Vegetable growing

Description of cabbage Nozomi f1
Characteristics of Nozomi cabbage. How to properly care for this plant? What are the ways to control pests and diseases?
Description of Menza cabbage
How productive is Menza cabbage? What features of the variety should the gardener take into account and how will the culture be properly cared for?
Why does cabbage crack
For what reasons cabbage heads crack. What should be done to prevent this problem and can cracked forks be salvaged?
Description of cabbage variety Sugarloaf
What properties does Sugarloaf cabbage have? How to grow strong cabbage seedlings? How to deal with cabbage pests and diseases?
Description of the best varieties of late cabbage
What are the best varieties of late cabbage? Characteristics of the varieties. Basic recommendations for growing and care.
Description of cabbage variety Moscow late
What are the characteristics of late Moscow cabbage? What are the recommendations for care and cultivation needs to be considered by the breeder?

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