The meaning of the moon in Aquarius

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Character traits that determine behavioral reactions to the impact of the outside world largely depend on the position of the moon at the time of birth. The moon in Aquarius endows a person with a craving for knowledge of the world. Independent flexible thinking makes personality interesting.

The meaning of the moon in Aquarius

The meaning of the moon in Aquarius

The influence of the moon

The determining influence of the planet is Uranus and Saturn. The element controls the Air sign. This situation creates a heightened perception of all aspects related to freedom, spiritual development. Uranus defines spiritual closeness, Saturn makes relationships lasting. In Aquarius, altruism and selfishness are combined.

Uranus makes the inner world unstable, so a person can dramatically change their mood. Uranus also contributes to the achievement of good results in research activities. The Moon in Aquarius warns of the danger of developing diseases of the musculoskeletal system, blood clots. An unstable inner world provokes diseases of the nervous system.

The moon in Aquarius, located in the natal chart, determines the life goal of a person. For him, gaining experience is a way to prove his superiority. The transit of the Moon determines the external and internal perception. Such a person needs a goal, otherwise she loses the meaning of existence and falls into depression.

The Moon in Aquarius is in the second house - determines a good financial situation. Aquarians have a great instinct, they know where to get money. They get great pleasure from food, they are cheerful. The person feels an acute need for money. The feeling of inner comfort depends on the financial situation.

General characteristics of Aquarius

The moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius fills a person with the desire to know the world around him. They are independent individuals with their own views. Their soul is open to contemplation. Almost all Aquarians have fantastic goals, sometimes completely unattainable, which often leads them to depression. They need patience and discipline, then their resources will work in the right direction.

The transit of the Moon through the constellation of Aquarius causes reactive impulses. At this moment, a person is capable of a lot. Aquarius is shrewd and diligent. She always helps others, but motives are often provoked not only by altruism, but also by egocentrism. Aquarius helps his neighbor to satisfy his ego.

Having received a positive development, nature subsequently forms an intuitive flair, which allows you to find quick ways to attract money. In tandem with Venus, the Moon endows a person with a craving for art. Aquarians have a well-developed auditory memory. They love to read. Being in constant search, they eventually come to an understanding of the true purpose, find ways to achieve the goal with the help of others, unobtrusively introducing them into their process of activity.

Aquarius woman traits

The moon in Aquarius in a woman gives her special character traits.Already at the beginning of a child's life path, his ability to perceive the world differently is determined, not to follow established standards, but to look for his own ways to solve the set tasks. Femininity attracts members of the opposite sex, but she is in no hurry to settle at home as a housewife.

Moon in Aquarius for a woman promises the achievement of certain heights in career development. Her nature longs for love, but outwardly remains cold and unapproachable. She loves to be in the center of events, to attract attention with her abilities. Usually, the Aquarius woman is balanced and endures the blows of fate, but inside it is a fragile vulnerable entity, she needs the care, love, warmth and affection of a loved one. Without the support of her beloved, her wings fall, her positive attitude disappears.

The moon in Aquarius in a woman reveals the dark and light sides. In the first position, we see an egocentric personality, with predominantly negative character traits. She is arrogant, proud, changing her decisions every second. It is ruled by a point in the moon's orbit called Lilith (the dark side of the Earth's satellite). In the second position, this is a sensitive person who knows how to empathize, give people care and warmth, a good mother.

Moon in Aquarius helps a woman reach heights at work

Moon in Aquarius helps a woman reach heights at work

Characteristics of the Aquarius woman:

  • passionate, irrepressible personality, looking for ways to self-development;
  • freedom-loving, does not tolerate encroachments on her personal space;
  • vulnerable inside, seeking mutual understanding, love;
  • does not know how to forgive treason, for a long time takes revenge for the insult.

The love horoscope for this zodiac sign describes good compatibility with Gemini, Pisces, Scorpio and Sagittarius. A man for a Sagittarius woman is not just a husband, but a faithful friend and partner in all her endeavors. She needs a soul mate who can withstand her whims, support her in difficult situations, but does not encroach on personal freedom.

Characteristics of the Aquarius man

The moon in Aquarius in a man speaks of leadership inclinations. Helps to achieve financial independence. From an early age, males are able to lure others into the process of their activities, taking advantage of this. A portion of healthy selfishness tells them that in order to achieve a goal and receive help from people, you must first help them. He solves material issues by doing what he loves.

If an Aquarius man works in a field that is not interesting to him, he becomes depressed. In love, he is gentle, caring. A man is looking for for himself not just a wife, but a muse who can motivate, inspire and bring zest to his life. He needs a girlfriend, not a housewife baking pies.

Outwardly, such a person is cold, does not speak tender words, proves his love in practice.

Moon in Aquarius sets the mind of a man against traditional foundations. He is innovative, able to rebuild and create great projects from scratch. At work, he is one of the most valuable employees. He trusts his personal opinion and listens little to instructions, which brings him to the rug to his superiors.

Mobility, unstable inner world makes it impossible to miscalculate his behavioral reactions. He himself comes to the rescue, subconsciously feeling what is necessary at this moment. At another moment, he simply retreats to avoid a critical situation.

The Aquarius man has good compatibility with the Pisces and Libra woman. These signs of the Zodiac know how to balance each other, smooth out sharp corners. There are no barriers to their feelings. Pisces and Libra are respectful of any partner's aspirations and know how to calm their impulsivity. Such women can quietly bypass the conflict and direct the husband's resources in the right direction for the benefit of themselves.

Auspicious days

Make yourself a calendar of auspicious days

Make yourself a calendar of auspicious days

In the zodiac chart, there are favorable and unfavorable schedules, calculating which, you can avoid many problems with work and maintain peace of mind.The calendar of auspicious days advises making reports, planning rationalization affairs for 6, 4 and 1 days of lunar status. On day 4, pay attention to dreams: they can give a hint on how to play the situation correctly. The most favorable month for Aquarius is February. This is their finest hour.

The white stripe on the zodiac chart for Aquarius begins in June. It is better to plan your wedding in April. The waxing moon phase on Thursday is a good day for haircuts, today the damaged hair structure will quickly recover, so coloring will not hurt. Growing Moon in Pisces - it's time to take care of the state of the garden.

7, 8, 9 and 10 lunar days are favorable for submitting documents to a university, engaging in occult activities. These days it is not bad to make some useful acquaintances, they will be useful to you in the future. The time is right to introduce your new ideas into the workflow. Having entered them for 10 days, tomorrow you will get a positive result. It is better to make purchases of real estate and move on the 7th.

Plan meetings with sponsors, active pastime at the beginning of each month. The Moon in Aquarius in a woman advises to plan conception on the 7-8 day of the cycle. Buying gas equipment, household appliances is better than 15 days of the lunar cycle. On auspicious days, direct your opportunities to self-education. By improving your skills, you can easily prove that your ideas are worth attention.

Bad days

Refuse to change the workplace on the 29th day of the lunar cycle. At this moment, a black streak begins in the life of Aquarius. Refuse to go with your suggestions to the authorities and complaints to higher authorities on the 5th day. Repair work, planting flowers and garden crops will not give positive results.

The danger for Aquarius lies in working with electrical appliances, gas equipment on the 13th day of the cycle. The Moon in Aquarius for a woman / man calls not to get involved in conflict situations on the 12-13th. This can lead to bodily harm. During the described period of time, you will be extremely aggressive, for which you can pay with moral and physical health.


Astrology provides a unique opportunity to calculate your strengths and weaknesses in order to improve further and not get into funny situations. A correctly composed horoscope and an understanding of the influence on the essence of the Moon allows you to effectively adjust your activity and mental reactions. Moon in Aquarius for men / women gives them a special flair and worldview.

Man is constantly looking for ways of development. This person is sociable, extravagant in judgments. It attracts many followers with its unusual approach to business.

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