Growing an apple tree Gift to Grafsky

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The northern region is not easy for growing horticultural crops, but the Apple Gift for Grafsky is an excellent choice for these natural and climatic conditions. A garden plot will bring you a lot of joy, because it is worth applying a few growing tricks in practice, and you will get a rich harvest as a result.

Growing an apple tree Gift to Grafsky

Growing an apple tree Gift to Grafsky

Characteristics of the variety

Apple trees bear fruit abundantly from year to year. Their resistance to diseases and pests remains high.

Description of the tree and fruit

The tree is referred to as a tall trunk. In the first 10 years of life, its height reaches 7 m. An annual increase of 1-1.2 m per year is noted.

The krone has an inverse conical shape, medium thickening, well leafy. Its diameter is 4 m. The leaves are dark green. The apple tree blooms with beautiful medium-sized white buds with a pinkish overflow.

It has been noticed that fruiting is mostly observed on branches that are two or more years old. The branches themselves are of medium length and thickness, straight, dark gray bark.

The fruits are large, their weight reaches 350 g. In shape, they are round-conical with a slight ribbing. The rind is of medium thickness, almost smooth. The main color is yellow, but the integumentary color often overlaps it by 80-100% with red-violet.

Has subcutaneous points that are hardly noticeable. The fruits are covered with a slight waxy coating. They have a small number of seeds. Attached to the tree with a stem of medium length and thickness.

Taste characteristic

Apples of the Podarok Grafsky variety are very beautiful, like in the tale of Snow White. The light yellow flesh has a delicate apple aroma, is characterized by medium juiciness and firmness, almost fine-grained.

The taste of apples is sweet and sour. The indicators are classified as good; experts give him 4.2-4.3 points on a 5-point scale. It has a high level of chlorogenic acid, which performs many functions in the body, including promoting metabolic processes.


Begins to bear fruit for 5-6 years. The harvest is plentiful, regular, but varies in volume. At the summer cottage, you can collect about 250 kg of fruit from a tree. On an industrial scale, this figure is 20 tons per hectare.

The fruits have an excellent presentation and are in demand. They are characterized by high preservation rates until late spring.

Pollinating varieties

This apple tree is not self-fertile, it requires pollinating varieties. Otherwise, fruit set will not occur.

The best pollinating varieties for the apple tree Gift to Grafsky are considered: Severny Sinap, Studencheskoe and Moskovskoe later.

Winter hardiness

High winter-hardy characteristics can be judged from the history of selection. Excellent tolerance of temperatures down to -42 ℃ and below was recorded with small losses for the yield, because the apple tree will spend energy on recovery.She is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature.

Disease and pest resistance

Timely treatment contributes to the preservation of the harvest

Timely treatment contributes to the preservation of the harvest

Since the regions where this variety is grown have fairly high humidity levels, the creators of this species took care of the tree's stable immunity to scab and fungal diseases, for which this environment is native.

Prevention of other diseases consists in proper care and timely treatment. The tree needs to protect the trunk and bark from rodents.

Growing in regions

Gift to Grafsky - a variety adapted to growing in the Moscow region, in the regions of the center and north of Russia, it also takes root in the territories of the Urals and Siberia.


The issue of planting should be taken seriously, taking into account all the needs and characteristics of a tree of this variety.


The optimal time for planting is considered to be late autumn or spring before the beginning of the sap flow stage. It is better to carry out sowing work in the fall - this way the root system will develop better during the winter period.

If it is impossible to carry out this procedure in the fall, in the spring you need to do this before the beginning of the swelling of the kidneys, i.e. in early April.

Landing technology

Considering the spreading crown and height of the tree, imagine what a powerful root system it has. What you need to decide first of all is the place for planting, because no other trees should grow within a radius of 10 m. Such an area is needed for adequate nutrition, growth and fruiting for apple trees of this variety.

The place must be sunny and protected from cold winds and drafts, this can adversely affect flowering and, as a result, crop.

Groundwater should be located more than 3.5 m from the surface. If this is not possible, look for a place on a hill.

Planting an apple tree Gift to Grafsky is made in several stages:

  • in a week we prepare a pit with dimensions of 100x100x70 cm;
  • pour the drainage mixture to the bottom of the pit and apply mineral fertilizers, as well as compost or manure, they will be an excellent feed for the tree;
  • a week later, we start planting, while driving a strong stake into the center - a support for the seedling for the first time;
  • we place a seedling in a hole and straighten its roots;
  • we fill the hole with fertile soil, compacting the earth around the roots;
  • we form a near-trunk circle;
  • water abundantly in the amount of 2-3 buckets.


Trees need to be well looked after

Trees need to be well looked after

Tree care includes:

  • regular pruning for crown formation and sanitization;
  • selection and application of dressings of a different nature during the required periods;
  • watering control;
  • loosening and mulching the soil.

In the autumn, the trunk of the apple tree must be painted with paint for garden trees. This will protect the crop from freezing and sunburn.

An important stage is the formation of the crown. Care must be taken to keep the tree low so that it is convenient to harvest. Better to choose the shape of the bowl.

Add a little mulch under the trunk. It can be leaves, sawdust, or grass. Sometimes the root system is lined with stones, you can make a small flower garden where annual plants are planted.

Watering is plentiful: up to 6 times per season, and in the hot summer period it is worth watering the tree even more often.

The description suggests that the variety only needs organic fertilization. With the help of pesticides, you can fight crop diseases or pests.

Features of ripening and fruiting

Apple tree Gift to Grafsky is characterized by medium early maturity. You can remove the fruits in late September - early October.

During the period of flowering, ripening and fruiting, it is necessary to maintain the soil in a loosened state in order to ensure the flow of air to the roots. The soil must be free from other crops and weeds.

Harvesting and storage

A month after removal, the apples will reach and will be ready to eat.

The storage room is chosen dark and dry with a stable temperature of 0-5 ° C. So they will lie until April - May, retaining their presentation and taste. Storage in a special atmosphere allows you to save apples until June.

Subspecies and variants

Apple trees, a gift to Grafsky, can be on semi-dwarf, dwarf and dwarf rootstocks.

Semi-dwarf rootstocks grow up to 4.45 m in height, the most advantageous subspecies. The fruiting period is approximately 30 years, while the tree begins to bear fruit 1-2 years earlier than its "parent".

The height of an apple tree on a dwarf rootstock does not exceed 3.5 m, and it has a narrow crown. In the second year of life, the tree already bears excellent fruit and retains its productive properties for up to 20 years.

Apple trees on a weakly grown rootstock are not suitable for regions with a strong drop in temperatures in winter, they are less frost-resistant due to the root system close to the surface.

Gardeners reviews

The first thing that impresses gardeners is the fruit. Compared to other varieties, these apples are very large and tasty. Unlike other species, during storage, they do not become wadded. They also note the excellent adaptive abilities of the apple tree and its unpretentiousness in care.

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