Treatment of rusty spots on apple leaves

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Rusty spots on the leaves of an apple tree appear quite often. This phenomenon most often occurs due to the development of a fungal infection, or rather, rust. Tips from experienced gardeners will help you figure out how to deal with this.

Treatment of rusty spots on apple leaves

Treatment of rusty spots on apple leaves


There are several reasons why the leaves of the tree are covered with a red spot:

  1. Often this happens due to the illiterate planting of seedlings - next to coniferous varieties (in particular, with juniper - this plant often suffers from a fungal infection and is its carrier). Spores of the fungus are quickly transferred to nearby trees with the help of the wind.
  2. Lack of nutrients in the soil is another reason for the appearance of rust on the leaves of apple trees. Usually this phenomenon occurs with a deficiency of trace elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, boron, manganese, iron or copper).
  3. Plants with weak immunity, which grow in a neglected and overgrown area with weeds, also often rust.

Gardens of southern, southwestern, southeastern Ukraine and Crimea, where the air temperature is high and an arid zone, are most susceptible to this infection. This environment is conducive to the emergence of this infection.


The peak of the development of the sore occurs in the last month of spring or the first month of summer, when the leaves are rapidly blooming and developing on the trees.

First, small yellow-green spots appear on the surface of the leaf plate, then they cover the entire leaf and darken, acquiring a rich red color.

The fungus sucks out all the juices from the aerial part of the plant, affecting not only the leaves, but also shoots, flower buds, and ovaries. At an advanced stage, the infection spreads to the bark of the trunk.

If you do not take the necessary measures for treatment, the tree stops growing, bearing fruit, and after a while dies.


Rust on apple leaves is treated with some chemicals.

Copper based

The traditional copper-containing remedy is Bordeaux mixture (1%). The spraying procedure with this substance is carried out only after the above zero temperature stabilizes on the street.

Do not use this product in hot weather, because trees can get severe burns.

Other modern drugs are also used:

  1. Blue Bordeaux is an analogue of Bordeaux liquid. Granular, highly soluble in water, contact fungicide capable of completely destroying fungal spores on the affected areas of the tree. This product can be used in cloudy, damp weather, as well as before and after rain.
  2. Abiga Peak. Contact fungicide based on copper, has good adhesion to the treated surfaces, while not penetrating deep into the tissue. The recipe is simple - 50 g of the substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water. It is necessary to use only in dry and calm weather.
  3. Cuprosat. This drug is made on the basis of two components - nitrogen and copper acetate.It is a universal fungicide agent used both for treatment against fungal infection and fertilization of fruit crops. For spraying, a weakly concentrated solution is used - 0.25%.
  4. Champion. It is more used not for medicinal, but for prophylactic purposes. After spraying, this product creates a protective film on the shoots, trunk and leaves of the tree, which prevents rust infestation. On sick specimens, this remedy is able to stop the spread of infection, but it does not have a therapeutic effect. For spraying, prepare a solution of 60 g of the drug and 10 liters of water. For processing, choose a cloudy day with a temperature of no higher than 25 °.

Sulfur based

Treatment will help get rid of the disease

Treatment will help get rid of the disease

If leaves, shoots, apples and flowers are covered with a rusty spot, colloidal sulfur solution can be used for treatment. It is prepared as follows - 40 g of powder is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

The effect of the action occurs upon contact with an infection. It can be processed at any stage of the growing season, except for the flowering period.

The analogue of colloidal sulfur, the drug Cumulus, has the same effect of action. It is also dissolved in water according to the instructions on the package.

Other systemic contact fungicides help fight rust well:

  • Strobe (2-3 g);
  • Topaz (2 ml);
  • Poliram (1.5-2.5 mg);
  • Tsineba (40 g);
  • Vectra (2-3 g).

This amount is calculated for a solution of 10 liters of water. These drugs have a positive effect in the treatment of concomitant diseases of the apple tree - scab and powdery mildew.


To obtain an environmentally friendly harvest, many gardeners prefer biological products. These are non-toxic substances developed on the basis of effective microorganisms.

The duration of protection after treatment with them is 20 days. Spraying can be carried out at any stage of growth and development - right up to harvest.

The greatest effect of exposure is achieved at outdoor temperatures (within 12-18 °). It is also important to observe all proportions during the preparation of the working solution, which are indicated on the package.

The most common remedies are:

  • Trichodermin;
  • Gaupsin;
  • Gamair (bactericide);
  • Planriz;
  • Phytodoctor;
  • Fitosporin-M.

These are universal preparations that not only kill fungal infections, but also many pests of the apple tree.

Processing rules

All diseased leaves must be removed

All diseased leaves must be removed

Gardeners use several techniques for treating apple trees from rust, each of which differs in its complex composition.

Usually, therapeutic measures are carried out before or after flowering, so as not to destroy beneficial pollinating insects:

  1. At the beginning of the growing season, the crown is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid (1 or 2%). In the budding phase and after the tree has faded, it is treated with the same substance, but in a lower concentration (1%). The last irrigation of the crown is carried out during the period when the apples are being poured.
  2. The second technique is carried out in the same phases, only with the use of other drugs - the first time they are sprayed with copper sulfate (1%), the second time - with copper oxychloride, Ordan or Oxyhom. You can also use Abiga Peak. The third time the crown is treated with Bordeaux liquid 1% or Kuprosil. To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, some gardeners carry out another control irrigation after 10 days with Bordeaux mixture (1%).
  3. The fungicide Topaz showed a good result in the treatment of rust on apple trees. The crown is treated three times - at the stage of blooming of vegetative buds, after flowering and during the period when apples are growing.
  4. The first and second spraying is carried out with a solution of Bordeaux mixture or Champion, Kuprosil preparations. For the next irrigation, a solution of colloidal Sulfur or Tiovit is used, the last treatment is carried out with Propi plus.

Regardless of the chosen treatment scheme, you should first remove all damaged organs on the tree and burn.This will help prevent further spread of the infection to healthy plants.

Preventive measures

For prevention, a healthy garden should be treated with Cuprosat in early spring before bud break and in late autumn after leaf fall.

In the summer, the apple trees are additionally sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux liquid, the drug Tsineb, Bayleton or Skor. Three times processing is carried out - before flowering, after it and at the stage of fruit growth.

In addition to preventive treatments, simple growing rules should be followed:

  1. Plant trees away from conifers, which are a source of fungal infection.
  2. Observe the optimal planting pattern so that they have enough space for full growth and development.
  3. Keep the site clean - remove fallen leaves, carrion and weeds in time.
  4. Plant wormwood in the garden to prevent fungal infections.
  5. Every year in the fall, dig up the site and spill the soil with a solution of urea (5-7%), copper sulfate (5%), ammonium nitrate (5-7%). When using, drugs are alternated.
  6. Trim the crown annually to avoid thickening and the appearance of pathogenic microflora.
  7. To carry out complex and regular feeding, watering, annual whitewashing of the trunk and skeletal branches with slaked lime with the addition of clay and glue.


The appearance of rusty spots on the surface of the leaves of apple trees is caused by various reasons. It is not difficult to eliminate them - the main thing is to carry out preventive treatments on time, fertilize, water and properly care for trees, then the percentage of infection with a fungal infection will be minimal.

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