 layers of seeds in this way. After the structure is assembled, pour water from the watering can. Wet soil will saturate each specimen, then the structure is left indoors at a temperature of 15 to 18 degrees.

We use top dressing

We use top dressing

After the first shoots have appeared, you need to use fertilizers. Lovers of sustainable products will love the mixture of liquid and glass of wood ash. However, professionals recommend the following top dressing (in grams per bucket of water):

  • saltpeter, potassium chloride - 10 each;
  • superphosphate - 50;
  • copper, boron - 2 each.

Watering is carried out twice, with an interval between procedures of 48 hours. After seven days, the culture starts up strong and healthy roots, which are a sign of readiness for planting in open ground. The material is easy to transport and does not have any special requirements for maintenance.

In pots

The quick method of sprouting potatoes in sawdust is not suitable for those who need to plant a lot of seeds. This method will be relevant for tiny areas or as an experiment for a new variety. In time, the preparation procedure begins thirty days before boarding.

First of all, the tubers are covered with damp remnants of woodworking, and after a couple of weeks - in a pot or a cut plastic bottle. Fertile soil and humus act as a substrate. The most suitable time to start work is considered the first half of March.

Capacities are installed near windows, if natural sources are not enough, then lamp supplementary lighting can be used. After a month, the roots are sufficiently formed, after which they are taken out into the street for hardening during the day. Remember that at temperatures below 10, the development of sprouts stops, so do not forget about the optimal climatic conditions.

With the rapid germination of seed potatoes in sawdust, one must not forget about treatment for diseases, choosing any means for disinfection. In the first ten days, it is necessary to carefully monitor the moisture content of woodworking residues and substrate. You should not save on containers and try to awaken root crops using this method in packages.


How to germinate potatoes correctly if the planting time is running out? We recommend placing the tubers in a dry room in one layer on the floor. The procedure lasts from 7 to 10 days, during which the material is ventilated and the eyes awaken. During this period, there is a chance to notice sick and low-quality specimens.

Sometimes in private households, root crops can be scattered in the attic or on the shelves of a dry barn. By lengthening the drying time by a week, you can achieve the appearance of small sprouts. Remember that the method does not require the grower to wait for the roots to grow.

To speed up the process, the ambient temperature must not be increased. If the degree rises above 25, then active metabolic substances begin inside the potato. Lacking access to moisture and nutrition, the nodule is depleted and dies. To avoid this, we recommend soaking in nitrogen-containing agents or sprinkling with ash before taking it out of the basement.

On open air

If there is no suitable germination room, where can the procedure be carried out? Some farmers use any site or deliberately dig a pit in the garden. After the snow has gone and the temperature is above 10 degrees, a flat, dry place is selected.

A thick layer of straw, peat and earth is poured onto the ground. The tubers are placed in several tiers, sprinkling each with a nutrient mixture. The passages are filled with dry grass, and plastic wrap is laid on top.

When using the method, we recommend starting the procedure a week earlier. Within a month, healthy roots develop, and the surface of the tubers is covered with protective greens. By the end of the term, all copies are ready and you can plant in the garden.

Correct sprouting of potatoes is an important and useful activity that allows you to increase crop yields. During certain periods of time, proven methods were developed to help farmers. The recommendations provide the most relevant methods.

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