Apple growing Ural pink

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The apple tree is one of the most common fruit trees. It has been cultivated by humans for several millennia and has not lost its popularity. Of the variety of varieties, the popular and winter-hardy Ural pink apple tree stands out. Its fruits contain many beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Apple growing Ural pink

Apple growing Ural pink

Variety characteristic

Ural rose occupies a special place among the apple trees bred by L. A. Kotov, a scientist of the Sverdlovsk breeding station in Yekaterinburg. The characteristic of the variety allows it to grow in the difficult climatic conditions of the Urals and delight the inhabitants of the district with an abundant regular harvest.

Description of the tree and fruit

The apple tree belongs to mid-season trees, harvesting takes place in the second half of August - early September. Fruiting in the 5th year after planting. A tree with a dense, wide-pyramidal crown, reaches a height of 5 m.

Skeletal branches are directed upwards and grow almost parallel to the ground. The leaves are large and wide, the upper part is bright green, shiny, while the lower part is light, soft, slightly fluffy.

Apples are arranged compactly, in groups. Up to 40 kg of apples can be removed from one tree.

The peel is dense, slightly pinkish, with specific stripes of a pale pink color. The pulp is juicy, crispy, lemon-yellow. Its taste is pleasant with a slight sourness.


This variety requires pollination, so it is necessary to plant a pollinator that is suitable for the timing of flowering, such as Welsey, next to it.

Winter hardiness

The tree perfectly tolerates even harsh winters, but it is better to cover the seedlings with spruce branches and trample the snow in the near-stem circle.

Harvesting and storage

The harvest ripens at the end of August. Under favorable conditions, the fruits are stored for about a month. They are used for homemade products, pastilles. Apples are ideal for making juices, preserves and jam, they are very tasty and healthy fresh.

Advantages and disadvantages

The fruits are versatile in use

The fruits are versatile in use

The undoubted advantages of the variety include:

  • frost resistance - the apple tree can withstand bitter frosts down to -40 ° C;
  • not susceptible to various diseases, in particular scab;
  • fruits are perfectly stored and transported;
  • versatility of application;
  • fruits have high taste;
  • does not require strong maintenance.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the following characteristics:

  • short storage times;
  • fruits are small or medium - from 120 to 200 g;
  • needs a pollinator.

Features of planting and care

The Ural pink apple tree grows best in well-lit places, where there are no drafts, on light loamy or sandy loam soils that provide oxygen access to the roots. The tree does not tolerate stagnant water and needs a good drainage system.

For planting, take one- and two-year-old seedlings with a well-developed root system, without any damage, growths, fungus on the roots, trunk, branches.

Landing dates

It is better to plant a crop in mid-April or early October. It is important to ensure that there is no threat of frost.


When planting, certain steps must be followed:

  • prepare the soil: remove weeds and debris. Dig up the site and add compost. Heavy soil should be mixed with sand;
  • the pit must be prepared 2-3 weeks before the planned planting of the tree. You need to dig it 70 cm in depth and width. Pour in about 3 cm of humus and pour 10-15 liters of water. It is recommended to first study the groundwater level in the area intended for disembarkation. If they approach very high to the surface, it is necessary to fill the bottom of the pit with rubble or broken bricks - apple seedlings will not be able to take root without good drainage;
  • the third part of the pit must be covered with soil, then the seedling should be placed in the center. Cover it with earth, tamp it, repeat the operation several times until about 5 cm of the root collar remains above the ground. The tree is well watered and mulched.


Young trees need abundant watering

Young trees need abundant watering

The apple tree requires minimal maintenance. For the first 2-3 years, she needs abundant watering - every week the tree needs 20-40 liters of water to ensure the active growth of the seedling. You also need to periodically loosen and weed the soil to improve air exchange.

Two-year-old trees require regular feeding twice a year:

  • nitrogen-containing fertilizers in the spring, for which 500 g of urea is scattered under the crown (description of use in the instructions);
  • potassium-phosphorus - in the fall, superphosphate and potassium are mixed in 350 g each and introduced into the peri-stem circle.

After feeding, abundant watering is desirable. The crown is periodically sprayed with various nutrient mixtures.

For the prevention of various diseases and protection from rodents, it is recommended to whitewash the trunks with lime (you can mix it in equal proportions with clay and vitriol).

Diseases and pests

The Ural rose apple tree is not at all susceptible to fungal diseases. Has a high resistance to scab.

Of the pests, the most dangerous for her is the apple moth, which is capable of destroying the entire crop. For prevention, it is recommended to collect and destroy the fallen unripe fruits, to dig up the earth around the tree.

Spraying from the pest is carried out with insecticides: "Inta-vir", "Accord" (a description of the solution recipe and application can be found in the instructions).

Gardeners reviews

This crop is considered by many to be a promising variety. He is loved by many gardeners in the northern regions. Adapted to frosty winters, with the arrival of spring, these trees begin to bloom actively. Despite the short and dry summer, in August, the Uralskoe pink variety pleases with a plentiful and tasty harvest.

The most surprising thing in his description is that with age, these trees do not have any crushing of fruits, or a decrease in taste.

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