Rules for processing cucumbers with copper sulfate

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Cucumbers are susceptible to various diseases. Gardeners face the problem of how to treat them. Copper sulfate treatment of cucumbers is one way to solve this problem.

Rules for processing cucumbers with copper sulfate

Rules for processing cucumbers with copper sulfate

Characteristics of the drug

It is a protective contact fungicide, blue (blue) in the form of small crystals or powder. It is an aqueous solution of copper sulfate. You can buy it in a specialized store. They are used in gardening work - they treat trees, bushes, vegetables, flowers from fungi.

Features of the drug

Copper sulfate has a high acidity. To reduce it, gardeners are poured into a solution, into which they initially put 3-5 g of laundry soap and poured 200-500 ml of hot water. Then the soap must be lather.

Solutions prepared on the basis of a fungicide begin to act in 2-4 hours. At an air temperature of 15˚C, they provide protection for up to 12 days, at 25˚C - up to 7 days. It is necessary to process in dry, light weather. If it rains on the spray field, there will be no effect. But re-use is prohibited, because a large amount of the drug accumulates in the soil.

Has antibacterial and disinfecting properties. Toxic to humans. He was assigned the 3rd hazard class. Therefore, all actions using the substance should be carried out in protective clothing and a respirator.


If the product gets in contact with the skin, rinse immediately with plenty of water. Causes irritation of mucous membranes, bronchial cough, nosebleeds. Also, if the dosage is exceeded, the fungicide can cause burns to plants, damage the inflorescences and fruits.


In addition to medicinal purposes, the drug can be used as:

  • constituent component of dressings;
  • disinfectant for wooden structures;
  • soil disinfectant.

Copper sulfate solution is used in spring and summer. Before winter, use is undesirable, because you can oversaturate the soil with this element.

Preparation of Bordeaux liquid

Bordeaux liquid is actively used in the garden, because it has a good effect on plants. Copper sulfate is one of the constituents of this fungicide.

To prepare Bordeaux liquid, you need to take a container made of wood, plastic, glass. A metal vessel cannot be used. The tool can be prepared in two types: strong (3%) and gentle (1%). The first is prepared like this:

  • 300 g of copper sulfate is stirred in hot water in a small amount;
  • add cold water so that the volume of the solution is 10 liters;
  • the prepared solution is poured slowly into the milk of lime (the slaked lime is filtered), which is taken in an amount of 400 g;
  • stir all the time.

To prepare 1% liquid, 100 g of copper sulfate and slaked lime are given per 10 liters of water. It ensures good adhesion of the product to the cucumbers. During the growing season of cucumbers, this concentration is used.

The solution should be infused for 3-4 hours. Then it is filtered and used.

Cucumber processing

You can fertilize at different stages of growth.

You can fertilize at different stages of growth.

Copper sulfate is used at different stages of cultivation.

The dosage of the ingredients is calculated from the following scheme: for 100 preparations, water is given in an amount of 0.5-0.7 liters. Its temperature should be 40-50˚С. Diluted in a plastic container. The volume is brought up to 10 liters with cold water. Before use, the solution is passed through a filter.

First step

The initial process is the preparation of the seed for planting - they are disinfected. For this, the inoculum is placed in a 2% solution. Leave for 8-9 hours. This activity will ensure early seedlings.

Second phase

The next step is to prepare the soil in open and closed areas. It includes disinfecting the ground. A week before sowing cucumbers, you need to water it with a 3% solution in the amount of 300 g per 10 liters of water.

Lack of copper in the soil

If the culture is grown on soil that lacks such an element as copper, then fertilizers are applied based on this substance. Peat bog, sandy and sandy loam soils are especially in need of them. In spring and autumn, copper sulfate is introduced into the ground, dosing 1 g per 1 sq. m. Such an action is performed once every five years, since the soil is well saturated with the element.

Treatment for diseases

An aqueous solution of copper sulfate is also used to treat various diseases of cucumbers. Substances prepared on the basis of this remedy are used to treat:

  1. Powdery mildew - for spraying, take 7 g of copper sulfate and 100 g of liquid soap per 10 liters of water. Separately, copper and soap must be dissolved in water. Then gradually pour in, stirring all the time.
  2. Penosporosis (downy mildew) - Bordeaux liquid is used.
  3. Ascochitosis - such a solution is prepared: 5 g of vitriol, 10 g of urea, 10 liters of water. It is processed twice with an interval of 7 days.
  4. Root rot - give 1 tsp for 10 liters of water. copper sulfate, 1 tsp. zinc sulfate, 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate. The solution is used for irrigation only fresh, dosing in this way: 5 liters of substance per 1 sq. m.
  5. Gray rot - to overcome the disease in greenhouse conditions, take 1 tsp. crushed copper sulfate, add 1 tbsp. l. wood ash. The mixture is sprinkled on the affected areas.

If the culture lacks copper during the growing season (typical chlorosis of young leaves), it is worth applying foliar feeding. To do this, take 1-2 g of copper sulfate for 10 liters of water.

To determine the consumption rate, they come out with the following figures: 1% solution is dosed - 10 liters per 100 sq. m. To obtain it, take 100 g of funds per 10 liters.

Cucumbers can be consumed no earlier than 5 days after processing. Most other vegetables are recommended to be sprayed two weeks before harvest. Before you eat them, you should rinse them well. After all, the fruits do not absorb copper sulfate. It remains on the skin of vegetables and on top of the leaves.

Greenhouse processing

Copper sulfate is a good antiseptic. When planting cucumbers in greenhouse or greenhouse conditions, wood materials can be processed. But only in limited quantities to avoid oversaturation of the soil with this element. After all, its excess depresses plants, and the earth becomes acidic.

It is better to use copper sulfate in the construction of greenhouses as an impregnating agent. The fungicide is applied to the boards by spraying or with a brush (you can use a sponge) in several layers. Each of them is allowed to dry, then the next one is applied. The procedure is repeated after 3-4 months. To process the support beams, clay is added to the tool. You should get the consistency of sour cream.

If the mold is deeply ingrained, copper sulfate will no longer help. It is better not to use the affected tree for construction, as the disease can spread throughout the structure.


Copper sulfate is an indispensable tool for growing cucumbers. It is used to combat diseases of cucumbers and mold in greenhouses. Prepared with copper sulfate, the Bordeaux liquid has many uses as well.Thanks to these funds, you can get a high yield of zelents.

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