Varietal characteristics of the Gala apple tree

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Gala apples are native to New Zealand. They were brought to Russia about 20 years ago. This variety is considered to be quite popular, it is grown by gardeners all over the world.

Varietal characteristics of the Gala apple tree

Varietal characteristics of the Gala apple tree

Characteristics of the variety

Apples of this variety are very popular in all European countries. Fruit trees have a number of advantages:

  • are distinguished by high productivity;
  • are subject to long-term storage;
  • resistant to various damage;
  • Gala apples have a sweet taste.

The fruits of this variety are quite often used in the preparation of various dishes, moreover, they have a low calorie content.

The disadvantages include an excessively large harvest, while the apples grow small. The downside is also that the tree is susceptible to various diseases and is unstable to severe frosts.

The trees of this variety are characterized by medium growth, wide crown and strong branches. The weight of the apple reaches 145 g. Fruits are yellow-red in color, fragrant. They have a sweetish taste.

After planting, the tree begins to bear fruit in 6-7 years. Apples ripen in autumn, you can get about 80 kg in one season. The trees are partially self-pollinating. Harvesting takes place in September. Fruit can be stored in suitable conditions for up to 6 months.

Composition and useful properties

The useful properties of the Gala apple tree include the presence of various vitamins and microelements. Iron helps with anemia and anemia. Calcium, which is part of the composition, is good for bones, hair and nails.

Vitamin A, contained in the fruit, helps with various eye diseases. Ascorbic acid increases immunity and general body tone. Apples are also high in fiber.

One fruit contains 14 g of carbohydrates and 0.4 g of protein.

Due to the fact that apples are low in calories, they are often used in diets. The Gala variety is one of those used in the preparation of baby food.

Fruit is often used to make jams, preserves, and many desserts. The fruits are used for making drinks and as a filling for baked goods.

Growing conditions

The most common cultivation areas of the variety are forest-steppe and steppe. These regions have favorable conditions, because characterized by fertile and well-moistened soil.

Fruit trees bear fruit well in the subtropical and tropical zones. Also, this variety grows well in a temperate zone. Often this type of tree can be found in Poland, Russia, Ukraine.

The country in which the apple tree was bred has a tropical climate. After the improvement of the variety, the trees became more frost-resistant. Now this variety can be grown in almost any climate.

But the most favorable territory will be a region with a temperate climate, non-severe winters and lack of high humidity.


Trees should be planted in a ventilated area

Trees should be planted in a ventilated area

Fruit trees are planted in places with a minimum level of humidity. The Gala apple tree is advised to be planted together with other varieties. Sowing is carried out in the fall, before the onset of frost.

It is important to plant the tree in warm weather, because if you are late, it can freeze in winter.

The growing area must be well ventilated. Thanks to this, the tree will be resistant to various diseases. It is also important that the landing site has sufficient sunlight.

Fertile and loose soil will be the most favorable place for seedling growth.

The planting hole needs to be prepared a month before planting. Its size should be about a meter deep, as well as a meter wide. Fertile soil is also mixed with organic fertilizer (ash and lime).

Tree care

In order for the tree to bear a good harvest and the fruits to have a pleasant taste, the Gala apple tree should be properly cared for. In order for the variety to develop well, it is necessary to thin out the ovaries and reduce the density of the inflorescences.

Watering the variety should be moderate. After the planting is carried out, it is worth watering it once a week. Moisture is gradually reduced and produced only in case of severe drought.

For the prevention of pests, lime is used. The upper layers of the soil are also disinfected. For prophylaxis, bleach is used, and they also dig the earth around.

The most common pests of this tree are apple blossom beetles. To get rid of them, you should treat the culture with a special preparation. For the prevention and fight against diseases, you need to spray the tree with a solution of urea.

Pruning is often done in the spring. During this period, branches are removed that grow inward, as well as broken and cracked ones. Pruning in the fall means getting rid of dry, broken branches. Then the earth is dug up and mulched and the trunk is whitewashed to protect it from pests.

Variety subspecies

There are many varieties of the Gala apple tree. These include the following varieties:

  • the most common among all varieties is Royal. This species is characterized by a rich blush and cone-shaped fruits. Fruits have a distinct sweet taste and crunchy flesh;
  • variety Mast is a rather large species. The apples weigh up to 170 g. Fruits have a pronounced red color. The variety is distinguished by abundant flowering and good fertility;
  • Fuji Fubrax is characterized by high yield, large fruits, shiny skin and pronounced aroma;
  • subspecies Red Devil is early ripening, fruits weighing up to 40 g, dark green in color. The tree is of medium height.
  • Dark is distinguished by its large size, green-yellow color, juicy and dense pulp;
  • The Royal Beauty variety is characterized by a slow growth, an oval spreading crown. It bears very beautiful fruits. Mostly planted to decorate the territory. It has an average height;
  • the columnar apple tree has a high yield and ease of care. A decorative type that is able to bear fruit in the first year after planting. Quite common in areas of the Moscow region. It is characterized by an average storage time. The species was introduced to Russia back in 1972.

Gardeners reviews

Experienced gardeners willingly grow this species. The variety is taken to all corners of the world because of its great demand. Planting Gala apple trees does not require excessive effort.

Observing all the planting rules, you can get an excellent result. Apple trees will be able to please everyone with their unsurpassed varietal qualities. It should only be remembered that in order to obtain a good harvest, the tree should not be exposed to severe frost and high humidity.

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