The meaning of the moon in Pisces

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The location of the planets in the sky at the time of the birth of a child determines his entire future life. The Moon plays a special role, which forms the emotional structure of the personality. The Moon in Pisces symbolizes the feminine principle and sensitive nature.

The meaning of the moon in Pisces

The meaning of the moon in Pisces

Influence of the Moon and other planets

In addition to the Moon, 9 planets are actively working in the natal chart. Moon in Pisces reveals compassion, sincerity, care. If the connections are damaged, drowsiness, a tendency to deception and self-deception, craving for alcohol are observed, and sexuality in men increases.

Mercury is in damage and fall. Practically does not show its properties. In a harmonious aspect, this is a rich imagination, ardor of mind, the ability to see benefits, in a damaged one - absent-mindedness, deceit, abnormality, indicating mental abnormalities.

Venus is in a strong position - exaltation. In the harmonious aspect, it is manifested by inner beauty, tenderness, responsiveness, in the damaged one - passivity, easy suggestibility, fascination with the opposite sex.

Mars transits in Pisces. It directs energy to the ability to sympathize, obey, endure, take care, in the damaged aspect turns a person into a neurotic prone to alcoholism, sacrificial love. Saturn in harmony endows a person with spiritual depth, sympathy for the humiliated, attentiveness, in damage makes a person an alarmist, an obsessed neurotic, shy, touchy, capable of betraying.

Uranus in harmony is an increased susceptibility, intuitive flair, insight, in damage - a rushing nature, painfully perceiving the world around him, which is unable to build normal relations in society. Neptune in Pisces is in a ruling position. In the harmonious aspect, it gives inspiration, compassion, mercy, helps to develop in medicine and art, in the destructive aspect - immorality.

Pluto in a harmonious aspect gives strength of mind, great potential, creative impulses, in damage it makes nature limited, striving for power, obsessed, fanatical.

General characteristics of the sign

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina considers Pisces the most mysterious sign in the horoscope. The moon, making a transit in Pisces, endows them with the most diverse qualities. Attends house 12. In ancient times it was called a prison house.

This house combines secrets, intuition. A person under the influence of the Moon feels a fine line between the worlds. He is capable of high sacrifice for the sake of the family. He takes the misfortunes around him to heart. He is also capable of universal love, which he gives to others in full.

When the Moon is defeated in this house, they talk about secret enemies. This is a mother or wife, since the Moon in Pisces gives maternal characteristics. The heavily affected Moon forces a person to completely hide his personal life, family. The moon in a disturbed hill changes the understanding of the race, forcing a person to run, hide.

Pisces quickly adapt to events, people, thanks to their inner instinct. These are people whose emotional status changes every 2 seconds. They are caring, considerate of others. Pisces has the ability to see prophetic dreams.

When the Moon is in the sign of Pisces in transit, it is better not to give vent to sensations. This will only make the situation worse. It is better to direct your energies towards communicating with pleasant people. This will boost your energy tone and give you confidence. During this period, it is worth limiting medication intake.

Pisces woman traits

Moon in Pisces helps a woman to be attractive

Moon in Pisces helps a woman to be attractive

The Moon in Pisces in a woman makes her gentle, supple. In a stressful situation, she is not able to make quick decisions. It is characterized by fluctuations. An inexperienced Pisces is quite capable of committing a rash act and losing their investments. It is better not to trust her with monetary aspects.

The sign of the Moon in Pisces women paints a sensual image:

  • vulnerable nature;
  • responsive to someone else's grief;
  • her appearance is attractive, but this beauty is natural, feminine, pure;
  • not conflicting, if she is offended - she just leaves or keeps silent;
  • she needs to maintain calm and peace around her;
  • she is modest, seems to be led from the outside, too pliant, but this is also a consequence of her need for peace.

Astrology gives a positive forecast for compatibility with Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Fish is the image of the ideal wife. She needs a man who can openly respond to her love and sacrifice. She is vulnerable and sensitive to her partner's refusal to respond to her problems. Can't tolerate betrayal, rudeness towards herself from her spouse. She is ready to do anything for the sake of her beloved, but if her psychological comfort is violated, she will immediately wag her tail and pack her things.

Due to her shyness, the girl is often unable to concentrate. Her sympathy not only encourages, but raises the hopeless to their feet, positively affects their well-being. If a damaged Venus takes a decisive place in the natal chart, a completely opposite person will stand in front of you. It will be a relaxed woman, too vulgar, aggressive.

Pisces man traits

Moon in Pisces man endows him with not the best qualities. This sign is more feminine, so the man is too touchy, sentimental, vulnerable and romantic. Along with all these qualities, a man must correspond to his male status: do not whine, remain calm. Hiding, suppressing his nature, a person is in constant stress, which leads to alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction.

Despite all the disadvantages, the man is ruled by Venus, who is in charge of public relations and personifies inner strength, not aggressive. Such a man understands best of all what his woman needs. He does not pursue the standard of beauty, he needs an ordinary girl who can sympathize, live with him on the same wavelength.

In love, this is a romantic, gentle partner. Sexually, the influence of Venus and the Moon is especially noticeable. A huge storm of passions lurking behind the mask of tranquility pours out in love for his woman. If he becomes disappointed in his partner, he will transfer this oppression to other women. In the future, it will be difficult for him to establish a serious relationship.

The lunar calendar promises this zodiac sign good prospects in risky professions.

Auspicious days

The calendar of auspicious days will tell you when it is better to start important business

The calendar of auspicious days will tell you when it is better to start important business

In the first half of the year, it is advisable to solve all your financial difficulties. The purchase of serious things is postponed until May-June. Conception and wedding planning are not worth planning. For Pisces, the July wedding is ideal.

On the first lunar day in May, the black streak will end. After waiting for the rising phase of the moon, you can go for a haircut, it is better to do this on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. It is on these days that a muse will visit you and you will be able to choose the perfect image.On the 4th lunar day, the horoscope portends good news to the zodiac sign.

May 15th is the perfect day for cleaning. It's time to plant flowers in the country and put it in order, do something for the soul.

The horoscope says that the phase of the growing moon in July is the time to try to conceive a child for couples who have decided on a responsible step. For the lonely - a chance to meet love. 3,4, 8,11 lunar days are good for visiting neighboring countries. On such trips, you will be able to settle all the planned issues and have a lot of pleasure.

Bad days

In June, the number 6, 18, 20 and 28 can be attributed to unfavorable numbers. It is worth giving up these days from travel and work with sharp objects. Even a kitchen knife can be dangerous.

The biggest danger for the zodiac sign lurks on the days of transit, especially when it comes to the 20th of each month. The influence of the planet is increasing these days, due to which sensations are exacerbated. The sign becomes aggressive, especially for people with a damaged moon. With a damaged aspect, irritability and emotionality are manifested.

It will be useful for Pisces in love to know that May is the month when one cannot marry under any pretext.

September and March are months when people born under this sign should be especially careful and attentive to themselves. It is not worth doing the surgery. Give up bad habits.

The waning phase of the moon is not the best time to make global purchases, and a haircut will not be for the future.


The Moon in Pisces is the most gentle and mysterious sign. He makes people desperate romantics. The moon influences fish signs differently in women and men. But both are considered gentle and sensitive natures.

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