Moon in Taurus

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The time period when the moon falls into the sign of Taurus is called fertile by experienced gardeners. It is believed that this time will be very productive and generous for growing fruits. This period is recommended for planting seeds in the ground, planting and transplanting seedlings. The Taurus zodiac sign is a symbol of fertility, it gives people a tasty and ripe harvest, so this time should be used wisely.

Recommended during this period:

  • Sow different types of plants;
  • Fertilize the soil with nutrients;
  • Dig up and plow the beds in the garden;
  • Water the soil actively;
  • Planting and replanting plants;
  • Collect ripe crops;
  • Recycle the harvest.

Planting and replanting plants will be easy. The root system of seedlings and seedlings will not be touched or damaged, they will quickly take root in a new place.

Harvesting will be easier and faster than usual. The fruits will be ripe, their taste will be rich. The crop can be eaten immediately or sent for processing and storage. The processed crop will be stored for a long time and will not lose its great taste.

Top dressing of the soil during this period will give unprecedented results: it can almost double the fertility of the soil. However, don't overdo it. Fertilizing the soil is good when it is in moderation. If organic substances act as fertilizers, use them in small amounts on this day, otherwise, you risk burning the root system of plants.

You can pick fallen leaves in the vegetable garden and garden. If you did not notice any damage or traces of insects on the leaves, they will be used for the compost heap. But, in the event that traces of diseases are observed on the foliage, it should be burned immediately, immediately after collection, in a safe place so as not to spread harmful diseases throughout the garden.

It is not recommended during this period:

  • Collect seeds for sowing after a year;
  • Prune trees, especially fruit trees;
  • It is better to postpone the plucking procedure.
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