Apple-tree varieties Rossoshanskoe Striped

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Apple-tree Rossoshanskoe Striped was obtained as a result of cross-pollination and crossing of fruitful species. She has the best characteristics for late varieties: resistance, yield and unpretentiousness.

Apple-tree varieties Rossoshanskoe Striped

Apple-tree varieties Rossoshanskoe Striped

general characteristics

Apple variety Rossoshanskoe Striped winter-hardy and very productive. It can grow in any soil.

The fruits are characterized by high keeping quality: they hang on branches for a long time, and they are also stored for a long time in wooden boxes.

A crop late in maturity makes it possible to harvest before winter frosts.

The culture is growing throughout Russia. Pollinators are apple trees similar in characteristics (with the same period of flowering and fruiting). Cross-pollination improves the quality of the crop.

Description of the tree

Trees with a round and dense crown. According to the description, the older it is, the more the appearance of the crown changes - it becomes spreading. Therefore, she needs formative pruning (such an event begins from the 3rd year).

The shape of the inflorescences resembles an umbrella. Flowers are white. They cover the branches densely, so the tree is especially beautiful during flowering.

Description of fruits

The apples of the Rossoshansk variety have a yellow-green main color, most of the surface is covered with crimson stripes that appear as they ripen.

The fruits are large: the average weight of one is 180 g. They are tasty and juicy, there is a slight sourness. Even under unfavorable conditions, their quality remains high. The aroma is spicy. It manifests itself during storage.

Tasting score from 4.5 to 5 points.

The pulp contains up to 11 g of sugar and 15 g of vitamins useful for the human body.

Advantages and disadvantages

Rossoshan striped apple tree has the following advantages:

  • resistant to various diseases: it is not afraid of either scab or powdery mildew;
  • practically not susceptible to pests;
  • apples lie for a long time, are well transported and do not rot, even at high humidity.

With timely prevention, no problems will interfere with the tree. It needs to be treated with fungicides, but not more often than once a year.

The hybrid has few drawbacks: due to improper care or with a sharp change in climatic conditions, the apple tree may suffer from scab.

Planting varieties

Choose a healthy seedling for planting

Choose a healthy seedling for planting

A landing pit is formed in the fall or at least 14 days before the intended landing.

Saplings must be 2 years old. The vaccinated quickly take root. Such material has a stable and strong root system, several processes, but there are still no full-fledged leaves.

A good seedling does not break, its roots do not come off, there are no spots and traces of the transferred disease.

Disembarkation dates

  1. In the spring. They are planted when the soil warms up and the frosts recede. It is necessary to have time to do everything before the formation of ovaries on adult trees, so that the young tree also has time to bloom.Spring planting is more gentle and simple. The material has time to germinate and harden before frost. The planting pit is prepared in the fall or 2 weeks before planting.
  2. In the autumn. Simple but precarious fit. After harvesting, a pit is prepared. It is fertilized and watered. The planted tree is immediately prepared for winter. There must be at least a month before the expected frost, otherwise the seedling may suffer.

The difference between fall and spring plantings is what conditions a gardener can create. If no shelter is made for the winter, the material will die.

The same fate awaits him, if in the summer he does not carry out regular feeding and watering - if the material is planted in spring.

Disembarkation scheme

The location of the site depends on the landing pattern:

  • single landing assumes free space - up to 5 m in diameter;
  • in industrial gardens, less space is left for seedlings - up to 3-4 m;
  • the shape of the crown, which is formed after 2-3 years, saves space on the site;
  • the best option for any planting is 3.5-4 m between seedlings.

A hole is dug at least 80 cm deep and 1 m in diameter. Immediately after that, it is fertilized. Humus or compost is used as top dressing (in a layer of 5-6 cm).

The pit settles for 6-7 days. Then the top layer of the soil is dug up with the remains of humus. The pit is left for another week.

On the day of disembarkation, drainage from crushed stone is required (if there is high groundwater on the land plot). Such sources of liquid will not help the seedling, but only harm it - the water will wash out the nutrients from the rhizome.

The seedling is immersed in a hole, and sprinkled with fresh soil on top. The well is watered - this will require at least 5-7 liters of water.

General care

  • Loosening of the soil - carried out before watering and fertilizing the soil in order to improve its throughput;
  • Weeding the land - the fewer foreign plants, the stronger the root system;
  • Watering is the foundation of care that allows the tree to grow, bear fruit and survive the winter;
  • Top dressing - only applied fertilizers are sources of nutrients and microelements;

Crown pruning

The tree is pruned twice a year.

The tree is pruned twice a year.

Held twice a year. These are mandatory activities that guarantee the growth of the tree and its long life.

The first image is in the spring. Cut off curved branches to shape the crown.

A sanitary procedure is needed in the fall. It allows you to get rid of sick or dry shoots. After that, the tree is insulated for the winter. Mulch is used.

Watering and fertilizing the soil

Use up to 6 buckets of water for irrigation. The procedure is carried out in the evening.

For the season, an adult culture needs at least 3-4 waterings. A young seedling is not brought under the root of water, so as not to harm the root system. In winter, watering is not needed.

Potash and phosphorus supplements are used for feeding. If mineral feeding is combined with organic matter, take a week break between them.


According to the description, the first fruits appear on the Rossosh apple tree in the 4th year. On a dwarf rootstock, they appear already in the second year.

There are few fruits on a young tree, but the growth increases annually.

Apple picking begins in late summer and lasts until early autumn. The fruits ripen at the same time. It is better to let them "lie down" first and only then use them for their intended purpose.

Harvest storage

The harvest is stable, stored until the end of winter. The average term is 150 days. If the fruits are harvested in September, they will remain tasty and whole until March.


The Rossoshanskaya apple tree includes several types:

  1. Augustowskoe. Has good winter hardiness. The height of the tree is average. Fruiting ends in August. The harvest is stored for up to 2 months. On average, 80 kg are harvested from one crop.
  2. April. Winter grade. One apple weighs 150-170 g. Fruiting ends in September, and fruits are stored until May.
  3. Spring. Winter variety with fruits weighing up to 150 g.
  4. Crimson. Early winter grade. Massive fruits - up to 270 g each.High productivity and winter hardiness.

Gardeners reviews

The reviews about the variety are positive: the bred hybrid serves to decorate the land, to optimize the space in the garden and to obtain a useful harvest.

Good frost resistance and high yield outweigh the minor disadvantages of the hybrid.

Any territory is suitable for the variety, but the more fertile the soil, the higher the annual growth.

It grows in the Volgograd, Astrakhan and Saratov regions. It will also take root in the Urals, but the tree will have to be constantly insulated.

Siberia is characterized by severe frosts, especially in winter, but if you make a shelter, the Rossoshanskaya apple tree will grow there quickly and bear fruit regularly.

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