Apple variety White filling

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Apples White filling grow in almost every garden, because they have a unique and unforgettable taste and ripen the first of all the early varieties.

Apple variety White filling

Apple variety White filling

Benefit and harm

The apple variety White filling has gained its popularity due to its many advantages. These include the following characteristics:

  • high yield rate;
  • frost resistance;
  • early ripening.

But there are several downsides:

  • due to the peculiarity of the skin and the granular texture of the pulp, the fruit has poor transportability;
  • simultaneous ripening of apples (it is not always possible to have time to harvest and process the crop);
  • short shelf life.

general characteristics

Description of the tree and fruit

Trees reach a height of 3.5 - 5 m. The beautiful pyramidal crown eventually becomes round and spreading, in some mature trees its diameter reaches 5 m.

The bark of skeletal branches and trunk is rough, gray, other shoots are of medium length and thickness.

Leaves are grayish-green in color, with a matte upper part and a fleecy lower part. Thick, rather long stalks.

Ripe apples are white, with a pink blush, round, gradually tapering towards the calyx, becoming like a cone. The peel is thin, tender, easily damaged. The pulp is crispy, loose, coarse-grained.

In young trees, the weight of the fruit is 100-150 g. But the older it gets, the smaller the fruit.


Apples are highly aromatic, juicy and sweet and sour. The variety has a lot of useful properties due to the vitamins and other useful substances it contains. He contains:

  • vitamin C - strengthens the immune system;
  • pectins - contribute to the elimination of toxins from the liver;
  • insoluble fiber - helps to eliminate bad cholesterol;
  • fiber - normalizes bowel function;
  • the antioxidant quercetin contained in the peel - fights against the effects of free radicals.

It is undesirable to use White filling for people who have been diagnosed with stomach ulcers, gastritis, colitis.


Productivity depends on the age of the apple tree

Productivity depends on the age of the apple tree

White filling begins to bear fruit at the age of 3-5 years: up to 200 kg of beautiful, large apples can be harvested from a five-year-old tree.

The older the tree becomes, the smaller the yield and the smaller the fruits.


Belongs to self-infertile varieties, the quality of the fruit can be improved due to an unmistakably selected pollinator.


Any early variety can be used as pollinators. The most acceptable neighborhood with apple trees Antonovka, Medunitsa, Ottawa, Grushovka Moskovskaya, Aromat de Vare, Mantet.

Frost resistance

The tree successfully adapts to different types of climate, does not shed the ovary during spring frosts.But not hardy enough for growing in regions with harsh frost conditions.

Disease and pest resistance

Apple tree White filling is subject to the following disease: scab, powdery mildew, and it can also suffer from pests.

Preventive measures should not be neglected in order to reduce the harm from insects and rodents: every autumn, whitewash the trunk with a lime solution (mix lime, clay and vitriol), remove fallen leaves, and dig up the trunk circles.

One of the most dangerous diseases is cytosporosis. The first sign is the appearance of spots on the bark. It leads to the death of branches, drying of the trunk and the death of the entire tree.

When the first signs appear, it is necessary to spray the tree with Hom insecticide in early spring (dilute 40 g of the drug in 10 liters of water). Repeat a week later. And during flowering, treat with a mixture of 50 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water.

To protect against fungi that cause scab and powdery mildew, treat with "Skor" or copper sulfate (following the instructions in the instructions). After the end of flowering, spray with copper oxychloride (description of use is indicated in the attached instructions). In the fall, it is necessary to repeat the spraying with copper sulfate.

Gardeners who do not want to use chemicals can spray apple trees with soapy water, for which 300 g of soap grated on a coarse grater is dissolved in 2 liters of warm water, and then the resulting solution is poured into 8 liters of cold water.

To prepare pepper infusion - 1 kg of chopped fruits are boiled in 10 liters of water for an hour. They insist and filter for two days. Store in a tightly closed container. For use, dilute 120 g of infusion in 10 liters of water and add 40 g of soap.

Tree lifespan

With proper care, regular pruning to prevent thickening and prolong the fruiting period, a tree can live for more than 30 years.


In most nurseries, or in online stores that specialize in the sale of fruit trees, you can buy quality seedlings in various varieties - ordinary, dwarf, columnar, for a reasonable price. On average, it ranges from 400 to 500 rubles.


Correctly selected planting material is the key to successful cultivation of White filling. Indeed, for the first 10 years, the development and productivity of an apple tree directly depends on the quality of the seedlings.

Landing dates

Two-year-old seedlings can be planted in the fall

Two-year-old seedlings can be planted in the fall

Spring is suitable for planting trees of this variety: the second half of April or the first half of May.

If you plant an apple tree at this time, it will have time to take root and take root before the onset of cold weather. Saplings over 2 years old are allowed to be planted in autumn - in September or early October.

Landing site preparation

To plant a culture, it is important to choose the right place. You should choose a bright area protected from drafts, gusts of wind and strong sun, with black soil enriched with useful substances.

Groundwater should pass at a depth of about 6 m, the apple tree likes moderate moisture, but does not tolerate waterlogging.

Landing technology

Before planting a tree, in about 4-5 weeks, dig a hole 80 cm deep and 1 m wide.

Digging it, you need to fold the upper (fertile) layer of earth to one side, the lower to the opposite. Drive a peg into the center of the prepared hole. Pour expanded clay or broken brick at the bottom. Mix a bucket of humus with the top layer of the excavated soil and pour into the hole. Cover it with foil and leave for a month.

After this period, proceed to planting:

  • lower the selected seedling into the prepared hole, while you need to ensure that the grafting site is on the south side of the tree;
  • water is poured into the pit until the soil stops absorbing it;
  • fill up the soil, tamp;
  • the root collar should protrude 5 cm above the ground level;
  • tying a seedling to a peg - this will save the apple tree from sharp gusts of wind;
  • retreat from the trunk 15 cm and mulch the peri-stem circle.


According to the description, White filling is not picky about the quality of the soil, it easily adapts to any weather conditions, therefore, caring for an apple tree is very simple and requires only timeliness.


The main condition for the good development of an apple tree is the presence of the required amount of water. The amount of moisture received has a positive effect on the juiciness of the fruit. Any method of irrigation - drip, surface, soil, should be carried out in the evening or in the morning, or in cool weather.

For annual seedlings, 20 liters of water are required, for 2-year-olds about 40 liters of water, for 5-year-old trees from 50 to 100 liters of water.

Frequency of carrying out:

  • for young trees - once a week with a sufficient amount of liquid for the root system to form correctly;
  • over five years old - before budding, before fruiting, two weeks before harvesting, and in October - before wintering.

Irrigation is not recommended during the period of fruit formation, and immediately after picking apples.

Pruning and shaping the crown

It is typical for this variety to begin the formation of the structure even before planting. The branches of the seedling are carefully trimmed to obtain a compact crown. The process begins in early spring.

The tree needs crown formation

The tree needs crown formation

With a sharp pruner, cut off the top of the young tree and side shoots. In two-year-old apple trees, the branches growing up are cut off. As a result of a correctly performed procedure, the crown should branch out in width.


To get a developed and healthy tree, it can be grafted onto a variety adapted to future growing conditions. It is desirable to vaccinate independently in the fall, by means of budding.

A part of the trunk is selected a few centimeters above the root collar, a T-shaped incision is made on it, the edges are pushed back, and a prepared bud from a varietal tree is inserted into the incision. The bud should be bark and a thin cut of wood.

The vaccination site is wrapped with a damp cloth. The kidney is left open. Check the success of the event after 2 weeks. If the kidney remains green, it has taken root.


A seedling of White filling can be purchased at the nursery, but there are ways to grow them independently.

Such breeding methods are known:

  • growing from seeds;
  • grafting to any variety by bud or cuttings;
  • inoculate on a clonal stock;
  • layering.

Ripening and fruiting

The tree begins to bear fruit by the age of 3.

The White filling variety has one pleasant feature - early and simultaneous ripening of apples (mid-July - early August, subject to weather conditions).

Harvesting and storage

The crop should be quickly processed or sold as it is stored a little. It is perfectly stored in the form of drying, jam, jams are prepared from it, small apples are canned whole in sweet syrup.

Subspecies and variants

There are several varieties of this variety grafted onto different rootstocks.

  • Dwarf - up to 3 m high, fruiting begins at 2 - 3 years, the yield is high. This variety requires more careful maintenance.
  • Semi-dwarf - up to 4 m high, has a longer lifespan.

Growing in different regions

In regions with a harsher climate, the fruits ripen longer and are harvested in late August - early September.

Fruiting occurs once every two years, and begins at the age of 5 - 6 years from the moment of planting. The size of apples is much smaller than when grown in regions with a warm climate - up to 60 g.

Gardeners reviews

White filling will surely delight you with delicious and juicy apples.

Gardeners' reviews indicate that the tree bears a crop, even if there was insufficient care and no top dressing was carried out.

The most significant disadvantage is the poor preservation of the fruit. But their benefits and taste contribute to the fact that a tree of this variety is present in every area.

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