
Wild lemon and its uses
Botanical characteristics of wild lemon, its geography of growth, chemical composition and caloric content, areas of practical application.
Where does grapefruit grow and how to choose it
Where does grapefruit come from? How is it unique? What do you need to know about such a citrus fruit in order to choose and buy a good fruit?
Proper tangerine tree care at home
How to take proper care of a tangerine tree at home? How to plant it, graft it? What diseases and pests are threatening him?
Features of growing an orange from a seed at home
How to grow an orange from a seed at home? Preparation, planting seeds, features of care, flowering, fruiting, diseases and pests.
Growing Bitter Orange
Characteristics of Bitter Orange. Features of tree care Bitter orange. What diseases and pests can threaten the plant?
Citrofortunella lemon
Botanical characteristics of citrofortunella lemon, rules for its cultivation at home, varieties for cultivation, application.

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