Moon in Capricorn and its influence on humans

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The moon in Capricorn is limited by the influence of Saturn. She is in a kind of captivity. Holders of this natal chart are stingy with emotions, secretive, ascetic. They have a developed sense of duty, hard work, dedication. The earth element stabilizes the changeable night star, this influence has both positive and negative aspects.

Moon in Capricorn and its influence on humans

Moon in Capricorn and its influence on humans

Main character traits

The moon influences the character of Capricorn. This is taken into account in the elaboration of the sinistry or compatibility between partners. A composite map always includes the features of the location of the night star. Astrologers such as Vasilisa Volodina, Absalom Podvodny, Shestopalov and others speak of the importance of the lunar horoscope.

In Capricorn, the Moon behaves differently. Saturn affects emotions, so this area remains limited. But there are other traits that are more pronounced when the unstable emotional component is excluded.

Positive character traits

Under the influence of the Moon, many positive features appear in the earth sign.

Capricorn's mind is rational and practical, his thinking is logical. These people are not prone to empty dreams, philosophy, all their days are filled with deeds. They quickly acquire knowledge that will be of practical use to them and will be useful for future work. They are organized, although not pedantic, they work according to their own system. They are responsible for any task, they are used to relying only on themselves in life. Their careers take years, but the result exceeds expectations.

Emotionally, they mature late. Young people study, work, but rarely make romantic acquaintances. They enter into marriage already in adulthood, when they feel confident, have material deliveries. They approach the search for a soul mate in a practical way, looking for like-minded people. In relationships, they are guided by common sense, not passion. But families are created for life.

Negative character traits

Negative traits that the black moon brings in Capricorn:

  • Cold
  • Stealth
  • Distrust
  • Stubbornness
  • Melancholy tendency
  • Depressiveness
  • Eccentricity
  • Irritability
  • Passivity
  • Indecision

People with the Moon in Capricorn are domineering and ambitious. To achieve the goal, they do not hesitate to use dishonest methods. They have a poorly developed sense of humor, they can even take offense at an innocent joke. Easily make enemies for themselves. In working relationships, hierarchy is preferred. They obey orders, but while occupying a leadership position, they do not allow familiarity, they can ignore the initiative of their subordinates.

Capricorns hide emotions. But this should not deceive us, feelings accumulate, which leads to depression, melancholy. They fear that if they fail or fail, they face expulsion from society. Extreme distrust makes everyone suspicious.The social circle is narrowed, sometimes it comes to persecution mania and complete loneliness. A conservative sign hardly changes its mind, type of activity, which becomes an obstacle on the path of personal development and achieving success in life.

Moon in Capricorn in women

The moon in Capricorn in a woman struggles with the opposite influence of Saturn, which has a light (white) and dark side.

In the first case, such traits as a sense of duty, dedication, commitment, loyalty are manifested, in the second - depression, exactingness, rigidity, like the devil Lilith. The predominance of certain characteristics depends not only on personality traits, but also on life circumstances.

Young girls prefer to study and make a career; marriage and family are put off for later. They set a goal for themselves and achieve it all their lives. They are demanding of themselves and their partners, they value material well-being. Money for them is an opportunity to get a high position and status in society. They rarely spend it on pretty things. They write down all their expenses - from hair cutting and dental treatment, to buying a car and an apartment.

Women are looking for a partner to match. They prefer smart and practical men who can build a successful career. Despite the seeming strength and rigidity, in their souls such ladies feel unprotected, fragile and vulnerable. They are able to reveal all their sensuality to a partner who will become their support and protection. Only a self-confident, mature man is able to give them happiness. Finding such a life partner is difficult, because women often spend their days alone.

Such a woman will not maintain perfect order in the house or plant garden plants. Mothers of such girls turn out to be strict. They pay great attention to the education of the child, and love is rarely shown, therefore children often grow up emotionally immature.

Moon in Capricorn in men

Moon in Capricorn affects men not in the best way

Moon in Capricorn affects men not in the best way

The moon in Capricorn in a man makes him withdrawn and stingy with the manifestation of emotions. A guy will never become a romantic lover, which scares girls away from him. He is looking for a life partner for a long time, the reason for this is his isolation and distrust. A man is able to show emotions only when he fully trusts his soul mate. If a woman manages to conquer this cold heart, she will find a faithful and reliable husband for life.

The influence affects the labor activity of men. They dream of a career from a young age and make every effort to realize their ambitions. their work is always clearly organized and systematized, they are ready to work all day long. The problem arises when something goes wrong. In such a situation, Capricorn falls into depression and takes a long time to put his thoughts in order.

In relationships with colleagues and friends, Capricorn is reserved, it is difficult for him to find a common language with people. Prefers a narrow social circle, into which only the closest ones are allowed. Often shows aggressiveness if he suspects someone of betrayal or lies. Feels calmer when he achieves financial stability. Therefore, Capricorns often show their emotionality, both in relationships with friends and with women, after 40 years. At this age, they begin to understand that it is worth living today, and not postponing everything until tomorrow.

Paternal feelings are poorly developed. They prefer to monitor children from a distance. Dad is always aware of school affairs, success, the state of health of his child. But you can rarely see him on the playground, competitions or just walking in the park with a baby, and even checking homework. The father prefers to give practical advice, provide financial support, and direct upbringing trusts the mother.

Influence on sun signs

Astrology claims that the transit moon affects Capricorns. She corrects the character traits of the solar representatives of the zodiac.Much depends on whether the night star is in the ascendant or the descendant, wrapped in a white or black side, what other influences are included in the calendar.


The conjunction of solar Aries and lunar Capricorn gives rise to an extremely ambitious personality. The whole life of this person is subordinated to the achievement of the goal, the pinnacle of his career. He has a logical mindset, practicality, masters only the knowledge that is of real benefit. He knows how to lead people, shows leadership qualities in any position. Tied to his parents, they are almost the only authorities for him. Marriage means little to this Aries, the family is just an episode in life, far from the main one.


In Taurus with lunar Capricorn in the natal chart, emotions and mind often live separately, especially in those born in May. On the one hand, he is an educated, tolerant, intelligent person. On the other hand, he is an ossified conservative, accustomed to judging others harshly. Taurus with such a combination are strong and domineering personalities, capable of achieving considerable success in life. They want to remake the whole world for themselves. Venus makes this sign sensual, it makes a good lover. Family relationships with such Taurus are successful if they do not turn into domestic dictators.


An analytical mind, thinking outside the box - these are the features of solar Gemini, supported by the influence of the lunar synastry. Outwardly, such people seem frivolous and gullible, but they have a hard core inside them. Gemini are looking for benefits everywhere, they are ready to compromise even with their own conscience in order to achieve success. They do not enter into conflicts, but their intellectual games are so subtle that those around them do not even notice how they are deceived. Emotionally, the representatives of this sign are cold, and the Moon in Capricorn only emphasizes this characteristic. They get married late, family will never be in the first place for them.


The changeable nature of Cancer is balanced by the lunar influence, but the emotional coloring does not disappear from it. The owner of such an astrological combination combines practicality, pragmatism, intelligence, with developed intuition, insight. He is well versed in people, knows how to manipulate others, while evoking sympathy. Cancer has the qualities of a leader and ambition, a desire to lead. He persists in pursuing his goals, using any methods. It makes a gentle and sensitive lover or beloved. Cancer appreciates family and can do a lot for loved ones.

a lion

Such people are said to have made themselves. The powerful combination of lion ambition and earth sign tenacity creates a strong personality. Leo sets a goal for himself in childhood and persists in achieving it throughout his life. He reaches great heights or falls, having lost everything. The main enemy of these people is their tendency to depression and the inability to experience failure. In love, they are demanding, sometimes they use partners to prove their own power. But they are not inclined to betrayal, they choose a husband or wife for life, they rarely get divorced.


People born with this combination are intellectuals. They even approach love from the point of view of logic, not emotions. A family is often created by calculation, children are brought up according to strict rules. Virgo is organized, pragmatic and pedantic. She tries to complete any task at the highest level, for which her superiors appreciate her. But Virgo lacks ambition, she can work all her life in one place, without moving up the career ladder. If she likes the business, the material side and success fade into the background.


Moon in Capricorn endows a person with leadership qualities

Moon in Capricorn endows a person with leadership qualities

Sun in Libra and Moon in Capricorn are a combination of a leader. The owner of such a natal chart is distinguished by charm, diplomacy, and purposefulness. He evokes sympathy from his superiors, therefore he moves up the career ladder even without sufficient knowledge and competencies.Libra is domineering and selfish, but not always self-confident, which is enhanced by the lunar influence. They need constant confirmation of their success and the approval of others. Family and personal relationships are far from the first place in this sign in life, although it does not suffer from chastity.


For a Scorpio with such an astrological combination, the question of independence is in the first place. He is smart, open-minded, analytical and intuitive. These traits allow Scorpio to take leadership positions, but independence often leads him aside, towards individual activity and freedom. The second feature of the sign is high moral qualities. He will never make a deal with his conscience and will not commit dishonest acts. If Mars interferes with the natal chart, Scorpios become warlike. These people are passionate and loyal lovers who value family. For the sake of loved ones, they are ready to sacrifice themselves.


The moon in the sign of Capricorn, combined with fiery Sagittarius, develops oratorical abilities, breadth of thinking, leadership qualities in a person. Holders of such a natal chart have a good sense of humor, feel the crowd, are able to direct it in the right direction. The moon reduces the tendency to impulsive and reckless actions in Sagittarius, increases his moral qualities. Such people will never act contrary to their principles, they are true children of Jupiter. In personal relationships, they are passionate lovers, whose sexual energy is inexhaustible. But they rarely find spiritual closeness with a partner, they always remain aloof and independent.


Twin Capricorns in childhood often have poor health, which does not allow them to realize their dreams in early youth. But in middle age, a favorable sextile opens up for them. They are ambitious, willing to work hard to achieve their goal. They love to impress people and rule. By nature, they are realists and egoists, stingy with feelings. They show no interest in art, abstract and philosophical ideas. Close relationships do not start, the creation of a family is postponed. They often lead an ascetic lifestyle, and money is used only to promote their status, career and achieve power.


In Aquarius, with such a combination of heavenly bodies, nobility, self-confidence, insight, fearlessness, and a vivid imagination develop. These are individualists who prefer to live by established rules. They are ambitious, but they never compromise their honor and principles in order to achieve a goal. Even at the peak of success, they do not lose their heads. In society, such people are respected, they are not envied, because Aquarians achieve everything by their own efforts. In personal relationships, they are cold, rarely attached to someone, they start a family late.


The lunar effect has a positive effect on Pisces. They learn to combine abstract and philosophical ideas with specific goals. They are well versed in people and the motives of their actions. Discerning, intelligent and realistic Pisces are capable of achieving success in business and politics. They are willing to take risks if they are confident in the result. They hide their true feelings and intentions, which helps to bypass competitors. In love, sincere, but demanding. They want the partner to give himself up to feelings, but they themselves reciprocate.


The lunar horoscope of Capricorn is just a trend that affects emotions. There is always a chance to change your character and destiny if you know the strengths and weaknesses.

A woman with a moon in Capricorn should become softer, and a man more emotional. Each person has angels and demons in his soul, you just need to control them correctly.

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