Description of pear Lyubimitsa Yakovleva

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In the past few years, Yakovlev's Lyubimitsa pear has begun to gain particular popularity among Russian gardeners. Gardeners from the central parts of the country pay special attention to it. The main reason for this demand is considered to be a spreading bush, especially at the moments of flowering. Also worth noting is the excellent yield and large sweet fruits.

Description of pear Lyubimitsa Yakovleva

Description of pear Lyubimitsa Yakovleva


The pear variety Lyubimitsa Yakovleva was bred in Russia. The main developer of the variety is S.P. Yakovlev. The species was obtained as a result of crossing such varieties as "Dochka Blankova" and "Esperena Bergamot". At the end of the 40s of the 20th century, active studies of this species began. The pear Lyubimitsa Yakovlev was entered into the State Register only in 1975.

The variety is intended for cultivation in the Central and Volga regions. Lyubimitsa Yakovleva gained particular popularity in the Central regions of the Russian Federation.

Description of the tree

The plant is tall. On average, the height of the tree is 3-4 m. The sparse spreading crown may droop a little over time. Depending on the care, the upper crown can be round or wide-pyramidal. Shoots are wide, dark brown.

The description indicates that the leaves of this variety have a curved shape and a rich green hue. There is also a pointed leaf tip. More often than not, fruits begin to form on the fruit twigs. Fruiting usually occurs 5-7 years after planting, namely in the fall. Yield indicators are about 50 kg from 1 tree.

Pear Yakovlev's favorite is referred to as practically self-fertile crops, she herself is able to act as a pollinator for herself. The self-fertility rate is 20-30%. You can also plant other representatives of pear trees next to the crop. The main pollinators are Williams or Swallow. When planting next to Lyubimitsa Yakovleva pears of the Duchesse variety, the best processes of pollination and fruiting are observed.

Description of the fetus

Description of the pear Yakovleva's favorite indicates that its fruits are quite large .. On average, the weight of an individual fruit is 170 g. But there may be cases when the weight of the fruit reaches 250 g. At the time of ripeness, the fruits acquire a rich yellow tint with a slight red blush ... The seeds are characterized by an ovoid shape, with a light brown tint.

The pulp is sweet, juicy. A nutmeg flavor is noted, which makes the fruit even more piquant. The following flavoring features of the fruit should also be noted:

  1. sugar level is 9-10%;
  2. the acid level reaches a maximum of 0.06%;
  3. vitamins of group C are presented in an amount of 15 mg / 100g;
  4. B vitamins are 20 mg / 100g.

Due to the fact that the pear Lyubimitsa Yakovlev contains high levels of vitamins and minerals, it is one of the most useful fruits.Suitable for fresh consumption or making desserts (jam, compote, juice, marmalade or preserves).

Landing rules

Planting a crop is best done in the autumn season. By spring, the plant will fully take root and begin to release the first buds.

Seat selection

The tree needs sunlight

The tree needs sunlight

The first step is to choose the correct landing site. Yakovlev's favorite needs a well-lit place. If you neglect this condition, then the sugar level in the fruits will significantly drop. It is necessary to choose such places where there will be no excessive accumulation of moisture. Despite the fact that Lyubimitsa Yakovleva belongs to the moisture-loving varieties, an excess of water will lead to decay of the root system. If the groundwater is close to the surface of the earth, a drainage system must be installed.

The soil

Yakovlev's favorite needs only fertile soils. Therefore, preference should be given to planting in black earth or loamy areas. If it is not possible to plant a tree on fertile land, you can feed the already existing soil with organic matter at that moment. It is necessary to add 1 bucket of compost or humus to it.


Planting should be carried out in a prepared hole. Its depth should be 100 cm and width 55 cm. The seedling is placed in it so that the root collar rises 6 cm above the ground. Now you need to cover the seedling with earth and tamp it a little. After that, Yakovleva's favorite needs watering. You need to pour at least 2 buckets of warm water under the very root.


In order for Lyubimitsa Yakovleva to give high yields and form correctly, it is necessary to provide her with full care. It consists in carrying out irrigation works, feeding, pruning and, if desired, mulching.


Mulching is carried out so that the soil around the tree does not become crusty, and the weeds do not grow so quickly. Mulch is carried out using dry humus. Around the planted seedling, you need to lay out a layer of mulch of 4 cm.


Watering is carried out with warm water, and only in the morning or evening. This reduces the risk of moisture evaporation. The optimum water temperature should be 25-28 ° C.


Top dressing should include both minerals and organic. Mineral fertilizers should be used at the moment when the first flowers are just beginning to appear. Organics are used during the fruiting period and in the fall, before the onset of frost.


On adult plants, only dry and diseased areas of the tree should be trimmed. Young seedlings should get rid of long branches before planting. Therefore, it is recommended to cut every available branch, except for the main trunk, by ¼ part.

Pests and diseases

The description indicates that "Lyubimaya Yakovleva" does not have a high level of the immune system. She can be exposed to diseases such as powdery mildew or scab. If you notice that brown or gray spots have begun to appear on the tree, you need to spray it right away.

For these purposes, the best option is a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid. Spraying should be carried out every 10 days, until the diseases are completely eradicated. You can also use a solution of copper sulfate (20 mg per 10 liters of warm water).

Of the parasites, moths and ticks are often found. You can get rid of them with the help of improvised folk remedies. Red cayenne pepper solution or garlic solution will help with parasites. Spraying with these solutions is carried out every 3 days.


Despite the fact that Lyubimitsa Yakovlev has some drawbacks in the form of low immunity or demanding care, she is still popular among gardeners. The culture has a lot of advantages - a pleasant taste, high yield.

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