Varietal characteristics of the Venyaminovskoe apple tree

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Elite varieties are not only crops with juicy and healthy fruits, but also an additional decoration for the garden. The Venyaminovskoe apple tree is valued by gardeners for its characteristics: it is a winter species, moderately whimsical in care and adaptive to conditions. The variety has an average resistance to temperature extremes and diseases.

Varietal characteristics of the Venyaminovskoe apple tree

Varietal characteristics of the Venyaminovskoe apple tree


Immune apple trees are not always resistant to ailments. The more trees in the garden, the more often they get sick. The infection or fungus spreads very quickly. If the gardener has chosen the Venyaminovskoe variety, he needs to carry out prophylaxis for the tree more often.

Elite varieties require more attention and material costs. Before planting them, the soil and neighboring crops are additionally prepared.

The history of the variety begins in 1980. For several seasons, it was zoned throughout Russia. High yield and winter hardiness make it versatile.

The culture is not self-fertile. If you plant a tree in complete isolation, fruiting will be cyclical, it will not be possible to collect a lot of fruits - the gardener will waste his strength and resources. Good pollinators for this apple tree are Arkad, Sharopay, Mironchik varieties. Cross-pollination increases the quality and quantity of fruits.

Description of the tree

In most cases, seed stocks are used. On them, the height of the culture is up to 5 m.If dwarf rootstocks are used, the maximum height is 3 m.

The lifespan of a culture directly depends on the base used. The lower the tree, the less it lives. The average life span of an apple tree is 10-15 years.

The record holders of the variety grow up to 7 m, but it is very difficult to cope with such a tree: it requires constant pruning and often the branches fall off or break. The annual growth is stable. It is up to half a meter. Even a winter unfavorable in terms of temperature does not affect this indicator.

The description of the tree suggests that its uniform and strong crown has a round shape and is characterized by high thickening. The branches are large at the base, so they rarely break.

Leaves of oval-shaped trees. The color is dark green and their surface is smooth. Inflorescences are light, round.

Description of the fruit

Average weight of apples. One fruit - up to 200 g. Its size directly depends on agrotechnical measures. Record-breaking apples weigh up to 300 g, but such a result cannot be achieved under normal conditions. The shape of the fruit is unusual: the fruit resembles a beveled cone.

At maturity, apples are green. The yellow tint appears later, after the fruit "stands" in a secluded place. Apples have a red blush only when the tree is growing in a well-lit area.

The elite variety has excellent taste - this is a distinctive feature of the hybrid. Tasting score not less than 4 points. The variety is dessert, and its fruits are grown for sale. The taste is characteristic sweet and sour.Even an unripe crop is not tart.

According to the description, the pulp is juicy and creamy. A greenish tint appears during consumer maturity. Fruits have a balanced composition: sugar not less than 8%, ascorbic and titratable acids. Contains the pulp, important for the human body, vitamin P - for 100 g of the product not less than 200 mg of vitamin

Advantages and disadvantages

The variety will delight you with regular fruiting.

The variety will delight you with regular fruiting.

The variety stands out against the background of other crops with its increased resistance to scab. If a tree suffers from powdery mildew, then scab does not threaten it even during an epidemic.

In a culture, regular fruiting is the main advantage of the variety for which it is valuable. Delicious apples are stored for a long time, while their appearance does not change. It is profitable to plant a crop on a plot of land in cold regions: the hybrid is not inclined to freeze. The recovery of the variety occurs quickly, which attracts gardeners.

The main advantage of the hybrid is the balanced composition of ripe fruits.

The apple tree is high-yielding - if you create favorable conditions, the tree gives a stable and rich harvest. The advantage is the early maturity of the variety.

The hybrid has few drawbacks. Apples are medium in size, especially on a simple rootstock. You cannot grow large fruits, even if you intensify the usual care. The ripening period can be extended - another disadvantage of the hybrid.

Planting an apple tree

Landing takes place according to the standard scheme. If other species quickly take root in any territory, then the Venyaminovskoye variety is picky about the composition of the soil.

Suitable conditions for growing a tree:

  • a well-lit area is the best option for a tall crop;
  • you cannot choose lowlands - all moisture collects in such a territory, then it stagnates and harms the root system of the apple tree;
  • shelters or structures should not cast a shadow on the tree;
  • you cannot choose a site with a strong draft - the seedling will not survive in such conditions.

After choosing a site, it needs to be fertilized. It is impossible to plant a shoot in the soil without preparation: the seedlings are weak, they require more protection and care.


Planting traditionally takes place in spring and autumn. Only in the warm season can the seedling grow. May and mid-September are suitable for such work. Venyaminovskoe is more often planted in spring, when the soil has time to warm up. The average heating depth is at least 10 cm.

If you plant a seedling in cold soil, its root system partially dies - the culture for producing fruits for sale is not suitable. Such a tree grows slowly with reduced immunity or dies immediately.

Adult fruit trees will serve as a guide for the gardener. If they have bloomed or buds are already visible on the branches, planting will be late and the seedling will also be difficult to grow. The period of work on the land plot is stretched from warming to the appearance of ovaries.

In the fall, the landing is carried out, but it is fraught with great risks. By winter, Venyaminovskoe may not have time to take root, and the seedling will die. It is dangerous to carry out work on the land 2-3 weeks before frost. Even shelter doesn't always save the tree. A one year old seedling is less likely to survive.

In the fall, it is better to prepare a planting pit, which by spring will create all the necessary conditions for the rapid growth of culture.


The soil must be fertilized

The soil must be fertilized

The hole for the root system has averaged dimensions: depth - 1 m, diameter - 1 m. In such a hole, the rhizome has enough space to grow, but not excessively. If there is such a problem on the land plot as surface groundwater, drainage is made from rubble. An additional system is installed along with soil recharge.

To fertilize the pit, it is better to use natural ingredients - humus or compost. A good option is bird droppings, but it must be diluted with water to reduce the concentration of active ingredients. The mixture is infused for several weeks, after which the soil is dug up.

The root system is placed in the pit.The level of occurrence is calculated by the root bud. Fertile soil is poured, which is pre-mixed with a small amount of mineral fertilizers.

The soil is compacted. The seedling needs to be watered - use purified water. A mound is made around the trunk. The extra soil will help the seedling to sink properly.


The variety "accustoming" to new conditions occurs gradually. You cannot plant a crop and fertilize the soil immediately. The first year of feeding cannot be used. The soil around the trunk is carefully weeded and loosened.

If fertilizer is applied earlier, the gardener can achieve the opposite result - the root system will rot. The tree will be weak and unstable.

The first fertilizer is applied in the spring in the second year. By this time, the rest of the fruit trees in the garden are saturated with nutrients. Fertilizers are applied during the period of ovary formation. Better to use humus or compost. Nitrogenous substances have a beneficial effect on the root layer.

The second and third feeding is calculated according to the state of the tree. The procedures are carried out in the summer, during this period the roots are very sensitive. Pre-loosen the soil and water. For the last time, mineral dressing is introduced under the root until the fruits are fully ripe. The tree is fertilized with organic matter when it is prepared for winter.


Irrigation works are standard. After planting, you need to wait at least 3 weeks. Seedlings should not be poured under the root, otherwise they will lose their firmness. Thin trenches are made along the trunk at a distance of 10-15 cm from it. Water is brought into these trenches.

Irrigation is needed in the summer. This procedure is combined with foliar fertilization. The last watering occurs in the first week after harvest.

Pruning branches

Pruning is a must. This procedure is carried out in spring and autumn. The techniques are essentially the same, but different in purpose. After winter, the tree restores internal processes, so old or dry branches are cut off. Crooked shoots can also be removed in spring in order to create the necessary crown shape.

In the fall, pruning is used for a different purpose. It is necessary to protect the tree before winter. To do this, only diseased and old branches are removed - the shape of the crown is not regulated. If there are no diseased branches, pruning is not necessary.

All cut sites are treated with garden varnish or any disinfectant solution. Fungicides are used to prevent the tree twice a year or as the disease spreads in the garden.

Ripening and fruiting

In warmer regions, the harvest can be obtained faster.

In warmer regions, the harvest can be obtained faster.

The variety Venyaminovskoe has unusual fruiting. The species bears fruit for the first time at 5-6 years. If the gardener needs to speed up the process, he chooses a semi-dwarf rootstock - it is the fastest growing.

If a variety is grown to obtain tasty and beautiful fruits, a variety with a late date is chosen - it gives the first harvest only in the 10th year.

The apple tree blooms in mid-May. She has beautiful, light pink inflorescences. Terrain and climatic conditions affect when a crop will bloom. The warmer, the faster the ovaries form on the branches.

Harvesting and storage

The fruits of the variety, like most apple hybrids, have two periods of maturity - removable and consumer. Venyaminovskoe can be removed from the branches as early as September before the first cold snaps. There is a blush on the juicy fruits. The fruit emanates a characteristic pleasant aroma.

After that, the apples are allowed to "stand", and by October their consumer maturity comes. The fruits are used for processing or consumed raw. If they are harvested at the end of September, their consumer maturity comes later - not earlier than February. When taking off, you can eat the fruits raw, but only in regions with a warm climate.

Apples have a long shelf life. They can "stay" until the end of winter. Fruit does not lose its quality characteristics. The harvest is stored in wooden boxes. It is better not to collect fruits of different varieties in one container. It is dangerous to keep healthy and diseased fruits together.If rot is visible on one apple, the whole crop will soon deteriorate.

Growing regions

Apple trees are highly resistant to frost, so they can be planted throughout Russia. If you choose the right conditions, you can increase the amount of the crop and improve its quality. The variety has a quick adaptation in the central region of the country. The North Caucasus is also suitable for his landing.

If the climate is too cold, the right shelter is created on the plot in the early years - the tree is protected from the wind, but access to fresh air remains.

The Moscow region is an ideal place for growing the variety: moderately cold winters, which the tree endures, and summers, which are not distinguished by prolonged drought. In such a region, no shelter is needed.

They immediately establish standard care, which has not been changed over the years. In the Moscow region, the ripeness period is reduced - the fruits ripen faster, and their quality does not decrease. Such apples "lie" longer.

Gardeners reviews

The Venyaminovskoe apple variety is a favorite species for gardeners who use fruit trees for a juicy, tasty and beautiful harvest. Fruits that ripen by autumn are put up for sale. Even long-term transportation does not change their appearance.

Apples "lie" well, so you can stock up on tasty fruits until next season. The elite variety is liked by gardeners for its resistance to frost - it is zoned throughout Russia.

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