Scab treatment on a pear

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Scab on a pear is a frequent occurrence. This disease is most common in plants growing in temperate climates. Only timely measures taken help to resist the disease.

Scab treatment on a pear

Scab treatment on a pear

What is scab

The disease is infectious in nature. Its causative agent is a kind of marsupial fungus Venturia. This fungus hibernates among fallen leaves in the form of pseudothecia, and by the onset of spring, with suitable humidity and a warm environment, it is dispersed by ripe spores.

Fungal spores can spread along with evaporation, settling on the pear foliage. Upon contact, they begin to germinate, forming into olive-colored spots.

Scab harm

Although scab does not penetrate into deep cellular layers, does not disrupt the process of photosynthesis and does not lead to the death of trees, this fungal disease causes significant harm to garden culture:

  • impairs the quality characteristics of pear fruits,
  • reduces yields, in some cases leads to the death of the entire pear crop as a whole,
  • lowers the general resistance of trees to ailment, as a result of which it becomes the cause of the entry and development of other infections, causing more serious harm.

In pear fruits, unlike apple crops, there is no wax bloom, therefore scab affects the pear much more, leading to cracking of the fruit.

Causes of the disease

The reason for the appearance of scab on the pear is an increased level of humidity. Factors that contribute to the spread - cold spring season, prolonged rainy period, abundant dew in summer.

Scab chemicals

The causative agent of a fungal infection has a sensitivity to a number of chemical preparations of contact fungicidal action, with the help of which it is possible to effectively deal with scab on a pear. All funds are applied in accordance with the instructions for the drugs.

Their use is discontinued 3 weeks before the planned harvest date. In order to increase the effectiveness of the means used in the fight against scab on a pear, they are alternated.

The infection must be fought by any means.

The infection must be fought by any means.


Topsin-M water-soluble powder is a systemic complex through which you can fight scab and a number of other pear diseases. It combines fungicidal and insecticidal properties. Its main action is to block the development of the fungus and its sporulation. You can get rid of the scab on the pear with Topsin-M already a day after the treatment.


The drug Poliram-DF has a wide range of effects. In the fight against scab on a pear, a granular fungicide blocks the enzymatic fungal mechanism, allowing trees affected by a fungal infection to be restored in a short time.


The fungicidal preparation "Merpan" helps to fight the scab in pears, which is distinguished by its ability to act in conjunction with other systemic complexes, enhancing their effectiveness. Does not lead to resistance of the fungal pathogen.


Horus, which has a wide range of effects on infections, is highly active and resistant, therefore it can be used even in rainy weather and at low temperatures.


In the fight against scab on a pear, the water-soluble Tridex complex shows high efficiency, which controls more than 400 pathogens. Due to the content of manganese and zinc, it additionally provides tree nutrition during foliar spraying.

Traditional methods against scab

When the defeat is not of a large-scale nature, folk methods of dealing with scab on a pear allow to cope with an infectious disease while keeping the trees healthy.


Trees can be treated against scab with solutions with mustard powder, 40 g of which is diluted in 5 liters of water. Processing is carried out at least 4 times:

  • at the stage of blossoming buds,
  • at the stage of budding,
  • at the end of the flowering process,
  • the last treatment goes to the stage of fruit filling.


Horsetail is used by spraying in infusions made from greens (1/3 of a bucket) and water (2/3 of a bucket). The infusions are kept for 3 days. Spraying trees is required at the budding stage.


Dissolved table salt (1 kg per 10 liters of water) treat the pear against the scab in the spring, until the buds appear.

Potassium permanganate

The use of potassium permanganate, diluted in a proportion of 2.5 g per 5 liters of water, is carried out at least 3 times:

  • with the appearance of kidneys,
  • at the end of flowering,
  • at the fruiting stage.

As a preventive measure, this remedy for scab on a pear is used to spray the tree trunk circle when spring comes.


Often, timely preventive measures protect pear trees from damage by a fungal infection.

  • Pear trees are planted at a sufficient distance from each other. This provides them with good illumination and ventilation, preventing excess moisture from retaining.
  • Sources of infection - broken and weak branches - must be removed in time. Cracks in the branches are treated with specially designed means.
  • After harvesting, a thorough cleaning of plant residues is carried out, where the fungus can persist.


A scab on a pear can lead to negative consequences. A factor contributing to its spread is an increased level of humidity. The fight against scab on a pear is carried out with chemicals and folk remedies, and prevention helps to prevent its appearance.

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