Characteristics of the pear variety Yakovlevskaya

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Pear Yakovlevskaya is a hybrid variety of pears, the fruits of which begin to ripen only by the second decade of September. It is characterized by a high yield level.

Characteristics of the pear variety Yakovlevskaya

Characteristics of the pear variety Yakovlevskaya

Characteristics of the variety

Yakovlevskaya pear is grown in central Russia. The first pear harvest can be harvested in 5-6 years. One of the main advantages is resistance to sudden temperature changes. Withstands frosts down to -35 ° C.

Pear Yakovlevskaya is resistant to pests. It is not damaged by scab and entomosporia. In addition to ascorbic acid, the Yakovlevskaya winter pear variety is rich in P-active substances and tannins, which makes the fruits dietary.

The Yakovlevskaya pear variety needs pollinators. It can be any fruit tree with the same flowering period that grows nearby.

Description of the tree

The tree is not tall - up to 10 m in height. The pear blooms in May.

This variety is not characterized by fast growth vigor. In a year, the growth of branches is 20-25 cm. But the shoots of the Yakovlevskaya pear are powerful and even. They have a chocolate brown color with a reddish tint.

Leaves are smooth, with a shiny surface. The end is long-pointed, with serrations along the rim of the leaf. The kidneys have a pointed shape and a smooth surface.

The branches and shoots of the tree form a pyramidal crown or a cone shape. If you do not cut the crown of the tree annually, it will thicken, which will have a negative effect on the size of the fruit. Shoots grow quickly enough. Every year the crown needs to be thinned out. It is necessary to remove not only damaged branches, but also those that interfere with normal air circulation between the other branches.

Description of fruits

The fruits of this species are of medium size. The weight of one pear reaches 130-220 grams. The fruits of the Yakovlevskaya pear are often used to prevent seasonal colds.

Pear is useful for vitamin deficiency and in the fight against bronchitis, due to its rich vitamin composition. When properly harvested, the fruit can be stored throughout the winter.

Description of fruits:

  • oblong shape;
  • delicate and smooth skin;
  • waxy shine;
  • yellow-green shade with a slight blush.

These fruits need to be harvested during the period when their color is still green. So the shelf life will increase 2 times. The seeds are hidden in brown closed boxes. The pulp is oily, creamy.

The pear is of medium density. Thanks to this, it is juicy and with a honey-floral aroma. It has a sweet taste with a slight sourness.

The fruits of this tree can be used to make delicious desserts. Can be eaten fresh or dried. Yakovlevskaya pear is a common ingredient in canned preparations. Sweet jam, marmalade, confiture are made from fruits.


Tree care is not difficult

Tree care is not difficult

The Yakovlevskaya pear variety is easy to grow. But planting is preferable in pre-prepared soil.

A healthy seedling with a well-developed root system is optimal for planting. It should have an even trunk without knots. Other requirements for a seedling are multiple shoots.

Do not leave seedlings in water before planting. Waterlogging of their root system leads to decay processes, and such seedlings are not suitable for planting. It is advisable to choose a place for planting a new tree in a sunny part of the garden.

For seedlings of this variety, it is allowed to plant in autumn and spring 3-4 weeks before the arrival of frost. They are immersed in a hole 90-100 cm (after fertilizing with manure) and carefully covered.

Basic care is as follows:

  1. Daily watering is carried out in the first week after planting. Then - once a month.
  2. Young trees are fed with organic and nitrogen fertilizers, which are applied until mid-summer. Mature trees are fertilized with nitrogen in the spring, and potash or phosphorus in the fall.
  3. For the period of cold weather, the newly planted plant is covered. For this, mulching is carried out. In the process, grass, straw, sawdust, leaves are used.
  4. Dig up the soil for planting. Be sure to remove the rhizomes of perennial weeds on it.
  5. Pruning of branches is carried out once a year. Remove damaged, dry branches. It is also necessary to thin out the living ones, which create too dense a crown.

With stagnant water or strong soil moisture, drainage must be built. This variety does not tolerate high humidity.

Pests and diseases

This type of pear is resistant to most diseases, especially scab and ethnomospoiosis. However, it can be affected by rust. Light yellowish spots appear on the leaves. Over time, they become dark orange in color. Rust-affected fruits are removed from the branches. If a tree is struck by this disease, then in early spring it is sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Pear Yakovlevskaya resists insects and pests. But due to poor-quality plant care, it can be hit by pests:

  1. Gall mite. Parasites are 0.1-0.3 mm in size. They do not allow the plant to fully develop, damage the buds and fruits. Trees affected by gall mite bear fruit poorly, and buds and new shoots rarely appear. Fallen damaged leaves must be removed and burned. The plant itself is pollinated in the spring using acaricidal agents.
  2. Aphid. These insects suck the juices from the leaves. As a result, they curl up and become unsuitable for photosynthesis. If a sticky coating becomes noticeable, it is worth treating the leaves with soapy water. For 1 liter of water, you need 100 ml of liquid soap. You can fight aphids with another folk remedy. A decoction of celandine or dandelions, potato infusion are suitable.

If the disease is determined, you need to immediately start treatment and be sure to take preventive measures. For the prevention of diseases, experienced gardeners recommend treating shoulder straps with whitewashing in the spring and fertilizing abundantly.

It is imperative to harvest fallen leaves and branches for the winter by burning. The soil near the tree is dug up and mulched before the winter period.


Pear Yakovlevskaya does not require much effort in the growing process. Its fruits are of high quality and taste. Suitable for transportation. Can be consumed fresh and processed.

The tree is resistant to pests, but due to improper care it can be affected by rust, gall mites, aphids. To prevent this, you need to remove weeds in time, carry out top dressing, do watering.

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