Characteristics of cucumbers variety Gerasim F1

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cucumber variety Gerasim is a hybrid. It is easy to grow it outdoors, under plastic and in a greenhouse. A detailed description of these cucumbers is presented in the article.

Characteristics of cucumbers variety Gerasim F1

Characteristics of cucumbers variety Gerasim F1

Characteristics of the variety

Cucumbers of the Gerasim variety are classified as parthenocarpic. The plant does not form strong branches. The culture is characterized by a female flowering type. Each nodule contains at least three female flowers. The small leaves have a pleasant green color.

Hybrid Gerasim F1 is early maturing. Ripe fruits appear 40 days after the first shoots appear. There are bushes that begin to bear fruit as early as 35 days.

Gerasim F1 has short cylindrical fruits of dark green color. Throughout the greenery there are short stripes and weak spots. The surface of the cucumber is covered with small tubercles. With a length of up to 12 cm, it weighs 110-120 grams. From 1 square meter of cucumber beds, up to 12 kg of crop are harvested.

Vegetable growers note the pleasant taste of Gerasim cucumber. The fruits of this culture are rich in vitamins. Such cucumbers do not lose their taste when preserved.


Cucumber Gerasim F1 shows good yields regardless of growing conditions. Growing a hybrid in a greenhouse is recommended in cases where the climatic conditions of your region are unpredictable.

In the greenhouse

If you plan to grow Gerasim cucumbers in a greenhouse, then start sowing seeds for seedlings at the end of April. The first shoots will appear in 5 - 7 days. Plant sprouts that are already 25 days old and have two true leaves in a permanent place.

When growing seedlings, do not forget:

  1. cucumbers love fertile soil.
  2. it is impossible to overmoisten the soil.
  3. create an optimal temperature regime.
  4. don't forget to feed the plants.
  5. do not overdo the sprouts.
  6. harden the plants before planting in a permanent place.

In the open field

Gardeners have been planting Gerasim cucumbers in open ground since the second half of May. By this time, the soil warmed up to a temperature of 16 ° C. The frosts have already passed. Adhere to the planting scheme 70x30 cm.In the future, you will water, feed, and harvest without hindrance.

Create favorable conditions for growth

Create favorable conditions for growth

Vegetable growers recommend sowing seeds in several stages. Starting in mid-May, after a week, sow cucumbers in the garden. Do this until mid-June. Further seeding will not yield results. The plant does not like long light days.

Fertilize the soil in cucumber beds with organic mixtures. Better to do this in the fall. A well-lit place for growing should be chosen, but not in the open sun.

To create favorable conditions for the growth of the plant, make sure that the predecessors of cucumbers in the garden are not beans, carrots, zucchini, melons or watermelons.


Gerasim F1 loves moisture, fertilizer, light, warmth. To obtain large yields from cucumber beds, organize proper watering, monitor the temperature regime and the amount of light falling on the cucumbers, add nutrient mixtures.

Watering, temperature and light

Vegetable growers give tips on how to properly water cucumber beds:

  1. Use warm, standing water to water the hybrid.
  2. Avoid excess moisture in the beds. This provokes the development of diseases in the plant.
  3. Water cucumbers in the evening or early in the morning before the onset of heat, once every three to four days.
  4. During summer periods with high temperatures, the plant needs additional watering. Reduce the watering interval or water the crop both morning and evening.
  5. When watering cucumbers, make sure that no water gets on the green leaves and stems of the plant. This will cause burns.

At the germination stage, a stable temperature of at least 20 ° C is required. In case of sudden cold snaps, cover the sprouts with a temporary film cover. Reduce watering of the plant during this time.

In hot weather, add extra shade to the vegetable. For these purposes, a small canopy made of light and breathable materials is suitable.

If Gerasim F1 grows in a greenhouse, provide room ventilation. This will avoid excess moisture and heat.

Top dressing

The plant needs mandatory fertilization

The plant needs mandatory fertilization

Cucumbers need timely feeding. Otherwise, the harvest in the beds will be very poor. Fertilize for the first time two weeks after full sprouting.

During this period, the plant needs nitrogen. This element strengthens plants, contributes to the rapid growth of green mass. You should not get carried away with fertilizing with nitrogen-containing substances. Excess nitrogen will turn your cucumber bushes into beautiful decorative flowers.

Carry out each next feeding in 10-14 days. When fertilizing cucumbers, do not forget that the plant needs phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium for normal flowering and fruiting. Specialized stores offer ready-made preparations for feeding cucumbers at each specific stage of the growing season.


For the correct organization of the nutrition process, use the following rules:

  1. When fertilizing cucumber beds, combine them with watering.
  2. Apply foliar dressing, spray the plants in the evening or on a cloudy day.
  3. Alternate mineral fertilizers with organic fertilizers.
  4. Avoid excess fertilizer.
  5. Continue fertilizing the cucumbers during fruiting.

Bush formation

The cucumber needs to be tied to the trellis. The hybrid has a bouquet type of ovary. Therefore, several flowers appear at the same time. Some of them do not stand up to competition, dry up and disappear. To avoid this situation, shape the bushes as they grow.

Do not allow multiple stems to develop. Dazzle the bottom 3 knots, remove all side shoots all the way to the top. Leave 2 shoots under the top. Do not forget to pinch them after the second sheet.

Fight disease

The variety is highly resistant to fungal diseases. Cucumber resists well all types of spotting, root rot, powdery mildew.

In order to prevent the development of the disease, do not forget to take preventive measures. Treat the plant with fungicides. They can be purchased at specialized stores.


Any vegetable grower can grow an early ripe variety of Gerasim F1 cucumbers. If you create favorable conditions for the plant throughout its growing season, then the volume of the crop yield will delight and surprise not only the owner of the garden, but also the neighbors.

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