Growing an apple tree Quinti

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Apple tree Quinti is in great demand. Its fruits are juicy and tasty, they are full of vitamins and nutrients. For gardeners, the tree is convenient because it is unpretentious in care, and gives fruits in the warm season.

Growing an apple tree Quinti

Growing an apple tree Quinti


The variety was bred relatively recently in Canada. He managed to fall in love both in his homeland and in other countries. Due to its special taste and rich healthy composition, this species is often used by breeders to develop new varieties.

Description of the tree and fruit

The tree is of medium height, its crown is lush, spread out and has a semicircular shape. The branches extend from the trunk at a right angle, the lower ones slope towards the ground. The crown of the apple tree is deciduous and green.

Skeletal branches slope in different directions, bend, their surface is smooth, and the color is green-gray. Fruits are formed in old trees on ringlets, and in young trees - on lances and twigs.

The shoots of the tree are small, slightly curved and have a dark green color; in the sun they acquire a light brown tint. They sink a little, and their surface is almost bare.

The leaves are large and also dark green. They have a wide base but a narrow tip. They are round-oval in shape, but the small leaves are more ovoid, on the sides they are even. In relation to the shoots, the leaves are placed on the branches at angles of 60 ° and 90 °.

The fruits are medium in size, but if the yield is low, the apples will be large. At the bottom they have a pointed shape. In color, it all depends on the species, because there are apples of yellow-green shades, and there are completely red ones. Most often, fruits of mixed colors, where red is in the lead, with a little raspberry tint.

The apples have subcutaneous points, but they are not very noticeable. The peel of apples is dense and with a smooth surface; after long storage, an oily coating appears on it. The peel is distinguished by a special apple rich aroma.

The seeds of apples are of medium size, and there are not many of them, they are all in a closed chamber. The peduncle is wide, and it comes out almost from the very edge of a shallow, but equally wide funnel.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other variety, Quinti has its pros and cons. The advantages of the apple tree include the fact that its fruits ripen quickly, as well as the fact that they are suitable for transportation. The tree itself tolerates heat and drought well, so even in the hottest weather the apples will be in excellent condition.

Quinti is not resistant to scab, because of this, the tree must be constantly processed. After the apple harvest is harvested, its fruits are stored for a maximum of 10 days.


Apples have a high content of ascorbic acid and fruit sugars. The peel has a rich apple aroma, and the taste of the fruits is sweet with a barely noticeable sourness.

The pulp is light green, with a creamy shade, juicy and has a pleasant taste. In terms of chemical composition, apples have:

  • sugars - 10.3%;
  • acids - 0.6%;
  • ascorbic acid - 8.4 mg.

If we compare sugars and acids, then their ratio in the pulp is 35.6: 21.1.

Annual growth

The variety has a high yield.

The variety has a high yield.

The growth of horizontal branches per year is about 5-6 cm. The apple tree of this variety acquires the maximum height by 5 years.

The frequency of fruiting

Fruiting in an apple tree begins early, from 2 years after planting. It begins in the warm season, the tree is not characterized by a decline in yield. With proper care for one season with Quinti, apples can be removed 2 times.


Breeders mark the yield of the tree as high. It all depends on the weather and climatic conditions of the territory in which the tree grows. About 1 quintal of fruit is harvested from one apple tree. This is more than enough for those who sell fruit.

Pollinating varieties

The variety is self-infertile, so for ripening it will need the help of other apple trees, which can pollinate themselves. Usually it is advised to plant 2 other varieties, at a distance of 5 m from each other. Excellent pollinators for Quinti are Vista Bella, Julired, Papirovka, Stark Elriest.

Winter hardiness

Quinty has no immunity to frost. Even in light autumn or spring frosts, the tree can suffer and freeze up. The apple tree dies in winter at temperatures below -20 ° C, so it must be well looked after and this feature taken into account.

Disease and pest resistance

Quinti is not immune to both fungal and bacterial diseases. Often, with increased and prolonged humidity, scab appears on the branches and leaves.


If you want to have a beautiful apple tree in your garden, you need to plant it correctly, and for this you need to choose a suitable place, soil, fertilizers, and then the variety needs proper care.


The description indicates that the most favorable period for planting Quinti is autumn. It is at this time of the year, before frosts, that the tree will take root well, and during the cold weather the root system will get stronger, and by the spring the apple tree will begin to grow and give its first flowering.

Site preparation

It is not difficult to choose a place for a variety. It is thermophilic, so try to choose a sunny area that will be accessible to the winds at a minimum. A week before planting, holes are prepared for the seedlings, which should be at a distance of at least 5 m from each other.

The holes are dug 1.5 m deep, 2 m in diameter. Fertilizers are poured into it: sand, humus, compost, so that the tree takes root better.

Preparation of seedlings

Choose seedlings with strong roots

Choose seedlings with strong roots

You need to buy seedlings in proven places. It is better if they are young enough, then the tree will take root faster. The seedling must have a well-developed root system that will be adapted to the climatic conditions in which it will develop.

If the seedlings have dry branches or leaves, they must be plucked before planting, and the young tree itself should be placed in water for 4-5 hours before being introduced into the ground.


Having previously straightened the root system, plant a young tree and sprinkle it with earth. Then the soil is trampled down a little and watered abundantly. The fertilizer that was poured during the preparation of the pit will be enough for the next 2 years.


In order for the Quinti apple variety to grow after planting and give a high yield, you need to know the features of its watering, feeding and pruning.


A tree growing in warm regions requires timely watering. The first obligatory and plentiful watering occurs immediately after planting, and the rest depend only on the weather. Particular attention should be paid to this in the summer. Water the tree with the calculation - 10 liters of water per 1 m of its height.

Top dressing

The soil for the seedling needs to be saturated with nitrogen, but after 2 years, other fertilizers should be added.The tree is thermophilic, so organic products are not the best option for it. many pests develop in them. Better for Quinti to use artificial fertilizers.

Pruning and shaping the crown

Bark formation begins as early as the next year after planting. In the spring, those branches that have lengthened by more than 60 cm need to be shortened. They are carefully trimmed with scissors, keeping the rounded shape of the crown.

Harvesting and storage

After planting, the tree quickly begins to yield crops. In just 2 years, the first fruits can be collected. The first flowering begins in spring, in early May. Fruit ripening depends on climatic conditions. This usually happens in the summer, in mid-July.

Fruiting at the tree occurs regularly every year. The yield is quite high.

Harvested in July. They tolerate transportation well. The downside is that they cannot be stored for a long time. 10 days after harvest, apples lose their former useful properties, their taste deteriorates, the fruits begin to rot.

Variety subspecies

Quinti is a common apple variety, with the help of which breeders have repeatedly bred new varieties. This is how a more winter-hardy species appeared - Earley Queen, whose homeland is Holland. It is characterized by the following qualities:

  • this tree ripens in mid-October;
  • the fruits are much larger than that of Quinti, the weight of one is 190-250 g;
  • apples are yellow-green in color, in the sun they have a clear raspberry tint;
  • the pulp is dense and juicy, has a sweet-sour taste;
  • the variety sells well due to its transportability and long shelf life;
  • he is not self-fertile either.

Growing regions

The variety is grown in many warm countries. In Russia, there are regions where the Quinti planting is common - these are the Moscow Region and the Krasnodar Territory.

In the Moscow region, special conditions are created for the tree so that it bears fruit well. Usually, fertilizers become the main components for caring for it, and in the cold season the crown is covered with burlap so that it does not freeze.

In the Krasnodar Territory, the tree is also abundantly fertilized, watered and protected from diseases and pests.

Gardeners reviews

According to those who have repeatedly planted the Quinti apple tree, this tree is convenient for cultivation for sale. The fruits are sweet and do not require much maintenance. The tree adapts well to the environment, pleases gardeners with high yields.

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