Lemon is acidic or alkaline

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Lemon is a small evergreen fruit tree. The fruit of this plant has the same name. Determining whether a lemon is an alkaline or acidic product is not easy, because it contains both alkaline elements and up to 8% organic acids.

Lemon is an alkaline or acidic product.

Lemon is an alkaline or acidic product.

Lemon characteristic

The main varieties of fruit are conventionally divided into 2 groups:

  • tree-like (4-6 m);
  • shrub (1-1.5 m).

In addition to height, the characteristic features of the species include the following:

  • the bark is gray, smooth, perennial branches acquire a reddish tint;
  • leaves are leathery, bright green, 8-12 cm long, 4-6 cm wide, with punctate venation (due to translucent containers of essential oil);
  • flowers are single or paired, 2-3 cm in diameter, white, strongly curved, with a delicate aroma;
  • the fruit is ovoid or elliptical, 7-10 cm long, 5-7 cm in diameter, light yellow, contains many glands with essential oil, ripens in autumn, has a sour taste.

Chemical composition

The chemical set of elements of this fruit contains:

  • organic acids (citric, malic);
  • vitamins (A, B, P, C, ascorbic acid);
  • minerals, salts (potassium, copper) essential oils.

Citrine, combined with vitamin C, helps maintain internal balance, oxidizes and regenerates.

Application of acidic and alkaline properties

In the case of certain diseases associated with metabolic disorders and lack of vitamins, pure lemon juice is prescribed. When poisoning with alkalis, it is used as an oxidizing agent to stop the reaction.

Lemon is good for vitamin deficiencies

Lemon is good for vitamin deficiencies

In alternative medicine, lemon is used as an additional disinfectant for diphtheria plaque on the throat and for inflammation of the oral mucosa. Tinctures obtained from this fruit are used for indigestion, metabolic disorders, rheumatism and gastritis with low acidity.

The sour taste of lemon promotes concentration and enhances attention.

Lemon belonging

Along with other fruits (grapes, apricots, apples), all citrus fruits belong to alkaline foods. Despite the pronounced acidic taste and the content of organic acids (up to 8%), in the human body, lemon is converted, undergoes alkalization during digestion. Its pH rises from pH 3 to pH 9, making this fruit highly alkaline.

When lemon enters the digestive tract under the influence of gastric juice and other enzymes, the processing and breakdown of the nutrient mass into microelements begins. An important condition is the acidic environment of the stomach, due to which citrus does not acidify the body.

Gastric juice has a complex composition of digestive juice, which is produced by various glands of the gastric mucosa, but the main ones can be distinguished:

  • hydrochloric acid provides the required level of acidity;
  • pepsin - an enzyme that breaks down proteins;
  • intrinsic factor - an enzyme that helps to absorb vitamin B12;
  • bicarbonates are enzymes necessary to neutralize hydrochloric acid when moving food through the duodenum.

A consequence of the synthesis of acids is the appearance of a precipitate of organic salts, which penetrate into the body from the gastrointestinal tract. They have a pronounced alkalization. These include the salts of lithium, potassium and copper. Under the influence of blood enzymes, salts break down into carbonic acid and alkali. They mutually neutralize each other, a neutral environment is established. But carbonic acid exists only in the form of carbon dioxide dissolved in water and will be taken out together with another liquid.

As a result, alkali remains, which alkalizes the body and maintains balance.


When determining whether a lemon is an alkaline or acidic product, you need to understand that, despite the pronounced sour taste and content of organic acids, when absorbed, it alkalizes itself and increases the alkaline environment in the human body. This is the reason why this fruit is considered an alkaline food. To maintain the functioning of the human body, it is necessary to maintain a balance of alkali and acid in accordance with the norm.

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