The benefits of apple pectin

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Apple pectin is a polysaccharide. This substance retains liquid, protecting the fruit from drying out and losing its shape. Pectin is extracted from apples and other fruits for food processing purposes. However, pectin supplements come in handy for home use as well.

The benefits of apple pectin

The benefits of apple pectin

Beneficial features

The soluble fiber in this substance helps to cleanse the body, effectively removing toxins and toxins.

The benefits of apple pectin are that it lowers cholesterol levels, protects the intestines from cancer, and stabilizes blood glucose, which is especially important in diabetes. It also serves to nourish beneficial bacteria.

Their benefits for weight loss are undeniable - fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and creates a feeling of satiety for a long time. Pectin extracts relieve indigestion (diarrhea) and restore intestinal tissue.

They are of great benefit in diseases of the joints: they remove heavy metals and contribute to the formation of synovial fluid - they remove pain and restore the functions of movement. In addition, pectin creates a good prevention of gallstones and is able to dissolve those that have already appeared.

In cooking

Pectins are widely used in food production. They are used to make jams, jellies, marmalade, marshmallows, sweets and confectionery fillings.

They are also used in the production of ice cream, yoghurts, pastry baked goods, various sauces, ketchup and mayonnaise.

In cosmetology

The gel-forming properties are used to obtain highly effective creams, the valuable substances of which are well absorbed by the epidermis.

They smooth the skin well, improve complexion and moisturize, successfully fight pigment spots and regenerate cells.

Shampoos, which contain pectin, perfectly moisturize dry and colored hair, give it softness and shine.


The composition of BZHU and caloric content are measured for liquid and powdery pectin.

The composition of the liquid supplement includes: 2 g of fiber, 1 g of ash and 97 g of water. The energy value of the liquid substance is 1 kcal per 100 g.

The composition of the powder includes: 90 g of carbohydrates, 8 g of fiber and 0.3 g each - of proteins, fats and ash. The calorie content of the powder additive is 336 kcal per 100 g.

Also, the composition of the substance includes trace elements: sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc.

Harm and contraindications

Despite all the benefits, soluble fiber should not be overused. Its increased content in the body leads to the formation of gas and flatulence, painful sensations and bloating in the abdomen.

In moderate doses, fiber is beneficial for diarrhea, but in excessive amounts, it provokes its appearance.

The harm also lies in the fact that pectins negatively affect the absorption of trace elements. So, together with fiber, calcium and magnesium are absorbed worse by the intestines. The same goes for iron, zinc, and certain medications.

When to take

Pectin is taken in small doses

Pectin is taken in small doses

If you have any diseases, it is necessary to use a pectin supplement or preparations with it in consultation with your doctor, otherwise you can harm your body.

When using a remedy for the prevention and cleansing of the body, remember the recommended dose - no more than 15 g per day.

The benefits of apple pectin are manifested in such cases:

  • For diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • With diseases of the joints;
  • With diarrhea;
  • With an increased level of bad cholesterol;
  • With diabetes mellitus;
  • With dysbiosis;
  • After operations or burns - for tissue repair;
  • With tumors in the intestines;
  • If you have gallstones;
  • With toxicosis;
  • When losing weight;
  • If necessary, cleanse the body and improve metabolic processes.

How to use

Bad powder is recommended to be taken in the form of a solution between meals: 0.5 tsp. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and let the drink cool. Drink the solution 2 times a day, one cup.

It is important to consume the drink separately from everything else in order to minimize its effect on the absorption of micronutrients (and medications, if you are taking them).

Drink plenty of water when consuming apple pectin to prevent possible stomach discomfort and gas.

You need to use other drugs according to the instructions, which may differ from the above prescription. (These drugs include liquid coal, as well as powders for poisoning, diarrhea, toxicosis, etc.).

For weight loss, it is recommended to consume 20 g daily - on average, this allows you to remove 1-2 extra pounds per week.

Cooking yourself

A useful supplement with pectin can be made by hand to prepare it at home, you need whole apples or just their peel and cores.

It is better to take unripe fruits and be sure to be environmentally friendly (ideally from your own garden).

Cut whole apples into small pieces along with the peel and bone, and if we use peeling, we just put them in a saucepan.

We fill the raw materials with water (300-500 g of water per 1 kg of whole fruits or skins). The amount of water can vary, the main thing is that it completely covers the raw material.

Bring the apples to a boil and simmer for 30-40 minutes. Further options are possible: strain the juice through double cheesecloth or leave the apples to simmer for another half hour to get a thicker mass, and only then strain.

Pectin substances will remain in the strained juice - it can be rolled up in jars or frozen.

You can also make a solid version of the additive - dry the resulting mass in the oven, and then cut into pieces. Store solid workpieces in the refrigerator.

Where else is pectin found?

Pectin is found not only in apples, but also in plums and quince.

It can also be distinguished:

  • In citrus peel - orange, lime, tangerine, lemon, grapefruit.
  • In vegetables: carrots, eggplants, bell peppers.
  • In berries: blackberries, currants, cranberries, gooseberries and grapes.

Raspberries have a lower amount of this substance, and in pears, strawberries, cherries and peaches, its content is very small.

In cooking, it is customary to combine products with a high and low pectin content for effective preparation of jams, jams, and jellies. You can add homemade apple pectin to any jam.


Apple Pectin is a useful supplement to cleanse and heal your body. You can not only buy it, but also get it at home from apples grown with your own hands.

Store in a liquid or solid state, as well as in the form of frozen juice. It is necessary to consume pectin, strictly observing the conditions that are prescribed in the instructions, as well as agreeing with the doctor and taking into account the contraindications.

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