Cultivation of apple trees Aport

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The history of the origin of this apple variety is peculiar, because no one knows for sure the country that raised the first fruits. Some gardeners claim that for the first time the Aport apple tree was seen on the territory of Ukraine more than 8 centuries ago, others believe that Poland is the birthplace of trees.

Cultivation of apple trees Aport

Cultivation of apple trees Aport


The description of the apple tree Aport should start with the external features of the tree. It has a massive trunk and a wide spreading crown of leaves of medium density. The main part of the cover belongs to young long shoots, which are scattered along the edges of the branches and covered with dark bark. Sometimes cuttings can be seen on these branches of medium thickness.

The foliage of the apple tree is round and medium in size. It is mostly light green in color, but sometimes has a marshy hue. The leaf plates have pronounced sinewy markings and are covered with small villi, which create a soft cover.

Apples have a rounded shape, which stretches a little on one side, resembling a pyramid. The shell of the fruit is covered with a waxy bloom, has an average density and a fairly pronounced aroma.

The fruit is greenish-yellow in color with red blotches. When the apple is cut, dark dots are observed next to the skin, which are characteristic of this variety.

Flavoring features

The insides of the fruit are almost white, of medium hardness. The description suggests that the taste characteristics of an apple depend on the area in which it grows, but there is still a certain similarity. This is expressed in a sweet and sour taste.

Tree lifespan

The average life span of an apple tree is 40 years. If you adhere to all the rules of growing and caring for a tree (pruning, fertilizing), this period can be increased.


An apple tree that has reached the age of 5-6 years can bring up to 150 kg of harvest in one season. The frequency of fruiting is 1 time in 2 years, so it is not always possible to get such a good harvest. If the apple tree has begun to bring less and less crops, the reason may be the introduction of an excessive amount of nitrogen fertilizers.

Winter hardiness

Fruits stay fresh for a long time in a cool place.

Fruits stay fresh for a long time in a cool place.

Thanks to proper care, fruits can be stored in the refrigerator until mid-winter. If a large crop has been harvested, it can be placed in a cool room.

Apples can be transported well over long distances if they are properly packed so that they are not subject to mechanical damage. This variety is difficult to tolerate severe frosts, typical for Russian regions, therefore it is recommended to grow it on rootstocks.

Advantages and disadvantages

With proper agricultural technology, you can get about 150 kg of harvest, the size of the fruits themselves can reach up to 0.5 kg each. Among the positive qualities of these apples are:

  • bright appearance;
  • high productivity;
  • flavoring features that are emphasized by aromatic spices;
  • sufficiently long shelf life;
  • transportability.

The variety is also characterized by a number of disadvantages, the main of which is the tendency to diseases, especially to scab. It is recommended to carry out preventive measures to combat it.

Another problem is the cyclicity of fruiting, in which farmers can receive fruits once every 2-4 years, depending on the variety of the variety.

Types of varieties

This apple tree has a rich species diversity:

  • Aport Alexander has subtle differences from the main breeding variety - a little more blotches and stripes of red, as well as a more yellowish tint of the pulp. The average weight of one fruit is about 300 g. The most interesting thing is that today it is almost nowhere to be found, so gardeners are trying to revive it;
  • Aport variety is blood-red - scarlet color covers almost the entire surface of apples, and the flesh is creamy and spicy. The main difference will be the frequency of fruiting - once every 4 years. This is directly related to the fact that after harvesting the apples, the fruit buds are pruned on the branches. In connection with such care, the first year after the removal of shoots is barren, in the second year about three dozen fruits can be harvested, and already in the 4th year, gardeners can boast of a rich harvest;
  • the apple of the Aport Almatinsky variety is a symbolic fruit for Kazakhstan, which is even placed on a commemorative coin. It resembles the previous species, but is considered more whimsical to climatic conditions. The optimal place for its cultivation is mountainous terrain with a planting height of about 1 km. If you deviate from this level to the lower side, the apples begin to ripen and spoil quickly, and if to a large one, they do not have time to collect enough sugar. Fruits can reach 900 g and retain their external and taste characteristics until mid-spring;
  • The Aport Kubansky variety ripens in mid-September. After harvest, the fruit can be stored for up to 2 months. The fruits are small in size, mostly greenish with pink blotches. The main feature of the variety is its resistance to frost and disease.


It is recommended to plant the variety in the fall, so that the root system is well strengthened and gains the right amount of nutrients from the soil. For planting, it is best to take already grown seedlings, which have a well-developed rhizome.

Apple trees need sunshine

Apple trees need sunshine

It is necessary to select the appropriate soil, which will have useful substances suitable for the formation of the Aport apple tree. It is recommended to plant the material on drained loam.

If in the area where you plan to plant a tree, there is a different soil cover, you can independently dig a hole with a diameter of 1 m and fill it with sand, compost and some peat crumbs. Before that, it is recommended to mix all these substances.

The apple tree should be planted in a place well lit by the sun's rays. The depth of the ground water horizon should be deeper than 1 m.

If the water is higher in this area, it is recommended to pour a soil mixture in order to increase the thickness of the soil for the germination of the root system. Another condition is the construction of additional ditches through which excess moisture will be removed.

The hole must be dug so that the root system has enough space for normal growth. If there is little soil, you can make this depression larger and add mineral fertilizers to it: humus, peat.

After that, the seedling is placed in a hole and the roots are sprinkled with earth, checking that no free space is formed. It should be noted that the root collar must be several centimeters above the ground level for the apple tree to develop well.

It is better to prepare a place for planting a seedling in a week so that the soil is well compacted. After planting, a ditch is made around the tree, into which water is poured until it ceases to be absorbed. The space near the trunk itself is mulched with humus.


After the seedling has been introduced into the open ground, it needs comprehensive care during the first years of its formation and development.


Watering is especially important in dry weather. For a young apple tree, it is enough to perform this procedure 2 times a week in the evening, when the heat subsides, 1 bucket of water for each tree. To retain moisture, a humus mulching process is a good way.

In this regard, a layer of humus will retain moisture on the surface of the earth and prevent the root system from drying out. Watering is recommended to be carried out in a ditch near the trunk so that the roots can receive a sufficient amount of water.


Top dressing is recommended 2 times a year: in spring and autumn. Fertilizers are used that are rich in minerals and nitrogen-containing elements. Thanks to the introduction of nitrogen, the tree receives a full range of substances that support the development of its vegetative properties. They are used before the arrival of autumn, so that new shoots do not begin to form on the tree.

You need to fertilize the tree twice a year.

You need to fertilize the tree twice a year.

More often they take urea in a volume of 0.5 kg and distribute it over the entire area around the trunk. This procedure is performed in the spring. If during this period no precipitation is observed, then the urea is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Also, 50 g of urea, dissolved in 10 liters of water, is used to spray the crown of an apple tree.

In autumn, it is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers that will help the apple tree to stock up on all the nutrients for the winter period: potassium, superphosphate and calcium, diluted in water.


Pruning is necessary throughout the life of the tree. First, the branches are cut to form the crown of the apple tree. Basically, the lateral young shoots are cut off and the trunk height is shortened to a size of 85 cm so that the tree can receive a sufficient amount of nutrients.

After that, it is recommended to periodically prune the branches so that the crown is not very thick, and also so that the bent shoots do not interfere with each other's growth. When the tree fades and the apples are harvested, you will need to prune old and dry branches that can interfere with the growth of new ones.

Pruning rejuvenates the apple tree and helps protect it from pests and various diseases.

Disease and pest control

Protection against diseases and pests includes a set of preventive measures from spraying and fertilizing the soil. Most often, the apple tree is exposed to diseases such as scab, apple crayfish and powdery mildew.

The main methods of combating such diseases are spraying the tree with a urea solution, Bordeaux liquid and other insecticidal preparations.

Ripening and fruiting

After placing the seedling in the ground, after 5 years, with proper care of the apple tree, you can get the first harvest. This period is much shorter than that of trees similar to this variety.

The period of active flowering is in June. At this time, the tree becomes covered with pink inflorescences, which carry their scent to all adjacent territories.

Apples can be harvested in late September or early October. The fruits can be stored for 3 months in a cool place. If the fruit lasts longer, its texture and taste may change.

Features of cultivation in different regions

The apple variety is suitable for growing in various regions. In the Moscow region, attention should be paid to fertilizing the soil, because the soils there are insufficiently rich in mineral components. It is necessary to constantly loosen the earth and monitor the rise in the level of groundwater.

In the colder regions of Russia, in the Urals and Siberia, the apple tree is grown on winter-hardy rootstocks so that the tree does not freeze.In Altai, dwarf rootstocks can be used, on which this variety can be successfully grown. During the flowering period, special attention should be paid to the introduction of dressings.

Gardeners reviews

According to reviews, the fruits of the Aport apple tree cannot be stored for more than 3 months. They are best used for recycling. This applies to winter preservation and making wine of our own production, because this apple variety has enough juiciness for this. They are also great for making apple jam with orange added.

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