How does the moon in Scorpio affect a person?

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The moon in Scorpio affects a person, regardless of his sun sign of the zodiac. Changes can be both positive and negative. The lunar sign is determined according to a special calendar. The year and time of birth, the ascendant (the rising or waxing moon) and the descendant (the descending or affected moon) are taken into account.

How does the moon in Scorpio affect a person?

How does the moon in Scorpio affect a person?

The meaning of the moon in Scorpio

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and its second patron planet is Mars. These celestial bodies endow the moon sign with special features. Pluto is responsible for intuition and attractiveness, it also leads to frequent self-flagellation, variability of nature. Mars is the god of war, its phase gives courage, determination, and at the same time makes a person vindictive and jealous.

The moon in Scorpio affects the character in different ways. She comes into conflict with a complex and mystical zodiac sign. This is reflected in personality traits. On the one hand, the night star softens the harsh features, on the other, Scorpio sharpens the sensuality of the moon. People with this combination are violent, very emotional. Other astrological aspects are also influencing, for example, the Vedic chart or the Sati Sade period, when the moon is at an angle of 45 С to the planet Saturn. For the lunar Scorpio, this situation is unfavorable.

Positive character traits

Here are the positive traits that the transit of the moon through the sign of Scorpio endows a person with:

  • Self-sufficiency
  • Determination
  • Persistence
  • Patience and endurance
  • Intuition

According to Indian astrology Jyotish, Scorpio is a brahminical sign, with a developed intuition, prone to mystical philosophical reflections. He is ruled by the mysterious element of water. The moon makes him secretive, stingy with the manifestations of feelings that rage in the soul of this sign.

People with Scorpio in the Moon are reliable, they always keep their word, for the sake of loved ones they are ready for self-sacrifice. They know how to achieve their goals, without support and even overcoming the resistance and intrigues of enemies. They have their own point of view on everything and rarely adapt to the world around them. Rather subordinate others to their will than follow someone else's lead.

The Plutonian has a strong will and perseverance, which helps him to resist circumstances, not to retreat in front of difficulties. Decisiveness pushes you to take risks, but developed intuition allows you to miraculously avoid failure and danger. He, without unclenching his teeth, moves towards the goal until he reaches the desired one.

Negative character traits

The transit ingression of the Moon in Scorpio also leaves a negative mark on a person's natal chart. Here are the traits that affect character:

  • Stubbornness
  • Irascibility
  • Aggression
  • Sarcasm
  • Lust for power
  • Frequent mood swings

The influence of the Moon in conjunction with Scorpio makes a person secretive and distrustful.Phenomenal memory, especially for grudges, makes him vindictive. Passions are raging in the soul of people with such a combination, from time to time they spill out. Only close people are able to withstand such an explosive character, but it is also not easy for them to get along with this sign.

Independence leads to problems in your personal life. A person does not tolerate restrictions, therefore, he runs away from close relationships. In the family, he becomes a tyrant, tries to control every step of the partner. This "vinaigrette" is complemented by unmotivated aggression, constant sarcastic jokes and remarks. Therefore, such people often part with their partners, marry several times.

Interpretation for women

Moon in Scorpio adds emotion to a woman

The moon in Scorpio adds emotion to a woman

The moon in Scorpio in a woman makes her sensual, emotional and at the same time secretive. A girl will never show a guy her interest if she is not completely sure of reciprocity. In personal relationships, such ladies are proprietors, they want to control their partner in everything. But they themselves do not tolerate a subordinate position, prefer equality, demand freedom and respect for personal space.

The woman has a quick temper. She accumulates anger and dissatisfaction in herself for a long time, then she needs an outlet for emotions. Therefore, ladies provoke conflicts, arrange scandals at the first opportunity, although they cannot be called truly hysterical. This behavior is associated with internal anxiety, self-criticism. With the next outbreak, you just need to wait a little until the storm passes, after a short time everything will be fine.

Girls with the Moon in Scorpio do not tolerate monotony. They need constant movement, they set goals for themselves and strive to achieve them. The same behavior is required from a partner. If a man listens to his partner's advice, he will achieve his goal. This woman is smart, progressive, knows how to lead and direct so that the beloved will not even notice. It seems to him that he makes decisions himself.

In sex, she is frantic and passionate, she has no equal. She is ready for many experiments, has no complexes. Women like tactile touch and long-term caresses. Their love game is varied and sophisticated. They have extraordinary appeal and sexuality. It is about them that they say: "This is a femme fatale." But the representative of this sign is both romantic and vulnerable. She is not walking, she is not satisfied with sex without love and feelings. With all the modern decline in morals, he is looking for a real relationship and seeks to create a family, although a wedding is never an end in itself for her.

If the Moon is in Scorpio for a woman, she makes a good mother. She strictly brings up the child, but at the same time gives him freedom, respects personal space. When children grow up, mothers allow them to be realized, to look for their place in life, do not limit their creative aspirations. At the same time, they help to cope with difficulties and support any undertakings.

Interpretation for men

The moon in Scorpio for a man adds emotion and self-confidence to him. Representatives of the stronger sex with such a combination always strive to lead, adjust the world for themselves, and achieve their goals. They successfully pursue a career in any field, although they often succumb to temptations and break into emotions. They prefer to play the role of the head of the family in the house.

In a relationship, they are looking for a partner who will allow them to play the first violin. They want to solve all family problems - from everyday little things to the future of children. Such men are jealous owners, they want to control every step of the second half. At the same time, they do not tolerate passive women who are not able to experience true passion. They want their partner to support them in all their endeavors, show sympathy and understanding.

Moon Scorpios are passionate and skillful lovers, sometimes prone to sadism.At the same time, they are romantic and sensual, looking for true and mutual love. Women do not tolerate "ice floes" in bed, although they make every effort to melt the heart of their partner. For them, bodily contact is a logical continuation of the relationship, and not an end in itself. Therefore, you should not perceive these men as ladies' men. They value consistency, family, and loyalty. If a guy falls in love, he will remain faithful to his soul mate as long as the feelings burn.

The partner needs to get used to the mood swings of the second half, she has a lot to learn. If the Moon is in Scorpio for a man, he needs personal space. Such people are used to hiding their feelings, experiencing problems alone with themselves. They are also prone to emotional breakdowns, outbursts of anger. A woman should be ready for a difficult relationship, learn to understand her partner and respond correctly to his scandals. If there is real spiritual closeness between spouses, they will survive any storm.

Influence on the sun signs of the zodiac

People with the Moon in Scorpio are born under different solar signs of the zodiac. The luminary of the night more affects the sensory and emotional sphere. The sun is responsible for rational, practical character traits. The combination gives interesting results.


For Aries, whose month of birth is April, this is a good combination. The moon endows the solar sign of the zodiac with intuition and the ability to hide their own feelings, which Aries lacks so much. It helps you better focus on your goals, not jump from one case to another. In a love relationship, it makes them faithful, but increases jealousy. There is also a negative influence, such people risk turning into egoists and tyrants if they do not work on themselves, show sympathy for their loved ones.


The moon helps Taurus develop intuition

The moon helps Taurus develop intuition

The characteristic of such a combination is not very favorable, especially if the month of birth is May. Scorpio enhances the negative traits of Taurus - jealousy, stubbornness, irascibility. Such people risk becoming overbearing house tyrants or authoritarian bosses. If they work on themselves, they will benefit from an unusual combination. The Moon-Venus square, formed in this sign, makes him not only sensual, but also an inventive lover without complexes. The moon helps to better understand people, thanks to the development of intuition.


Synastry (compatibility) between water and air signs is not the best. It is good for the twins, helps to harmonize their essence. They become more emotional, able to experience deep feelings and affection, to sympathize with loved ones. An analytical mind and ingenuity are enhanced by intuition, a strong will and the ability to focus on a specific goal appear. At the same time, a person runs the risk of becoming even more selfish, in addition to being vindictive. Especially when the month of birth is June.


A person with such a natal chart attracts people to him. This is an artistic nature that hides real feelings behind a mask and is able to create a false impression of herself among others. It is difficult to guess the true intentions of such people. Men and women have a pragmatic streak - they do not waste money, they create their own business, they achieve success in different fields. In love, they are romantic, vulnerable and tender, and in sex they are passionate and inventive.

a lion

If the Moon is in Scorpio and the Sun is in Leo, an explosive mixture is obtained. The character and fate depend on how much a person is able to control himself. In the absence of control, he becomes a selfish tyrant. He perceives life as a theater, does not want to take on responsibilities. Society for him turns into a jungle, where everyone is for himself and the fittest survives. With enough control, the Lion turns into a real king of beasts.The moon teaches you to better understand people, unravel complex puzzles, and achieve success even in adverse conditions.


Compatibility in this combination is good. Virgo's rational mind is complemented by Scorpio's intuition and emotionality. A positive effect is observed in the love sphere, because Virgo lacks sensuality and relaxedness in bed. But there is also a negative of this combination, such people become too stubborn in their judgments. They cling to their own ideas, not considering alternatives. They have good prospects in creative professions, but in business and management they will hardly be able to achieve success.


Such people are distinguished by curiosity, a sharp mind, good analytical skills. They are versed in politics, art, natural sciences. The moon teaches us to cast aside doubts, to penetrate deeper into all areas of knowledge, which is so lacking in Libra. The influence of a watermark can also be negative. Libra loses its lightness, its tendency to compromise. They become vindictive and vindictive. They also have a tendency to deep depression, if you do not feed the inquisitive mind with new hobbies, Libra will turn into a lazy and sad couch potato.


This is a truly dangerous option, according to legend, the devil Lilith was born in just such a combination. If a person absorbs all the negative influences of the Moon and the Sun, his character will become unbearable. Such individuals are prone to promiscuous sexual relations, perversions. They are extremely domineering, trying to subordinate everyone to their own will. To achieve the goal, they use brutal methods, they cruelly take revenge on any offender. Under favorable circumstances, this combination gives rise to creative individuals who are able to create, to make self-sacrifice for the sake of loved ones.


Sagittarius value family relationships

Sagittarius value family relationships

In Sagittarius, temperament, independence and intuition are enhanced. They become more secretive and delicate, do not dump all their emotions on others. If such a person is offended, he will give a double answer - he will bite with a sting and wound with an arrow. Therefore, you must always be careful with him. Sagittarius learn easily, boldly set goals for themselves. The moon sign will help you better work out plans, not jump from one case to another. In love, these people become more faithful and constant, value family relationships.


According to the horoscope, passion and feelings awaken in Capricorn, which he hides. He begins to live a full life, without complexes and restrictions. At the same time, stubbornness and self-confidence increase. Such people believe that they can judge others and their actions. Their own opinion is always correct for them, they rarely change it. The combination of solar Capricorn and lunar Scorpio is good for business. A person is able to achieve a lot by his persistence, rational distribution of income. He feels people well, bypasses any pitfalls, unravels intrigues. Although contacts with others are difficult for him.


In solar Aquarius, both positive and negative traits open and intensify. His ambitions grow, the desire to achieve success in life. He starts closer relationships with people, real affections appear in life. Empathy becomes deep, not superficial. The negative influence is manifested in the strengthening of selfishness, conceit, stubbornness. Such people need wise mentors who will help develop their inner world, look more critically at their own actions, and protect them from unnecessary stress.


The Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Scorpio give birth to true mystics and seers. The intuition of such people is so developed that they are able to understand people, their actions without words, to see prophetic dreams. They have great creative abilities, often geniuses are born under these signs. They are passionate and gentle lovers who value loyalty and affection.Negative influences include a tendency to depression, excessive immersion in your own inner world. The white streak in their lives quickly turns into black if they don't learn to control their difficult emotional state.


It is difficult to penetrate into all the secrets of astrology. But the horoscope helps to better understand the character of a person, his abilities and inclinations. Today, many are trying to take into account the position of the stars when planning their affairs for the day: cutting hair, buying and treating, choosing a profession, getting married. The management or a special calendar calculator helps to find out your moon sign.

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