Moon in Aries

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The period when the Moon is in Aries is regarded by knowledgeable gardeners as a time of drought and a halt in plant growth. Aries is a sign related to the element of fire, therefore it symbolizes a hot period in nature.

At this time it is not worth:

  • Plant seedlings in the ground;
  • Sow seeds;
  • Root seedlings;
  • Transplant plants;
  • Excessively moisten the soil.

This time is dangerous due to dryness, so you should not carry out planting and transplant operations. Any manipulations with the soil should be postponed. The soil is dry and needs high-quality makeup. It is unlikely that gardeners will be able to sufficiently moisturize the soil on this day.

Seeds planted in the ground will not sprout, they will simply "suffocate" in the soil. It is not worth planting seedlings in the ground on this day, as it risks drying out and burning in the sun. She is not strong enough to grow.

Even large and strong plants are not recommended to be replanted, because it will not be easy for them to adapt in dried soil. Soon after transplanting, the plants will begin to lose their vigor.


The time period when the Moon is in Aries is ideal for harvesting. The harvest on this day will be ripe and sweet. It can be canned and processed. The canned crop can be used within a year - it can be stored for a long time.

On this day, you can rid the beds of excess weeds. Weeds consume too much nutrients from the soil, so it is best to get rid of them.

This time is good for cutting flowers. Bouquets made from flowers picked that day will last longer than usual.

It is recommended to replenish dried herbs. The medicinal herbs collected during this period of time will dry out quickly and for several years they will perfectly keep their healing effect and benefit you during seasonal illnesses.

You can also dry herbs, which are then ideal for seasoning various dishes. On this day, any cut grass will dry out in a matter of hours, which will have a positive effect on its medicinal properties.

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