
    Melon Pear Description
    What features does Melon pear have? How productive is the variety and what planting and care rules do a novice gardener need to know?
    Description of pear Memory Zhegalov
    What features does the memory pear of Zhegalov have? What you need to know about the rules for planting a culture and how to prepare it for planting?
    What is pear rust and how to treat it
    What is pear rust, how does this ailment manifest itself and what you need to know about methods and remedies for treating garden trees?
    Causes of pear blackening and treatment methods
    Why do pear leaves turn black, what factors and reasons cause darkening of fruits and what to do in such cases to heal the plant?
    Characteristics of the pear variety Rainbow
    Features of the pear variety Iridescent. What do you need to know about planting and tree care to get the expected harvest? What strikes the culture?
    Characteristics of pear varieties in Memory of Yakovlev
    What special qualities of taste and growth does a pear of the Pamyati Yakovlev variety possess, how to properly care for a tree and what you need to know about it?

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