Cultivation of a columnar apple tree Green noise

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The columnar apple tree Green noise appeared as a result of the experiment of the VNIISPK specialists and received a high demand. The variety belongs to the autumn and winter periods of consumption. Such apple trees are planted on a personal plot in order to obtain a bountiful harvest, and they are also used in landscape design.

Cultivation of a columnar apple tree Green noise

Cultivation of a columnar apple tree Green noise

Characteristics of the variety

This is a medium-sized light-loving tree that even an inexperienced gardener can handle. This variety is characterized by:

  • large fruits with a ruddy side, weighing up to 200 g;
  • dense green leaves;
  • lack of skeletal branches.

The apples taste sweet and sour with a pleasant honey aroma, thanks to which the variety is used to make many desserts, compotes and is dried.

The fruiting period of the apple tree is 15 years, but gardeners prefer to renew the variety every 10 years. Harvested at the end of autumn, the number of apples from one tree can reach about 10 kg: if you pay attention to the tree, the indicator can grow several times.

After the expiration of the term, productivity decreases, because the fruit formations dry out. The tree does not die and can live for more than one year.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Green Noise apple tree has many more advantages than disadvantages. Among the advantages are:

  • decorative appearance;
  • small root system;
  • convenient harvesting;
  • great taste;
  • compactness - instead of ordinary trees, a dozen columnar trees are placed;
  • high yield;
  • early maturity - brings fruit already 1-3 years after planting.

Of the shortcomings, gardeners distinguish 2 main ones: the high cost of the seedling and the short term of fruiting.


Growing an apple tree is not difficult at all

Growing an apple tree is not difficult at all

The apple tree is planted in the spring, but a place for it should be prepared in the fall. To do this, you need to follow a specific algorithm:

  • dig a hole 70 cm wide and deep;
  • the excavated soil must be mixed with a phosphorus-potassium composition and organic fertilizers in the following proportions: 3-4 kg of earth, 100 g of potassium sulfate and superphosphate, 250 g of wood ash;
  • mix thoroughly, pour into a pit and leave in this state, sheltering from precipitation;
  • when planting, the tree needs to be covered almost halfway, after having straightened the roots and tamped well;
  • put a peg and tie up an apple tree;
  • pour water - 1.5-2 buckets;
  • make a hole with sides 5 cm.


Gardeners from different regions of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan choose a columnar variety, because the apple tree is not picky to care for and is immune to scab. Despite this, she needs annual sanitary pruning, watering and fertilization.


A young apple tree needs to be watered every week - 10 liters per tree. Can be divided into 2 parts - morning and evening. An adult tree is watered as needed several times a month. When it sheds its leaves, you need to moisten it so that the ground gets wet at a depth of about 1 m - this will help the tree overwinter.


According to the description, the Green Noise apple tree does not have skeletal branches that need to be cut off from ordinary trees, but sometimes there are failures, as a result of which shoots grow actively. In this case, it is necessary to cut off all branches into 2 buds or form a crown in the form of a candelabra.

After trimming, the saw cut must be treated with garden varnish or paint.

Top dressing

To get a good annual harvest, the apple tree needs to be fertilized from the moment of planting. Taking into account the unique root system of the tree, the top dressing will be correctly applied in solid form to the surface of the soil, and then poured from a watering can or bucket. Gardeners distinguish 3 fertilization periods:

  • the first feeding must be carried out immediately after planting, it includes organic compounds - humus or compost, 3-4 buckets must be scattered around the perimeter of the crown;
  • the second feeding is carried out with the help of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers: 80 g of superphosphate and 50 g of chloride or potassium sulfate;
  • the last fertilizer must be divided into 2 parts: first, urea is added, and after 2-3 weeks, it is fed with a phosphorus-potassium mixture. You can pour wood ash or pour over herbal decoctions.

Gardeners reviews

Many gardeners speak positively about the columnar apple Green Noise. From all of the above, its compactness in planting and transportation, great taste, large fruits, long-term presentation, resistance to diseases and pests, ease of care are distinguished.

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