Rules for feeding pears in autumn

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When growing pears, care must be taken to get a good harvest. One of the stages of care is fertilization. In the article, we will consider how pears are fed in the fall.

Rules for feeding pears in autumn

Rules for feeding pears in autumn

Features of feeding

Growers advise using the correct formula for each season.

Spring feeding is carried out to give the tree the strength to form and quickly grow foliage of young shoots. During flowering, phosphorus-containing compositions are used.

Summer foliar feeding with nitrogen-containing preparations increases the degree of resistance to diseases and pests.

Autumn food is called upon. Consider the factor that cold weather sets in and the plant should plunge into a state of dormancy.

In spring and summer, the pear consumes a lot of nutrients: first, for the formation of the crown, ovaries, and then for the ripening of the crop.

Autumn feeding for pears is needed to compensate for the nutritional deficiency and prepare the garden for the next season.


  1. Carry out the procedure from late September to early November.
  2. Apply nutrient mixtures over the entire trunk circle.
  3. Dose the pear fertilizer strictly, taking into account the age of the tree and the size of its rhizome.
  4. Select the composition of nutritional mixtures for the fruit beauty based on the condition of the soil and the needs of the plants.
  5. Start feeding only when you reach the age of two.

Time to feed

When choosing the time to feed pears, do not forget that the plant is going for winter holidays. The beginning of the application of autumn fertilization will be the harvest and yellowing of the foliage.

You can continue to fertilize trees until the end of October. With a later introduction of nutrients, the plant's development regime will be interrupted. And instead of resting in winter, the fruit beauty will begin to release buds. This can lead to the death of the garden.

Fertilizer quantity

An excess of any nutrient negatively affects fruit trees. The symptom is a change in the color of the leaves and the shape of the fruit, a deterioration in their taste, foliage falling.

The high concentration of minerals leads to the accumulation of harmful chemicals. This can be a threat to human health.

You need to calculate the amount of nutrients according to the instructions for the preparations.

All fertilizers are dosed per square meter. Fruit beauty at the age of 2-4 years has located its root system on 5 square meters. And the roots of a pear tree at the age of 6-8 years occupy an area of ​​up to 10 square meters.

Fertilization methods

You can fertilize by spraying the crown

You can fertilize by spraying the crown

Feeding pears in the fall is carried out in three ways:

  • for digging;
  • into furrows;
  • foliar application of nutrient mixtures.

Dry compositions are used for digging. They are scattered in the near-trunk circle and then dug up the soil. The area of ​​such a circle is equal to the projection of the crown of a tree on the ground.

Liquid solutions are introduced into the furrows.In the near-stem circle, grooves are made up to 30 cm deep. The depth of the groove depends on the age of the plant, the older the fruit beauty, the deeper the groove should be.

Foliar nutrition of the pear garden in autumn is carried out once by spraying the crown of the tree.

Top dressing at different times of the year

Pear feed should contain the correct proportions of all nutrients, do not overdo it with one or another element.

Both mineral and organic mixtures can be used as food in the fall.

Organic fertilizers

Organic mixtures from slurry, poultry manure contain a large amount of nitrogen. This element provokes the growth of green mass and new shoots. For these nutrient mixtures, the optimal application period is spring and summer.

There are regions in which the soils are poor in humus, in which it is allowed to use organic matter as an autumn food for the orchard. The correct introduction of such nutrition is as follows:

  1. Organic matter is introduced into the trunk circle.
  2. Mulch is prepared from peat and humus, taken in equal parts.
  3. The entire area of ​​the circle is sprinkled with mulch. Its layer can be up to 20 cm.

To avoid overfeeding your garden with these organic nutrient mixes, apply them once every three years.

The addition of wood ash will have a beneficial effect on the orchard. Spread 150 grams of ash over one square meter of the trunk circle. Do not use ash residue from combustion of chemical products. Then dig up the soil.

Mineral fertilizers

In autumn, the pear needs to stock up on phosphorus and potassium. This contributes to the final ripening of the wood and the establishment of new buds before winter. Additional trace elements are introduced with extreme caution. It is recommended to use no more than 5 grams of copper, 10 grams of zinc, 200 grams of magnesium, 20 grams of boric acid per bucket of water.

Minerals are used both in dry and liquid form. Professional gardeners prepare a solution of 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium chloride in a bucket of water. This composition is watered or sprayed on plants in the fall. The solution consumption is 10 liters per 1 square meter.

To prepare a dry complex composition, take 1 tablespoon of urea, potassium chloride and potassium sulfate, 2 tablespoons of superphosphate, 1.5 tablespoons of phosphate rock, 3 tablespoons of ammophoska and 500 grams of wood ash. Sprinkle this mixture on the trunk circle and dig it up.

The pear orchard reacts gratefully to feeding at any time of the year. Good care and nutrition during the autumn period helps the fruit beauty to overwinter, to be energized for the new season. It is also a guarantee of a good harvest in summer.

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