Varietal characteristics of the Pinov apple tree

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Apple tree Pinova is a hybrid that was bred by German breeders at the end of the last century from the varieties Clivia and Golden Delicious. It is now grown all over the world. The apple tree gained its popularity for its high resistance to diseases, early maturity and excellent yield.

Varietal characteristics of the Pinov apple tree

Varietal characteristics of the Pinov apple tree


Before planting a tree, you need to consider what features it will have. The information below can give you an idea of ​​whether to grow this variety on your site.

Description of the tree and fruit

The tree is medium-sized, the maximum height is 3.5 m. The crown of the plant is lush and spreading, but not dense. The branches are quite sparse, there are many apples on them. In mature trees, branches stretch downward under the load of fruit. The shape of the crown resembles a pyramid.

Leaves are small, ovate, oblong. Their color is dark green, the tips are pronounced, can be wrapped clockwise. The base of the leaves is rounded. They have a peculiarity to be omitted sometimes. Both sides of the leaves are serrated.

The flowers are white, small and have a semicircular shape that resembles a saucer. Apples grow on different types of fruit formations. They are quite large, weighing one - 170-190 g, have a rounded-conical or flat-rounded shape.

The peel is yellow-green in color, but a pronounced red blush covers 70-90% of the fruit. The skin is thin, smooth and shiny. The pulp is light, juicy, crispy. Her taste is sweet and sour, and the smell is rich apple.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Pinova apple variety has its pros and cons. The advantages include the following qualities:

  • early maturity;
  • high-yielding variety;
  • stored for a long time;
  • disease resistant;
  • lends itself well to transportation;
  • gives juicy apples;
  • pleasant fruit taste.

The only thing that can be considered a disadvantage is low resistance to fire blight, the tree is better protected from cold weather and winds.


The apples have a pleasant taste. It is sweet with a sour aftertaste. The description suggests that the tasting score is high - 4.6 points. Juicy, tender and crunchy flesh is noted.


The apple tree bears many fruits

The apple tree bears many fruits

Fruit yield is high. From one tree per season, you can collect 50 kg of fruits. Fruits may not fall off the tree for a long time, but if picked carelessly, finger dents may remain on them. The yield of the apple tree must be especially monitored, because from one tree in a season you can remove the fruits two or three times.


The variety is self-fertile. In order for it to produce a crop every year, similar trees must grow next to it. The best pollinating varieties for Pinova's apple are Champion, Golden Delicious, Idared, Gloucester and Melrose.

Winter hardiness

The species is frost-resistant.For many regions, its immunity to cold is quite enough, because the tree freezes only in too humid areas when frosts come. The winter hardiness of the fruit tree can be increased using the capabilities of agricultural technology.

Disease and pest resistance

The apple tree of this variety is loved because it is resistant to scab and powdery mildew. This greatly simplifies the maintenance of the tree and saves time on processing the trunk and crown.

Suitable region for growing

The variety is young and has not been studied for breeding in many countries and regions. In the Moscow region, gardeners grow this apple tree, but they do not advise planting its dwarf subspecies, because they do not bear fruit well.

This tree is perfect for different regions of Belarus. It is grown throughout Ukraine, where there are often separate gardens with this variety. There the apples retain their best qualities.


In order for a tree to grow beautiful and give high yields, you need to choose the right planting site for it, fertilize the soil, water it and then properly care for it.


There are no specific dates for planting the tree. It is sown, choosing the optimal weather conditions. If you plant a tree in spring, the ground should be well warmed up and have enough air and fertilizer.

The best time to plant young fruit seedlings is mid-April or early May.

Planting trees in the fall takes preparation. The holes should be dug a week before the apple tree is planted. The optimal time is when the foliage falls. Planting is completed 25 days before the onset of frost. Check the weather ahead of time to plan your time.


Planting is an important procedure because it determines how the tree will develop further. Choose the right seedlings. Do not buy them at fairs and markets, it is better to do it at nurseries. It is recommended to purchase biennial trees. You can take seedlings with a closed root system.

First, a landing pit is being prepared. The place for it is chosen with optimal lighting and the expectation that the tree needs space to grow. Seedlings should be placed at a distance of at least 5 m from each other.

The depth of the hole should be selected taking into account the size of the root system of the tree - about 80 cm, and the diameter - 90 cm. For spring and autumn plantings, a hole is prepared in 15-20 days. Fertilizers are poured onto the bottom, primarily organic ones. It can be peat, humus.

A seedling with a pre-straightened root system is placed in a hole and sprinkled with earth. Cover the roots. The ground is trampled down and watered abundantly. It is better to tie a young tree to a support.


Great apples with the right care

Great apples with the right care

Seedling care includes watering. They moisten the tree depending on weather conditions and precipitation, but on average - 3-5 times in one season. Obligatory watering begins before flowering, during the formation of ovaries and when the apples are already medium in size. One tree takes 2-3 buckets of water.

Top dressing is required, it takes place with the help of organic and mineral fertilizers. They are cooked or bought. The apple tree is fertilized in different ways, because it depends on whether the dressing is dry or in the form of a solution.

Several small holes are formed around the tree. Fertilizers are poured into them, because this is how they will be absorbed faster by the root system.

Breeders advise using natural products for spraying, for example, chamomile solution.

It is imperative for the Pinova variety to monitor the yield and remove excess ovaries in time. Crown formation begins the next year after planting, and gardeners can choose any type of shape they like. Later in the spring, only dry or damaged branches can be removed.

Features of ripening and fruiting

Early fruiting. Many gardeners harvested the first crop in the second year. Apples ripen in late September and early October.The first inflorescences of the tree are regulated from the first year, so that in the future it will adapt to this.

The description of the variety suggests that it is imperative to thin out the ovary. The fruits will be larger, the annual yield will be preserved, and the apples will hold on to the branches for a long time.

Harvesting and storage

The best time for harvesting ripe fruits is autumn: late September - early October. Sometimes local weather conditions can change these dates. The variety is characterized by long storage: after having spent 8 months in the refrigerator, it will not lose its taste.


There are dwarf species of this apple tree, no less productive. They are slightly smaller, but their fruits are large, juicy and sweet. Gardeners can harvest 30 kg of apples from one tree per season.

Evelyn is a clone of the Pinova variety. In many respects, he even surpassed his "relative". It is fast-growing, has a high cold resistance and immunity to disease.

The apple tree Evelyn is self-pollinated, has a more pronounced red color of the fruit, it has a higher taste, and it is quite inexpensive. Moreover, this type of apple can be stored for as long as 9 months, without changing the composition and taste.

Gardeners reviews

In many respects, the Pinova variety has excellent reviews from gardeners who breed it. This small tree produces high yields per season.

It does not require special care and frequent watering, perfectly adapts to the terrain and weather conditions, and its taste will delight many apple lovers.

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