Description of broccoli cabbage Marathon f1

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Marathon f1 broccoli cabbage is one of the most affordable and widespread subspecies of broccoli, which is rich in nutrients and minerals. The vegetable is versatile in use.

Description of broccoli cabbage Marathon f1

Description of broccoli cabbage Marathon f1


Broccoli Marathon f1 is a type of cauliflower. The main features of the species include:

  • fruit color varies from green to blue-green;
  • the shape of ripe broccoli is elliptical, weight reaches 800 g;
  • fruits are loose and dense;
  • the length of a ripe head of cabbage, on average, is 20 cm.

The variety is a late but high yielding variety. With proper cultivation and care, you can harvest up to 4 kg of cabbage from 1 m2.

Taste qualities and useful properties

Marathon f1 broccoli has gained its popularity thanks to its amazing taste, which allows you to diversify the diet with delicious dishes without much effort.

Nutritionists from all over the world consider broccoli to be a very healthy vegetable, because it contains a large amount of protein, but the percentage of fiber is extremely low. The composition is enriched with vitamins of groups C and E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chromium.

Folic acid, which is in the composition, methionine and choline contribute to a speedy recovery after long-term illnesses, because these substances have a beneficial effect on overall health indicators.

Sulforaphane, a fundamental component of Marathon, has a positive effect on the regeneration process of the mucous membrane, because it has antibacterial properties.

Growing features

The first stage in the process of growing Marathon f1 is getting seedlings, which, according to the time frame, falls at the end of March-beginning of April. With the onset of warm weather (late April-first weeks of May), which makes it possible to warm up the soil, seedlings are planted.

An integral part of growing seedlings is seed treatment, which, if properly carried out, increases the yield of plantings. The order of the processing procedure:

  • sorting. For successful cultivation, it is necessary to select the largest seeds without mechanical damage;
  • immerse the selected seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for an hour, then dry them a little.

After carrying out the above procedures, you can proceed to sowing, in which the depth of the holes should not exceed 1 cm. When growing, do not forget to feed with the help of specialized fertilizers, which include boron, molybdenum.

When there are 4-5 leaves on the bush, they are planted in the ground. The best time for planting is May. Before planting, it is necessary to irrigate the land abundantly. The seeding pattern is 30 cm by 50 cm.


Good care will increase crop yields

Good care will increase crop yields

To be guaranteed to get a harvest and increase its performance, you must follow certain rules.

  1. Landing site. Based on the fact that broccoli is by its nature a light-loving plant, it needs a well-lit area.
  2. Priming.For the successful growth of broccoli, it is necessary to give preference to soil with low acidity. Reducing the level of soil acidity is carried out using chalk or lime. When preparing the soil, it is necessary to enrich with compost, you can use ash. Apply superphosphate fertilizers in proportions of 10 g per 1 m2. Loosen the soil in time, this will increase the flow of nutrients to the root system. Remember to clear the planting site from weeds and hilling in a timely manner.
  3. Irrigation. Watering should be regular and abundant. In summer, it is recommended to spray the cabbage with filtered water.
  4. A correctly carried out fertilization procedure is the key to a bountiful harvest, however, it is necessary to strictly observe the indicated proportions in order to avoid oversaturation of the plant with microelements. Primary feeding is a diluted mullein (half a liter jar for 15 liters of water) with the addition of urea (1 tsp). The procedure is carried out 2 weeks after planting seedlings in open ground. Secondary dressing - saltpeter. Terms - 3 weeks after the initial treatment. Top dressing before the onset of cold weather is carried out with nitrogen fertilizers. It is important to remember about potassium phosphate dressings, on which the yield of cabbage directly depends.

You can use ready-made mixtures, which can be found in any specialty store. Observe the proportions indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Possible diseases and pests

The most common problem encountered when growing broccoli is caterpillars, which are eaten by the fruit before they are fully ripe. To prevent this problem, it is recommended to use Lutrasil (plant protection covering material).

The culture is resistant to other diseases and pests. In order to avoid the invasion of aphids or flea beetles, it is recommended to process cabbage every 10 days with a weak onion or garlic solution: for 10 liters of water, 2 kg of crushed product.


Marathon f1 broccoli cabbage is a real delicacy with many useful substances. Caring for broccoli cabbage is not laborious, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions indicated, then you can get a healthy plant with a bountiful harvest.

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