Columnar Apple Constellation

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The constellation columnar apple tree is popular among gardeners and summer residents. It takes up little space and does not require much attention. The compact tree bears fruit actively and endures severe frosts.

Columnar Apple Constellation

Columnar Apple Constellation

Characteristics of the variety

The constellation is a columnar apple variety. It can be grown both for yourself and for commercial purposes.

The tree grows slowly. In the second year after planting, side branches appear, in the fourth year they bear fruit. If the kidney has been injured, growth may stop.

For the first 5–6 years, the amount of the crop will change, and by the age of 8 it will stabilize.

The tree bears fruit for 15–20 years, after that it dies off and it is no longer possible to save it. The variety can withstand frosts down to -10 ° and is resistant to fungal diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The constellation will not only delight you with delicious fruits, but also decorate with its flowering in spring.

According to the description, the dwarf apple tree has its pros and cons.

Doesn't take up much space.Demanding to watering.
Early maturity.The apple tree needs to be fertilized frequently.
The crop can be stored and transported for a long time.Growing slowly.
They endure the most severe winters.Before planting a tree, you need to sort out the seedlings. It takes a lot of time and effort.


  • Plant the tree very carefully so as not to damage the seedling.
  • The hole is fertilized in advance, the roots of the tree are spread in it, then watered.
  • After 2-3 days, they begin to regularly feed with urea or other fertilizer.
  • Cut off the upper buds and cover the cut with garden varnish, otherwise they can freeze in cold weather.

In the summer, the plant is fed with potassium, and at the end of June fertilization must be stopped so that the tree is prepared for the cold weather.


A young tree is planted in warm soil

A young tree is planted in warm soil

It is necessary to plant columnar apple trees in good weather conditions. Most often, the procedure is carried out in mid-April, because the earth warms up and the tree takes root better.

If planted in the fall, then this should be done before the onset of frost, when the leaves begin to fall.


You need to plant a tree quickly, it cannot be kept in the air for a long time, and especially in the sun.

In the hole there should be a small hump of the ground, along which you need to slowly spread the roots. Pour loosened earth into the hole, without lumps - so that there is no excess space left.

Tie up the seedlings with string and water. One tree needs 2-3 buckets of cool water.


In order for the harvest to be of high quality, and the fruits not to lose all useful substances, you need to know the rules of care, otherwise it may not give the harvest or even die.


The apple tree needs moderate watering. The roots are close to the surface, so the moisture evaporates quickly.

One tree has 2-3 buckets of water every 2 weeks.

A newly planted tree requires irrigation every 3 days. In hot weather, the earth needs to be moistened every day, depending on the condition of the earth.


Gardeners recommend digging up the ground at the beginning of summer. During the autumn and winter, the soil is infused and receives all the necessary substances.

The main thing in the process of loosening is to do it carefully so as not to hurt the roots.

Top dressing

Most often, columnar varieties are planted close to each other, so the land quickly becomes exhausted and requires fertilization.

  • In early spring, the apple tree is fertilized with ammonium nitrate;
  • After 20 days, you need to feed with nitroammophos;
  • It is allowed to spray with urea and other fertilizers;

With active growth, it needs to be fertilized with special minerals that provide healthy fruits and trees.


Pruning is done once a year.

Pruning is done once a year.

The removal procedure is carried out in the summer or after the foliage has fallen. If you cut off a lot of side branches, then the growth of the apple tree will begin to gain momentum. In a young tree, they are cut off completely. The main thing is not to hook the central one, because the plant will lose its growth point.


Columnar apple trees are propagated in two ways: by grafting and planting seeds. To plant a tree, you will need:

  1. Select a branch.
  2. Make a 5 mm annular cut. It should be covered with gauze soaked in Heteroauxin and left for a day.
  3. Wrap damp peat around the hole and cover with a black bag.
  4. In the fall, roots appear on the branches, they need to be separated and planted in a separate hole.

Pest and disease control

Apple Constellation firmly tolerates frost and fungi. But experienced gardeners recommend spraying trees with fungicides in the spring for prevention.

The flower beetle and moth are dangerous for the plant, so the tree must be fertilized with pest repellents. Otherwise, they can damage foliage and fruits. Summer residents recommend using insecticidal agents.

Preparing for winter

According to the description, the variety stands out for its resistance to frost, but it still needs to be prepared for winter. At the end of November, the tree needs to be insulated. A bunch of well-compressed wood chips is placed on the post. It must be well sprayed so that rodents and pests do not spoil it.


The apple tree of the Constellation variety has a high level of survival in different territories with different climates.

Due to the peculiarities of the trunk, the tree does not take up much space. Cold resistance and the characteristics of the fruits themselves make the variety beneficial for growing for industrial purposes.

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