
Correct treatment of psittacosis in pigeons
What is psittacosis in pigeons, symptoms of the disease, how to treat psittacosis in pigeons, prevention against psittacosis, useful tips.
Description of meat breeds of pigeons
A detailed description of meat breeds of pigeons, characteristics of meat breeds, how to keep pigeons, how to feed meat birds, correct breeding.
Hungarian breed of pigeons
Characteristics of the Hungarian breed of pigeons, features of keeping adults, how and what to feed the birds, proper care, useful tips.
Day-old chick maintenance
In what conditions should day-old chicks be kept so that they grow up healthy and viable hens and males.
Description of the broiler Arbor Aykres
What makes the Arbor Aykres broiler unique? What are the characteristics of this breed? How to provide decent care for the bird and how to feed it?
Description of chickens of the Ameraucana breed
The Ameruacana breed of chickens was bred in the United States in the early 70s. The Araucana bird, introduced several years earlier, became the parent of this unusual breed.

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