
    Characteristics of the best varieties of cucumbers for 2019
    What varieties of cucumbers can be grown in the Urals? The species with the largest yield. Which cucumbers should be planted outdoors? The best early maturing varieties.
    Garter cucumbers in the greenhouse
    How to tie cucumbers correctly? What are the ways to tie up? How to get a crop in a polycarbonate greenhouse?
    Distance between cucumbers when planting
    What factors affect the planting pattern, the distance between cucumbers in greenhouse, soil or other growing methods?
    Galina Kizima's advice on growing cucumbers
    What methods and methods are best used for growing cucumbers in open and closed ground on the advice of Galina Aleksandrovna Kizima?
    Why do cucumber leaves become marbled
    Why do the leaves of young cucumbers suddenly become like marbled ones? What provokes this condition of the bush and how to remove this symptom?
    Growing cucumbers in a bottle
    How you can grow cucumbers in a five-liter bottle, the advantages of this method, proper care for cucumbers in a bottle, useful tips for gardeners.

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