How the Moon changes a person in Libra

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Moon in Libra has a calming effect on any sign of the zodiac. She helps to find balance in everything, develops diplomacy and the gift of a peacemaker. In this combination, Venus and the Saturn period of Sade Sati have a strong influence. Therefore, the owners of such a natal chart are wise people with developed taste.

How the Moon changes a person in Libra

How the Moon changes a person in Libra

general characteristics

According to the Hindu philosophy of Jyotish, honest people who worship saints are born under the Moon in Libra. They are successful in trading, attract the attention of the opposite sex. Other astrologers argue that this combination is typical for aesthetes, creative people and diplomats. The natal chart endows a person with both positive and negative traits.

Positive features

The White Moon endows people with the following traits:

  • Sociability
  • Tact
  • Kindness
  • Peacefulness
  • Love for art
  • Developed taste

People with such an astrological combination never conflict. They evoke sympathy among others, have no enemies. They often act as peacemakers, gladly make concessions, do not betray their friends. They have a developed aesthetic sense. Lunar Libra loves to beautifully furnish their own home, are fond of music and literature, serve as a standard of taste for others.

Libras are refined lovers, although they will not show true passion. They are popular with the opposite sex. Even in the event of a break, they evoke pleasant memories. They enter marriage late, looking for a partner equal to themselves in intelligence. Never try to dominate the family.

Negative traits

The Black Moon in Libra endows its owner with negative qualities:

  • Indecision
  • Cowardice
  • Anxiety
  • Capriciousness
  • Vanity

The main negative characteristic of the Moon in Libra is indecision. A person is constantly haunted by doubts about the correctness of the decision, he needs the approval of society. Often this zodiac sign is afraid to change something in his life, begins to be lazy and falls into idleness. At the same time, he retains a passion for pleasures and beautiful things, spends his own and other people's money.

In personal relationships, it is fickle, starts dozens of novels that do not end with anything. Does not consider it necessary to be faithful, often cheats on a partner. He suffers from arrogance, despises people who are lower in status or do not have such a refined taste.

Moon in Libra in women

Moon in Libra develops a sense of style in a woman. Such girls are adorable. Every detail of their wardrobe, from the dress to the small ring on the arm, is carefully selected. The house always reigns comfort, it is overflowing with cute souvenirs, pillows, flowers. Not a single thing seems superfluous in such an environment.

Girls are gentle and feminine, they attract the eyes of men. They become a real gem in any company. They are looking for a partner for a long time, sorting out options and not daring to start a serious relationship.But even without romance they cannot live, they absolutely cannot stand loneliness. Careers are not their way. Women choose creative professions, often looking for themselves for the rest of their lives. Therefore, they remain dependent on partners who are able to provide them financially.

For her husband and children, a woman with the Moon in Libra becomes a friend. She is ready to do anything to keep the peace and tranquility in the house. She likes a trusting and easy relationship. The mother pampers the child and does not limit it in anything. Shares with her husband all his problems. If the situation in the house becomes tense, the wife will begin to seek pleasure on the side, easily leave for another man.

Moon in Libra for men

Libra man will be a good father for children

Libra man will be a good father for children

The moon in Libra in a man makes him an esthete. To fall in love with such a guy, you have to look perfect. He pays attention to the appearance, and only then tries to get to know the character better. The man himself dresses neatly and tastefully. He does not tolerate negligence in the image, although his style cannot be called strict. Keeps track of his own body, will never weigh a lot or walk unshaven.

The character of the lunar Libra is flexible. They are born negotiators and diplomats, they are able to resolve any conflict situation. This quality is appreciated by friends and employers, because Libra makes a career with ease. In business, they are not so successful, they are afraid to take risks, make extra efforts to promote their own business. Affected Moon or tense Mars negatively affects the character of a man. Then he becomes moody, hysterical and anxious.

Men enter marriage late, they are looking for their ideal woman for a long time. Lunar Libra needs a strong partner who will push them to action. A man lacks decisiveness and energy, he easily evades work, is given idleness. He is also reluctant to perform household duties. But children with such a father are always interested. He knows a lot, tells interestingly, does not educate, becomes a real friend for them.

Influence on the sun signs of the zodiac

The Moon in Libra is responsible for the emotional component of the personality. She makes her own correction to the solar horoscope. She is not given to radically change a person's character, but it affects sensuality and mental organization. The phase is important, the astrological calendar advises to pay special attention to the waning moon, it reveals desires in a person, but not always positive ones.


The combination of these two signs is unfavorable. In such a person, intellect and emotions constantly come into conflict. Aries is an individualist by nature, and Libra makes him dependent on other people. It becomes difficult for him to realize his ambitions, indecision appears in his character. In love, Aries becomes too romantic, suffers for a long time from unrequited feelings or the collapse of ideals. Only awareness of these problems and work on oneself help to solve astrological contradictions.


The patron saint of both signs is Venus. Therefore, people with such a natal chart are incorrigible romantics, especially if their month of birth is May. Their whole life is subordinated to the search for love, they cannot be alone, without relationships with the opposite sex. Business and career often suffer in such a situation, although Taurus has a high potential. He is able to achieve success in any field, if he does not confuse matters of the heart and work, and stands firmly on the ground with his feet. These people achieve good results in creative professions, as well as in work with young people.


The conjunction of Gemini and Libra gives rise to active and romantic personalities, with a developed imagination and intelligence. They look at the world with wide eyes, ready to learn something new every day. They love to travel, find friends everywhere. Influential patrons help them make a career, luck plays an important role. In love affairs, Gemini are not so lucky.They lack persistence and real, deep sensuality, especially if the month of birth is June. But they rarely get upset about heart problems.


Cancer and Libra compatibility gives rise to a contradictory personality. In such people, independence and the need to evaluate their actions by other people are combined. They are self-sufficient, but cannot live without relationships. In love, they are demanding, they expect full return from a partner, but they themselves, without a twinge of conscience, hurt his feelings. They love to study the world, therefore they make a career in the scientific field. Work is treated responsibly as long as it is interesting to them. Cancer lacks persistence and dedication to achieve success.

a lion

In this combination, independent and romantic idealists are born. They have a vivid imagination, are able to captivate others with their ideas. In words, Lions are rebels who despise social rules and stereotypes. In practice, they are law-abiding citizens who rarely violate moral or legal laws. There is a strong desire for love in Leo. The subject is members of the opposite sex, careers, or themselves. Representatives of this zodiac sign often suffer from narcissism, exorbitant pride.


The connection in the natal chart of the solar Virgo and the lunar Libra is characteristic of intelligent, self-sufficient and judicious individuals. Such people are selective in their acquaintances and affections. They are secretive, limit their social circle only to pleasant people. They are often arrogant, although they do not openly criticize others. In business, they prefer to rely only on themselves, they will rarely share their problems. The patron saint Mercury helps them to successfully trade. Love is not in the first place for Virgo; this sign enters marriage late. Many remain lonely for the rest of their lives.


The moon gives Libra tenderness

The moon gives Libra tenderness

The influence of the moon on solar Libra affects all aspects of the personality. People born with such a natal chart are romantic and gullible. They see only the good sides in others, therefore cruel disappointments await them on the path of life. Having received a blow from fate, representatives of this air sign become mystics, are fond of philosophy, spiritual development. This state of affairs leads to poverty, which these people cannot tolerate. To avoid problems, you need to find a reliable patron. These people are good lovers, Venus makes them gentle and sensual.


In his youth, Scorpio is a gullible idealist, with an open soul. But with age, it acquires more realistic views. He does not break down due to difficulties and failures, but gains experience, becomes more practical and picky in connections. In an unfavorable situation, he develops excessive suspicion, which does not allow him to build normal relations. In love, Scorpio is passionate, ready for self-sacrifice. He is loyal to his partner and expects the same attitude. If this sign has met a lot of betrayal in life, he becomes jealous.


With such a natal chart, active people are born, striving to see and know the whole world. They feel at home everywhere, despise stability, and easily spend money on travel and adventure. They constantly have ideas in their heads, but they are distant from reality. Sagittarius trust people, therefore they are often deceived. Only with age do they learn to be more discriminating in relationships, they have a desire to make their own nest. The sexual life of representatives of this sign is chaotic. They idealize partners, but quickly become disillusioned with them and cut ties. They get married late, and spouses are the exact opposite of their energetic and explosive nature.


For Capricorn, such an astrological combination is not very favorable. This sign becomes stubborn, believes in its infallibility. He has original and innovative thinking.If this quality is combined with the will to action, hard work, a person achieves great success. When it is isolated, the glory of an eccentric is attached to it. Capricorns do not trust people, they are independent individualists. Therefore, it is difficult for them to build relationships. Often such people have no lovers or friends.


Lunar Libra in Aquarius awakens the best qualities. This sign is sincere, capable of compassion, active. He always has many friends whom he is ready to help. Aquarians are artistic natures, therefore they realize themselves in creative professions. They are smart, they want to learn everything new, the path of a scientist is also open to them. The personal life of Aquarius is often chaotic. They trust people and are often disappointed. The gap occurs both on their own initiative and on the decision of the partner. But this does not make the heart callous, the air sign is looking for new relationships and does not lose faith in people.


In Pisces, under the influence of lunar Libra, an esthete and philosopher awakens. This is a sign with an extremely developed intuition, he knows the world not with his intellect, but with his subconsciousness. Easily takes a great interest in religion, mysticism, sometimes plunges completely into the other world. Whatever Pisces does, they are fanatically dedicated to their cause. In personal life, they are idealists and romantics. This often leads to disappointment and trauma, which unsettles the sign for a long time. Only a sensitive and understanding partner is able to reveal the full potential of Pisces and get the most sincere and devoted friend.


The moon in the constellation Libra affects personality and changes human behavior. He always has an original haircut and likes to make impulsive purchases. All items are tastefully selected. Lunar Libra are peaceful, refined natures, they are used to trusting people. It will not hurt them to be more careful in the relationship, so as not to be disappointed.

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