All about the apple variety Kovalenkovskoe

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The apple tree Kovalenkovskoe (or Memory of Kovalenko) was obtained as a result of the work of Belarusian scientists at the end of the 20th century. The American winter variety Lafram was used in breeding. The variety got its name in honor of one of the authors G.I.Kovalenko.

All about the apple variety Kovalenkovskoe

All about the apple variety Kovalenkovskoe

Refers to late summer species. Differs in high yield and good cold tolerance.

general description

The apple variety in Memory of Kovalenko is medium-sized (height 4-4.5 m), fast-growing - the annual growth is 0.9-1.1 m.

The crown density is average, the foliage is good, the diameter is 3-4 m. The shoots are powerful, drooping, dark red, compactly placed. Flowers are large, white, 5 pieces in inflorescences.

Description of fruits:

  • apples are red, subcutaneous dots are green;
  • average weight 150 g, some 200 g;
  • the shape is correct, round-conical;
  • stalks of medium length and thickness;
  • the pulp is juicy, fine-grained, of medium density.


The aroma of apples is weak, but they taste very sweet. Even unripe fruits have no sourness. The sugar content is 10.86%.

Thanks to this quality, the variety received another name - Red Sweet.


Apple tree Kovalenkovskoe regularly pleases with fruits.

Indicators - 300 t / ha. In order for the apples to be large and the harvest to be annual, it must be rationed. In the first year after planting, pick 80-100% of the flowers, in the next - up to half of the ovaries.


According to the description, the variety is classified as self-fertile. But to improve productivity, pollinating trees are planted nearby.

Winter hardiness

The species is resistant to adverse factors. It tolerates harsh winters. There are examples of successful cultivation in the southern part of Siberia.

Disease resistance

The Kovalenkovskoe variety is moderately susceptible to fungal diseases. In epiphytic years, it is slightly affected by scab. It is immune to diseases of bark and wood.

In which regions are they grown

The variety is little known in the Urals.

The variety is little known in the Urals.

The northern strip of Russia is better suited for cultivation.

In the Moscow region, the variety has an early autumn ripening period.

The apple tree is often grown in the South. In Siberia and the Urals, the species is still not widespread.


You can successfully grow a culture if you fulfill all the requirements.


Suitable time for planting work:

  • autumn - 3-4 weeks before probable frost;
  • early spring - when the earth warms up.

In temperate regions, gardeners recommend planting plants in the fall. They explain this by the fact that the seedling will take root faster, after winter it will give new shoots. The fruiting of the culture will accelerate.

For the Urals and Siberia, it is better to land in the spring.


Apple tree Pamyat Kovalenko prefers a well-lit, draft-free place.

The soil must have the properties of moisture and air permeability.Loam or sandy loam soil is suitable for these requirements.

Acidity readings should be neutral. If they are high, slaked lime is added to the soil - 0.5 kg / m². Clay soil is improved with sand - 1 bucket per m².

It is better to plant a 1-2 year old plant. It will take root faster. A seedling should be purchased in a nursery, paying attention to the presence of such qualities:

  • bending stems;
  • healthy bark - without cracks and swelling;
  • the root system is light brown, not dry;
  • solid clod of earth, completely enveloping the roots.

For spring work, the site is prepared in the fall. If planting is carried out in autumn, then 2-3 weeks before planting. Then the soil will have time to settle.

It is worth maintaining the distance between plants and rows of 3 meters. A hole is dug 0.7-0.8 m deep and with the same diameter.

100 g of superphosphate and 1 liter of wood ash are introduced into the fertile layer of the earth. A peg is installed near the landing site, protruding 80 cm above the ground level.

The process is performed step by step:

  • a 20-centimeter mound is made in the pit from the prepared soil mixture;
  • a seedling is laid on top, straightening the roots, so that the root collar rises 5 cm above the soil level;
  • fill up the hole, tamp the earth;
  • make a groove around, pour in 2 buckets of water;
  • lightly tie the seedling to the peg;
  • when the liquid is absorbed, the soil is mulched with sawdust in a layer of 8 cm.


The tree needs good care

The tree needs good care

You can get the maximum yield by providing the crop with optimal conditions.


For a plant planted in spring, the soil in the first period is moistened 1-2 times for 7 days. Consumption - 30 liters per tree. Over time, the number of waterings is reduced - once every 30 days.

The harvesting tree is watered during the following periods:

  • during swelling of the kidneys;
  • after flowering;
  • in the phase of ovary formation;
  • after harvesting the fruit.

Water is introduced into the grooves. You can also use the drip irrigation method. The humidification mode is adjusted according to weather conditions. During the harvesting of apples, watering is stopped.


The area around the trunk must be kept clean. The soil is periodically loosened to a depth of less than 10 cm and weeds are removed. You can cover the ground with hay or sawdust. This will help retain moisture and prevent weeds from growing.

Siderates are often all over the aisles. At the beginning of autumn, they are mowed and mixed with the ground. Additional nutrients for trees will be provided by spring.

Top dressing

The apple variety Kovalenko (or Kovalenkovskoe) responds well to fertilizers. They are brought in during such periods:

  1. April - use a urea solution - 2 tbsp. l per bucket of water. Poured under the barrel.
  2. May - foliar feeding. The organic-mineral composition Gumi-30 is used.
  3. September - before the onset of cold weather. Potash and phosphorus fertilizers are used.

Spraying is carried out in calm, dry weather. Dolomite flour is added to acidic soil every 5 years - 0.5 kg / m2.

Pruning and shaping the crown

The apple tree is formed every year. Do it:

  • for better access of light and air;
  • for the prevention of diseases and the appearance of pests.

Pruning involves shortening the trunk 75 cm from the ground in the first year for spring planting.

In the second year

The lower branches must be removed

The lower branches must be removed

  • cut off strong branches in half, weak by 2/3 of their length;
  • the lower ones are removed, 3 pieces are left, shortened by 1/3 part;
  • shorten the trunk at the level of the upper lateral branches.

In the third year

  • choose 4 branches from the second tier, which depart at the greatest angle;
  • the strong ones cut in half, the weak ones - 2/3 parts;
  • the apex is shortened.

In the fourth year

Form the 3rd tier with 3-4 branches. At an older age, rejuvenating pruning is performed.

Every year it is necessary to remove sick, curves and direction inward of the branch. In order not to harm the tree, all cuts must be lubricated with garden varnish. When removing a branch completely, you can not leave hemp.

Preventive treatment

To prevent the development of diseases, it is worth spraying during such periods:

  • before flowering;
  • after harvest.

The trunk and the soil around it are treated with Fitosporin. It will also benefit from other products containing karbofos.

Features of ripening and fruiting

The species is early-growing - yields a crop for 2-3 years of life. Early flowering. Ovaries are formed in most cases on ringlets, sometimes on annual growths.

The advantages of the variety include the fact that ripe fruits do not crumble. Ripening dates differ depending on the region. In the South, they fall on the 20th of August, in the Moscow region, in mid-September.

Harvesting and storage

You should not pluck the fruits from the apple tree unripe, but they should not be allowed to overripe.

Readiness for cleaning is determined by the following facts:

  • apples are easily torn off the branch;
  • when pressed, a dent remains on them;
  • the seeds are dark brown.
Fruits from the tree are carefully removed by hand

Fruits from the tree are carefully removed by hand

You can also use this method:

  • cut the fruit;
  • drip a solution of iodine on it, which is prepared in a ratio of 1:15;
  • the pulp has darkened - the apple is not ripe, the color has not changed - you can pick it.

Do not shake the tree for harvesting. The fruits are plucked in a circular motion, placing them neatly in a box.

In a cool room, the fruits retain their freshness for a month, at a temperature of 2-8 ° C - up to 2 months. Apples reach their highest palatability 2 weeks after picking.

Gardeners reviews

The Kovalenkovskoe apple variety is a real decoration of the plots. Also appreciates the taste of apples.

The advantages include high yield, early maturity, winter hardiness.

Among the shortcomings, the fact is that apples ripen at the same time and are not stored for very long. The crown tends to thicken, which requires timely thinning.

According to gardeners, it is better to prepare the tree for the winter period, despite its good tolerance to low temperatures. This is especially true for young cultures.

It is necessary to whitewash at the end of the growing season. The plant must be watered, loosened up the ground and mulched with hay, humus. The trunk must be wrapped with covering material.

Apples themselves contain many useful substances, they are considered the elixir of youth. The housewives are also pleased with the fact that the fruits are suitable for all types of processing. They are used to prepare jams, juices, jams, dried fruits, etc.

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