Apple variety Iyulskoe Chernenko

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A hybrid of Anis Scarlet and Papirovka - apple-tree Yul'skoe Chernenko. Crossing was carried out by our breeder S. Chernenko. The variety is highly resistant to frost and temperature extremes and produces a bountiful harvest.

Apple variety Iyulskoe Chernenko

Apple variety Iyulskoe Chernenko

Characteristics of the variety

The height of the tree is about 5 m. From one unit, you can harvest up to 50 kg of the crop. The top is oval, the branches are strongly lowered, the foliage is rounded, slightly oblong, emerald in color.

The apples are scarlet, ruddy and delicious. On average, weight 140 g. Some specimens reach 180 g. White pulp, sweet and sour taste.

The fruit contains vitamin C and pectin substances, which is why they are so useful.

Winter hardiness

High frost tolerance. The tree is resistant to most diseases, but vulnerable to scab.

Pollinating varieties

According to the recommendations of experienced gardeners, it is better to plant a seedling next to such varieties: Medunitsa, Quinti, White filling.

Advantages and disadvantages

The variety has the following advantages:

  • early ripening of fruits (fruiting begins in the second decade of July);
  • early maturity (already 5 years after planting the seedling);
  • increased frost resistance due to parental varieties.

The description also includes certain disadvantages:

  • uneven ripening of fruits;
  • vulnerability to scab.



The optimal time for planting young seedlings is the third decade of September and until mid-October.


Saplings must be planted in a lighted place.

Saplings must be planted in a lighted place.

For planting, you need to choose an area well-lit by the sun.

If there is little light for the tree, the fruits will not be so sugar, sourness will prevail, the harvest will not be so plentiful.

Liquid stagnation in the near-root soil should not be allowed. If the groundwater is too close to the soil surface, drainage must be done before planting. Chernozem, sandy loam or loamy soil, neutral acidity are suitable for a seedling.

Prepare the soil six months before planting the plant. To do this, sprinkle on (m²) a mixture of compost, superphosphate, potassium sulfate, phosphate rock. After that, the earth is dug up.

The hole must be at least 1 m wide and 0.5 m deep. If several trees are planted, a distance of 5 meters must be observed between them. This will prevent one seedling from shading the others.

A peg is driven into the northern part of the hole. The seedling is lowered into the hole, carefully straightening all the roots.

Sprinkle with soil, evenly distributing it over the roots so that all the voids are filled. A seedling is tied to a peg and two or three buckets of settled water are poured under it.

Care rules

General recommendations

In early March, moss and lichens are carefully removed from the trunk. Dried and defective branches are cut off.

The barrel must be whitewashed with a mixture of lime and office glue.Young seedlings are whitewashed with chalk.

Until the buds swell, it is recommended to treat the tree with Bordeaux liquid, thanks to which the apple tree will be protected from pest attacks and from the development of diseases.


In arid areas, watering is mandatory. It is especially important to perform this procedure in the spring.

The soil should be porous and saturated with moisture and moist.

  • Young seedlings are watered twice a month: 4 buckets of water in the root zone.
  • Adult plants are watered once a month during the growing season: 10 buckets of water each.

During the hot period, the amount of watering increases.

Top dressing

The tree needs to be fertilized regularly

The tree needs to be fertilized regularly

The first year after planting a seedling, it does not need fertilization, since the soil is saturated with nutrients.

The next year, feeding is carried out twice during the growing season. To prevent the young tree from freezing, it is recommended to wrap the trunk with Agrotex.

In the spring, make small furrows near the root zone and add nitroammofosk and compost (4-5 buckets). In May, feed the plant with a mixture of potassium and phosphorus. After flowering, spray with urea.


Mulch is placed in the near-trunk area - a composition that includes chicken droppings, straw, humus and compost.

Pruning and shaping the crown

When the tree is just planted, the crown is not touched. The next year will need to create the top.

To do this, you need to cut off several of the smallest branches below, leaving the three best shoots. Cut the top so that it rises above the other branches by 4 buds.

The upper ones should be 30 cm longer than the lower ones

The dry branches are then pruned every year.

Ripening and fruiting


Uneven fruiting is noted. The first fruits appear three years after planting. It will be possible to pick apples in the second decade of July.

Harvesting and storage

The Chernenko apple tree is summer, so ripe fruits are not stored for long. After collecting them, they must be transferred to a dark, cool room, for example, in a basement or cellar.

You can store it for no more than a month, otherwise it leads to the fact that the apples lose their original taste and begin to deteriorate.

Reviews of gardeners about the variety

According to most gardeners, organic fertilizers are more suitable for the variety. The taste of the fruit is noted - a rich sugar taste with a slight sourness. The first fruits appear already 3-4 years after planting.

Some gardeners consider the main disadvantage of the short keeping quality of fruits, as well as the tendency to fall off ripe apples. But this does not prevent them from being used for preparations for the winter.

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